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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:34 +00:00
Existing `get`/`set` logic is flawed in that it doesn't work on Big Endian operating systems, and it allocates heap objects when it doesn't need to. `System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives` in the `System.Memory` NuGet package provides both Little Endian and Big Endian methods to read and write data; all the `get`/`set` operations have been reworked to use this new API. This removes the need for PKHeX's manual `BigEndian` class, as all functions are already covered by the BinaryPrimitives API. The `StringConverter` has now been rewritten to accept a Span to read from & write to, no longer requiring a temporary StringBuilder. Other Fixes included: - The Super Training UI for Gen6 has been reworked according to the latest block structure additions. - Cloning a Stadium2 Save File now works correctly (opening from the Folder browser list). - Checksum & Sanity properties removed from parent PKM class, and is now implemented via interface.
468 lines
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468 lines
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using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public abstract class G4PKM : PKM,
IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetEvent4, IRibbonSetUnique3, IRibbonSetUnique4, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetCommon4,
IContestStats, IContestStatsMutable, IGroundTile
protected G4PKM(byte[] data) : base(data) { }
protected G4PKM(int size) : base(size) { }
// Maximums
public sealed override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_4;
public sealed override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_4;
public sealed override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_4;
public sealed override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_4_HGSS;
public sealed override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_4;
public sealed override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_4;
public sealed override int MaxIV => 31;
public sealed override int MaxEV => 255;
public sealed override int OTLength => 7;
public sealed override int NickLength => 10;
public sealed override int PSV => (int)((PID >> 16 ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) >> 3);
public sealed override int TSV => (TID ^ SID) >> 3;
protected bool PtHGSS => Pt || HGSS;
public sealed override int Characteristic
int pm6 = (int)(EncryptionConstant % 6); // PID
int maxIV = MaximumIV;
int pm6stat = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
pm6stat = (pm6 + i) % 6;
if (GetIV(pm6stat) == maxIV)
return (pm6stat * 5) + (maxIV % 5);
public abstract ushort Sanity { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Checksum { get; set; }
public sealed override void RefreshChecksum() => Checksum = CalculateChecksum();
public sealed override bool ChecksumValid => CalculateChecksum() == Checksum;
public override bool Valid { get => Sanity == 0 && ChecksumValid; set { if (!value) return; Sanity = 0; RefreshChecksum(); } }
protected virtual ushort CalculateChecksum() => PokeCrypto.GetCHK(Data, PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED);
// Trash Bytes
public sealed override Span<byte> Nickname_Trash => Data.AsSpan(0x48, 22);
public sealed override Span<byte> OT_Trash => Data.AsSpan(0x68, 16);
// Future Attributes
public sealed override uint EncryptionConstant { get => PID; set { } }
public sealed override int Nature { get => (int)(PID % 25); set { } }
public sealed override int CurrentFriendship { get => OT_Friendship; set => OT_Friendship = value; }
public sealed override int CurrentHandler { get => 0; set { } }
public sealed override int AbilityNumber { get => 1 << PIDAbility; set { } }
public abstract int ShinyLeaf { get; set; }
#region Ribbons
public abstract bool RibbonEarth { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonNational { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonCountry { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionBattle { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionRegional { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionNational { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonClassic { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonWishing { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonPremier { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonEvent { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonBirthday { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonSpecial { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonWorld { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionWorld { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonSouvenir { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonWinning { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonVictory { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAbility { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAbilityGreat { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAbilityDouble { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAbilityMulti { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAbilityPair { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAbilityWorld { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3Cool { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3CoolSuper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3CoolHyper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3CoolMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3Beauty { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3BeautySuper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3BeautyHyper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3BeautyMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3Cute { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3CuteSuper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3CuteHyper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3CuteMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3Smart { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3SmartSuper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3SmartHyper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3SmartMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3Tough { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3ToughSuper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3ToughHyper { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG3ToughMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4Cool { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4CoolGreat { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4CoolUltra { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4CoolMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4Beauty { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4BeautyGreat { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4BeautyUltra { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4BeautyMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4Cute { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4CuteGreat { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4CuteUltra { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4CuteMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4Smart { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4SmartGreat { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4SmartUltra { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4SmartMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4Tough { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4ToughGreat { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4ToughUltra { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonG4ToughMaster { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionG3 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonArtist { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonEffort { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionSinnoh { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonAlert { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonShock { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonDowncast { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonCareless { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonRelax { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonSnooze { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonSmile { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonGorgeous { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonRoyal { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonGorgeousRoyal { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonFootprint { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonRecord { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonLegend { get; set; }
// Unused
public abstract bool RIB3_4 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIB3_5 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIB3_6 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIB3_7 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBA_4 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBA_5 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBA_6 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBA_7 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_0 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_1 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_2 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_3 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_4 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_5 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_6 { get; set; }
public abstract bool RIBB_7 { get; set; }
public abstract byte CNT_Cool { get; set; }
public abstract byte CNT_Beauty { get; set; }
public abstract byte CNT_Cute { get; set; }
public abstract byte CNT_Smart { get; set; }
public abstract byte CNT_Tough { get; set; }
public abstract byte CNT_Sheen { get; set; }
public abstract GroundTileType GroundTile { get; set; }
public abstract byte BallDPPt { get; set; }
public abstract byte BallHGSS { get; set; }
public abstract byte PokéathlonStat { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Egg_LocationDP { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Egg_LocationExtended { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Met_LocationDP { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Met_LocationExtended { get; set; }
public sealed override int Egg_Location
ushort hgssloc = Egg_LocationExtended;
if (hgssloc != 0)
return hgssloc;
return Egg_LocationDP;
if (value == 0)
Egg_LocationDP = Egg_LocationExtended = 0;
else if (Locations.IsPtHGSSLocation(value) || Locations.IsPtHGSSLocationEgg(value))
// Met location not in DP, set to Faraway Place
Egg_LocationDP = Locations.Faraway4;
Egg_LocationExtended = (ushort)value;
int pthgss = PtHGSS ? value : 0; // only set to PtHGSS loc if encountered in game
Egg_LocationDP = (ushort)pthgss;
Egg_LocationExtended = (ushort)value;
public sealed override int Met_Location
ushort hgssloc = Met_LocationExtended;
if (hgssloc != 0)
return hgssloc;
return Met_LocationDP;
if (value == 0)
Met_LocationDP = Met_LocationExtended = 0;
else if (Locations.IsPtHGSSLocation(value) || Locations.IsPtHGSSLocationEgg(value))
// Met location not in DP, set to Faraway Place
Met_LocationDP = Locations.Faraway4;
Met_LocationExtended = (ushort)value;
int pthgss = PtHGSS ? value : 0; // only set to PtHGSS loc if encountered in game
Met_LocationDP = (ushort)pthgss;
Met_LocationExtended = (ushort)value;
public sealed override int Ball
// HG/SS added new ball IDs mid-generation, and the previous Gen4 games couldn't handle invalid ball values.
// Pokémon obtained in HG/SS have the HG/SS ball value set (@0x86) to the capture ball.
// However, this info is not set in event gift data!
// Event gift data contains a pre-formatted PK4 template, which is slightly mutated.
// No HG/SS ball values were used in these event gifts, and no HG/SS ball values are set (0).
// To get the display ball (assume HG/SS +), return the higher of the two values.
get => Math.Max(BallHGSS, BallDPPt);
static byte Clamp(int value, Ball max) => (uint)value <= (uint)max ? (byte)value : (byte)Core.Ball.Poke;
// Ball to display in DPPt
BallDPPt = Clamp(value, Core.Ball.Cherish);
// Only set the HG/SS value if it originated in HG/SS and was not an event.
