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synced 2025-02-18 06:18:33 +00:00
* Swap GC nickname fields The first nickname field is used for the displayed nickname, such as for EFIGS PKM whose names get truncated in Japanese games. The second nickname field stores the actual nickname, which is restored when a PKM is traded back to the GBA games. * Add StringFont3GC * Add GC/GBA string conversion tables/logic * Refactor GC region conversion * Minor tweaks Skip copying nickname/OT on generic conversion method; derived impl will remap the trash for us. Extract the DisplayNickname truncation function and deduplicate. Use buffers directly when updating Make CurrentRegion/OriginalRegion properties GCRegion instead of int/byte Extract local func for font check skip for clarity
302 lines
12 KiB
302 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 <see cref="SaveFile"/> object for Pokémon Colosseum saves.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV3Colosseum : SaveFile, IGCSaveFile, IBoxDetailName, IDaycareStorage, IDaycareExperience
protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{OT} ({Version}) - {PlayTimeString}";
public override string Extension => this.GCExtension();
public override PersonalTable3 Personal => PersonalTable.RS;
public override ReadOnlySpan<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_RS;
public SAV3GCMemoryCard? MemoryCard { get; init; }
private readonly Memory<byte> Raw;
private new Span<byte> Data => Raw.Span;
protected override Span<byte> BoxBuffer => Data;
protected override Span<byte> PartyBuffer => Data;
// 3 Save files are stored
// 0x0000-0x6000 contains memory card data
// 0x6000-0x60000 contains the 3 save slots
// 0x5A000 / 3 = 0x1E000 per save slot
// Checksum is SHA1 over 0-0x1DFD7, stored in the last 20 bytes of the save slot.
// Another SHA1 hash is 0x1DFD8, for 20 bytes. Unknown purpose.
// Checksum is used as the crypto key.
private readonly int SaveCount = -1;
private readonly int SaveIndex = -1;
private readonly StrategyMemo StrategyMemo;
public const int MaxShadowID = 0x80; // 128
private int Memo;
private int DaycareOffset;
private readonly bool Japanese;
public SAV3Colosseum(bool japanese = false)
Japanese = japanese;
Raw = new byte[ColoCrypto.SLOT_SIZE];
StrategyMemo = Initialize();
public SAV3Colosseum(byte[] data) : base(data)
Japanese = data[0] == 0x83; // Japanese game name first character
// Decrypt most recent save slot
(SaveIndex, SaveCount) = ColoCrypto.DetectLatest(data);
Raw = ColoCrypto.GetSlot(data.AsMemory(), SaveIndex);
StrategyMemo = Initialize();
private StrategyMemo Initialize()
// Trainer1 = 0x00078;
Party = 0x000A8;
Box = 0x00B90;
DaycareOffset = 0x08170;
Memo = 0x082B0;
// Since PartyCount is not stored in the save file,
// Count up how many party slots are active.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var ofs = GetPartyOffset(i);
var span = Data[ofs..];
if (ReadUInt16BigEndian(span) != 0) // species is at offset 0x00
var memo = new StrategyMemo(Data[Memo..], xd: false);
return memo;
protected override byte[] GetFinalData()
var newFile = GetInnerData();
// Return the gci if Memory Card is not being exported
if (MemoryCard is null)
return newFile;
return MemoryCard.Data.ToArray();
private byte[] GetInnerData()
// Put save slot back in original save data
byte[] newFile = (byte[])base.Data.Clone();
ColoCrypto.SetSlot(newFile, SaveIndex, Data);
return newFile;
// Configuration
protected override SAV3Colosseum CloneInternal() => new(GetInnerData()) { MemoryCard = MemoryCard };
protected override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_3CSTORED;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_3CSTORED; // unused
public override CK3 BlankPKM => new();
public override Type PKMType => typeof(CK3);
public override ushort MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_3;
public override ushort MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_3;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_3;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3_COLO;
public override GameVersion MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_3;
public override int MaxEV => EffortValues.Max255;
public override byte Generation => 3;
public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen3;
public override int MaxStringLengthTrainer => 10; // as evident by Mattle Ho-Oh
public override int MaxStringLengthNickname => 10;
public override int MaxMoney => 9999999;
public override int BoxCount => 3;
public override bool IsPKMPresent(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => EntityDetection.IsPresentGC(data);
protected override void SetChecksums() => ColoCrypto.SetChecksums(Data);
public override bool ChecksumsValid => !ChecksumInfo.Contains("Invalid");
public override string ChecksumInfo
(bool isHeaderValid, bool isBodyValid) = ColoCrypto.IsChecksumValid(Data);
static string valid(bool s) => s ? "Valid" : "Invalid";
return $"Header Checksum {valid(isHeaderValid)}, Body Checksum {valid(isBodyValid)}.";
// Trainer Info
public override GameVersion Version { get => GameVersion.COLO; set { } }
// Storage
public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot)
return Party + (SIZE_STORED * slot);
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box)
return Box + (((30 * SIZE_STORED) + 0x14)*box) + 0x14;
private Span<byte> GetBoxNameSpan(int box) => Data.Slice(Box + (0x24A4 * box), 16);
public string GetBoxName(int box)
return GetString(GetBoxNameSpan(box));
public void SetBoxName(int box, ReadOnlySpan<char> value)
SetString(GetBoxNameSpan(box), value, 8, StringConverterOption.ClearZero);
protected override CK3 GetPKM(byte[] data)
if (data.Length != SIZE_STORED)
Array.Resize(ref data, SIZE_STORED);
return new(data);
protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) => data;