if (!HGSS || FatefulEncounter)
BallHGSS = 0;
BallHGSS = Clamp(value, Core.Ball.Sport);
// Synthetic Trading Logic
public bool Trade(string SAV_Trainer, int SAV_TID, int SAV_SID, int SAV_GENDER, int Day = 1, int Month = 1, int Year = 2009)
// Eggs do not have any modifications done if they are traded
if (IsEgg && !(SAV_Trainer == OT_Name && SAV_TID == TID && SAV_SID == SID && SAV_GENDER == OT_Gender))
SetLinkTradeEgg(Day, Month, Year, Locations.LinkTrade4);
return true;
return false;
protected T ConvertTo<T>() where T : G4PKM, new()
var pk = new T
Species = Species,
HeldItem = HeldItem,
OT_Friendship = OT_Friendship,
Ability = Ability,
Language = Language,
IsEgg = IsEgg,
IsNicknamed = IsNicknamed,
OT_Gender = OT_Gender,
CNT_Cool = CNT_Cool,
CNT_Beauty = CNT_Beauty,
CNT_Cute = CNT_Cute,
CNT_Smart = CNT_Smart,
CNT_Tough = CNT_Tough,
CNT_Sheen = CNT_Sheen,
Move1 = Move1,
Move2 = Move2,
Move3 = Move3,
Move4 = Move4,
Move1_PP = Move1_PP,
Move2_PP = Move2_PP,
Move3_PP = Move3_PP,
Move4_PP = Move4_PP,
Move1_PPUps = Move1_PPUps,
Move2_PPUps = Move2_PPUps,
Move3_PPUps = Move3_PPUps,
Move4_PPUps = Move4_PPUps,
Gender = Gender,
Form = Form,
ShinyLeaf = ShinyLeaf,
Version = Version,
PKRS_Days = PKRS_Days,
PKRS_Strain = PKRS_Strain,
BallDPPt = BallDPPt,
BallHGSS = BallHGSS,
GroundTile = GroundTile,
PokéathlonStat = PokéathlonStat,
FatefulEncounter = FatefulEncounter,
Met_Level = Met_Level,
Met_Location = Met_Location,
Met_Year = Met_Year,
Met_Month = Met_Month,
Met_Day = Met_Day,
Egg_Location = Egg_Location,
Egg_Year = Egg_Year,
Egg_Month = Egg_Month,
Egg_Day = Egg_Day,
#region Ribbons
RibbonChampionSinnoh = RibbonChampionSinnoh,
RibbonAbility = RibbonAbility,
RibbonAbilityGreat = RibbonAbilityGreat,
RibbonAbilityDouble = RibbonAbilityDouble,
RibbonAbilityMulti = RibbonAbilityMulti,
RibbonAbilityPair = RibbonAbilityPair,
RibbonAbilityWorld = RibbonAbilityWorld,
RibbonAlert = RibbonAlert,
RibbonShock = RibbonShock,
RibbonDowncast = RibbonDowncast,
RibbonCareless = RibbonCareless,
RibbonRelax = RibbonRelax,
RibbonSnooze = RibbonSnooze,
RibbonSmile = RibbonSmile,
RibbonGorgeous = RibbonGorgeous,
RibbonRoyal = RibbonRoyal,
RibbonGorgeousRoyal = RibbonGorgeousRoyal,
RibbonFootprint = RibbonFootprint,
RibbonRecord = RibbonRecord,
RibbonEvent = RibbonEvent,
RibbonLegend = RibbonLegend,
RibbonChampionWorld = RibbonChampionWorld,
RibbonBirthday = RibbonBirthday,
RibbonSpecial = RibbonSpecial,
RibbonSouvenir = RibbonSouvenir,
RibbonWishing = RibbonWishing,
RibbonClassic = RibbonClassic,
RibbonPremier = RibbonPremier,
RibbonG3Cool = RibbonG3Cool,
RibbonG3CoolSuper = RibbonG3CoolSuper,
RibbonG3CoolHyper = RibbonG3CoolHyper,
RibbonG3CoolMaster = RibbonG3CoolMaster,
RibbonG3Beauty = RibbonG3Beauty,
RibbonG3BeautySuper = RibbonG3BeautySuper,
RibbonG3BeautyHyper = RibbonG3BeautyHyper,
RibbonG3BeautyMaster = RibbonG3BeautyMaster,
RibbonG3Cute = RibbonG3Cute,
RibbonG3CuteSuper = RibbonG3CuteSuper,
RibbonG3CuteHyper = RibbonG3CuteHyper,
RibbonG3CuteMaster = RibbonG3CuteMaster,
RibbonG3Smart = RibbonG3Smart,
RibbonG3SmartSuper = RibbonG3SmartSuper,
RibbonG3SmartHyper = RibbonG3SmartHyper,
RibbonG3SmartMaster = RibbonG3SmartMaster,
RibbonG3Tough = RibbonG3Tough,
RibbonG3ToughSuper = RibbonG3ToughSuper,
RibbonG3ToughHyper = RibbonG3ToughHyper,
RibbonG3ToughMaster = RibbonG3ToughMaster,
RibbonChampionG3 = RibbonChampionG3,
RibbonWinning = RibbonWinning,
RibbonVictory = RibbonVictory,
RibbonArtist = RibbonArtist,
RibbonEffort = RibbonEffort,
RibbonChampionBattle = RibbonChampionBattle,
RibbonChampionRegional = RibbonChampionRegional,
RibbonChampionNational = RibbonChampionNational,
RibbonCountry = RibbonCountry,
RibbonNational = RibbonNational,
RibbonEarth = RibbonEarth,
RibbonWorld = RibbonWorld,
RibbonG4Cool = RibbonG4Cool,
RibbonG4CoolGreat = RibbonG4CoolGreat,
RibbonG4CoolUltra = RibbonG4CoolUltra,
RibbonG4CoolMaster = RibbonG4CoolMaster,
RibbonG4Beauty = RibbonG4Beauty,
RibbonG4BeautyGreat = RibbonG4BeautyGreat,
RibbonG4BeautyUltra = RibbonG4BeautyUltra,
RibbonG4BeautyMaster = RibbonG4BeautyMaster,
RibbonG4Cute = RibbonG4Cute,
RibbonG4CuteGreat = RibbonG4CuteGreat,
RibbonG4CuteUltra = RibbonG4CuteUltra,
RibbonG4CuteMaster = RibbonG4CuteMaster,
RibbonG4Smart = RibbonG4Smart,
RibbonG4SmartGreat = RibbonG4SmartGreat,
RibbonG4SmartUltra = RibbonG4SmartUltra,
RibbonG4SmartMaster = RibbonG4SmartMaster,
RibbonG4Tough = RibbonG4Tough,
RibbonG4ToughGreat = RibbonG4ToughGreat,
RibbonG4ToughUltra = RibbonG4ToughUltra,
RibbonG4ToughMaster = RibbonG4ToughMaster,
RIB3_4 = RIB3_4,
RIB3_5 = RIB3_5,
RIB3_6 = RIB3_6,
RIB3_7 = RIB3_7,
RIBA_4 = RIBA_4,
RIBA_5 = RIBA_5,
RIBA_6 = RIBA_6,
RIBA_7 = RIBA_7,
RIBB_0 = RIBB_0,
RIBB_1 = RIBB_1,
RIBB_2 = RIBB_2,
RIBB_3 = RIBB_3,
RIBB_4 = RIBB_4,
RIBB_5 = RIBB_5,
RIBB_6 = RIBB_6,
RIBB_7 = RIBB_7,
// Transfer Trash Bytes
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) // Nickname
pk.Data[0x48 + (2 * i)] = Data[0x48 + (2 * i) + 1];
pk.Data[0x48 + (2 * i) + 1] = Data[0x48 + (2 * i)];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // OT_Name
pk.Data[0x68 + (2 * i)] = Data[0x68 + (2 * i) + 1];
pk.Data[0x68 + (2 * i) + 1] = Data[0x68 + (2 * i)];
return pk;