protected override void SetPKM(PKM pk, bool isParty = false)
if (pk is not CK3 ck3)
var oldRegion = ck3.CurrentRegion;
ck3.CurrentRegion = CurrentRegion;
ck3.OriginalRegion = OriginalRegion;
StringConverter3GC.RemapGlyphsBetweenRegions3GC(ck3.NicknameTrash, oldRegion, ck3.CurrentRegion, ck3.Language);
StringConverter3GC.RemapGlyphsBetweenRegions3GC(ck3.OriginalTrainerTrash, oldRegion, ck3.CurrentRegion, ck3.Language);
ck3.ForceCorrectFatefulState(Japanese, ck3.FatefulEncounter);
protected override void SetDex(PKM pk)
if (pk.Species is 0 or > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3)
if (pk.IsEgg)
// Dex Related
var entry = StrategyMemo.GetEntry(pk.Species);
if (entry.IsEmpty) // Populate
entry.Species = pk.Species;
entry.PID = pk.PID;
entry.ID32 = pk.ID32;
if (entry.Matches(pk.Species, pk.PID, pk.ID32))
entry.Seen = true;
entry.Owned = true;
// Config
private const int Config = 0x08;
public GCVersion GCGameIndex { get => (GCVersion)Data[Config + 0x00]; set => Data[Config + 0x00] = (byte)value; }
public GCRegion CurrentRegion { get => (GCRegion)Data[Config + 0x01]; set => Data[Config + 0x01] = (byte)value; }
public GCRegion OriginalRegion { get => (GCRegion)Data[Config + 0x02]; set => Data[Config + 0x02] = (byte)value; }
public LanguageGC GCLanguage { get => (LanguageGC)Data[Config + 0x03]; set => Data[Config + 0x03] = (byte)value; }
public override int Language { get => (int)GCLanguage.ToLanguageID(); set => GCLanguage = ((LanguageID)value).ToLanguageGC(); }
private TimeSpan PlayedSpan
get => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ReadSingleBigEndian(Data[(Config + 0x20)..]));
set => WriteSingleBigEndian(Data[(Config + 0x20)..], (float)value.TotalSeconds);
public override int PlayedHours
get => (ushort)PlayedSpan.TotalHours;
set { var time = PlayedSpan; PlayedSpan = time - TimeSpan.FromHours((int)time.TotalHours) + TimeSpan.FromHours(value); }
public override int PlayedMinutes
get => (byte)PlayedSpan.Minutes;
set { var time = PlayedSpan; PlayedSpan = time - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(time.Minutes) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(value); }
public override int PlayedSeconds
get => (byte)PlayedSpan.Seconds;
set { var time = PlayedSpan; PlayedSpan = time - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time.Seconds) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(value); }
// Trainer Info (offset 0x78, length 0xB18, end @ 0xB90)
public override string OT { get => GetString(Data.Slice(0x78, 20)); set { SetString(Data.Slice(0x78, 20), value, 10, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); OT2 = value; } }
public string OT2 { get => GetString(Data.Slice(0x8C, 20)); set => SetString(Data.Slice(0x8C, 20), value, 10, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); }
public override uint ID32 { get => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data[0xA4..]); set => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data[0xA4..], value); }
public override ushort SID16 { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data[0xA4..]); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data[0xA4..], value); }
public override ushort TID16 { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data[0xA6..]); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data[0xA6..], value); }
public override byte Gender { get => Data[0xAF8]; set => Data[0xAF8] = value; }
public override uint Money { get => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data[0xAFC..]); set => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data[0xAFC..], value); }
public uint Coupons { get => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data[0xB00..]); set => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data[0xB00..], value); }
public string RUI_Name { get => GetString(Data.Slice(0xB3A, 20)); set => SetString(Data.Slice(0xB3A, 20), value, 10, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); }
public override IReadOnlyList<InventoryPouch> Inventory
var info = ItemStorage3Colo.Instance;
InventoryPouch[] pouch =
new InventoryPouch3GC(InventoryType.Items, info, 99, 0x007F8, 20), // 20 COLO, 30 XD
new InventoryPouch3GC(InventoryType.KeyItems, info, 1, 0x00848, 43),
new InventoryPouch3GC(InventoryType.Balls, info, 99, 0x008F4, 16),
new InventoryPouch3GC(InventoryType.TMHMs, info, 99, 0x00934, 64), // no HMs
new InventoryPouch3GC(InventoryType.Berries, info, 999, 0x00A34, 46),
new InventoryPouch3GC(InventoryType.Medicine, info, 99, 0x00AEC, 3), // Cologne
return pouch.LoadAll(Data);
set => value.SaveAll(Data);
// Daycare Structure:
// 0x00 -- Occupied
// 0x01 -- Deposited Level
// 0x02-0x03 -- unused?
// 0x04-0x07 -- Initial EXP
public int DaycareSlotCount => 1;
public bool IsDaycareOccupied(int slot) => Data[DaycareOffset] != 0;
public void SetDaycareOccupied(int slot, bool occupied) => Data[DaycareOffset] = (byte)(occupied ? 1 : 0);
public byte DaycareDepositLevel { get => Data[DaycareOffset + 1]; set => Data[DaycareOffset + 1] = value; }
public uint GetDaycareEXP(int index) => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data[(DaycareOffset + 4)..]);
public void SetDaycareEXP(int index, uint value) => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data[(DaycareOffset + 4)..], value);
public Memory<byte> GetDaycareSlot(int slot) => Raw.Slice(DaycareOffset + 8, PokeCrypto.SIZE_3CSTORED);
public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
=> StringConverter3GC.GetString(data);
public override int LoadString(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, Span<char> destBuffer)
=> StringConverter3GC.LoadString(data, destBuffer);
public override int SetString(Span<byte> destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option)
=> StringConverter3GC.SetString(destBuffer, value, maxLength, option);