Kurt ff649009ca Misc tweaks
misc perf adjustments
add utility for slot locked check (without box argument, absolute slot
localize dragdrop strings
increase dragdrop file delete delay (dropping files into discord waits
until you confirm; 10s gives enough time to hit confirm)
2018-12-17 11:17:19 -08:00

330 lines
26 KiB

// ReSharper disable AutoPropertyCanBeMadeGetOnly.Global
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generic Message Strings used for messages shown to the user.
/// </summary>
public static class MessageStrings
#region Generic Program Messages
public static string MsgProgramRestart { get; set; } = "Please restart the program.";
public static string MsgProgramIllegalModeBehave { get; set; } = "Please behave.";
public static string MsgProgramIllegalModeActive { get; set; } = "Illegal mode activated.";
public static string MsgProgramUpdateAvailable { get; set; } = "New Update Available!";
public static string MsgProgramCloseUnsaved { get; set; } = "Any unsaved changes will be lost.";
public static string MsgProgramCloseConfirm { get; set; } = "Are you sure you want to close PKHeX?";
public static string MsgProgramError { get; set; } = "ERROR";
public static string MsgProgramErrorExpectedHex { get; set; } = "Expected Text containing only the following characters (0-9, A-F).";
public static string MsgSettingsLoadFail { get; set; } = "Unable to load settings.";
public static string MsgSettingsResetCorrupt { get; set; } = "Program settings are corrupt. Would you like to reset the settings?";
public static string MsgSettingsResetPrompt { get; set; } = "Yes to delete the program settings, or No to close the program.";
public static string MsgSettingsResetSuccess { get; set; } = "Program settings have been deleted.";
public static string MsgAny { get; set; } = "Any";
public static string MsgAll { get; set; } = "All";
public static string MsgYes { get; set; } = "Yes";
public static string MsgNo { get; set; } = "No";
public static string MsgContinue { get; set; } = "Continue?";
public static string MsgGameColosseum { get; set; } = "Colosseum";
public static string MsgGameXD { get; set; } = "XD";
public static string MsgGameRSBOX { get; set; } = "RS Box";
public static string MsgFileDeleteCount { get; set; } = "{0} files deleted.";
public static string MsgFolderNotFound { get; set; } = "Can't find folder:";
public static string MsgWindowClose { get; set; } = "The current window will now close.";
public static string MsgResearchRequired { get; set; } = "Needs more research.";
#region Main Window
public static string MsgFileLoad { get; set; } = "File Loaded:";
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used only for release
public static string MsgFileLoadFail { get; set; } = "Unable to load file.";
public static string MsgFileLoadFailAuto { get; set; } = "An error occurred while attempting to auto-load your save file.";
public static string MsgFileLoadFailAutoAdvise { get; set; } = "It is advised to manually remove bad filenames from the folder.";
public static string MsgFileLoadFailAutoCause { get; set; } = "This is likely caused by Homebrew creating invalid filenames.";
public static string MsgFileLoadVersionSelect { get; set; } = "Select version.";
public static string MsgFileLoadVersionDetect { get; set; } = "Generation {0} Save File detected.";
public static string MsgFileLoadEncrypted { get; set; } = "PKHeX only edits decrypted save files.";
public static string MsgFileLoadEncryptedFail { get; set; } = "This save file is not decrypted.";
public static string MsgFileLoadXorpad1 { get; set; } = "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000.";
public static string MsgFileLoadXorpad2 { get; set; } = "Press No to load the sav at 0x82000.";
public static string MsgFileLoadIncompatible { get; set; } = "Binary is not compatible with save file.";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveFail { get; set; } = "The data file is not a valid save file.";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveDetected { get; set; } = "Save File Detected.";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveLoadFail { get; set; } = "Invalid save file loaded. Aborting.";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveDetectReload { get; set; } = "Open save file from the following location?";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveSelectVersion { get; set; } = "Select the version.";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveSelectGame { get; set; } = "Select a game to edit.";
public static string MsgFileLoadSaveMultiple { get; set; } = "Multiple games detected";
public static string MsgFileGameCubeBad { get; set; } = "Invalid or corrupted GC Memory Card. Aborting.";
public static string MsgFileGameCubeDuplicate { get; set; } = "GC Memory Card with duplicated game save files. Aborting.";
public static string MsgFileGameCubeNoGames { get; set; } = "GC Memory Card without any Pokémon save file. Aborting.";
public static string MsgFileSize { get; set; } = "File Size: {0} bytes";
public static string MsgFileSizeLarge { get; set; } = "Input file is too large.";
public static string MsgFileSizeSmall { get; set; } = "Input file is too small.";
public static string MsgFileWriteFail { get; set; } = "Unable to save file.";
public static string MsgFileWriteProtected { get; set; } = "File's location is write protected:";
public static string MsgFileWriteProtectedAdvice { get; set; } = "If the file is on a removable disk (SD card), please ensure the write protection switch is not set.";
public static string MsgFileInUse { get; set; } = "Unable to load file. It could be in use by another program.";
public static string MsgFileUnsupported { get; set; } = "Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size. This could mean PKHeX doesn't support your save file or your save file is corrupt.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertSuccess { get; set; } = "Converted from {0} to {1}.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertFail { get; set; } = "Conversion failed.";
public static string MsgPKMMysteryGiftFail { get; set; } = "Mystery Gift is not a Pokémon.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertFailFormat { get; set; } = "Cannot convert a {0} to {1}";
public static string MsgPKMConvertFailBackwards { get; set; } = "Can't load {0}s to Gen{1} saves.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertFailForme { get; set; } = "Form cannot be transferred to future games.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertFailNoMethod { get; set; } = "Cannot transfer this format to the requested format.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertIncompatible { get; set; } = "Cannot load {0} {1}s to {2} saves.";
public static string MsgPKMConvertInternational { get; set; } = "International";
public static string MsgPKMConvertJapanese { get; set; } = "Japanese";
public static string MsgClipboardLegalityExport { get; set; } = "Copy report to Clipboard?";
public static string MsgClipboardFailRead { get; set; } = "Clipboard does not contain text.";
public static string MsgClipboardFailWrite { get; set; } = "Unable to set text to Clipboard.";
public static string MsgSimulatorFailClipboard { get; set; } = "Set data not found in clipboard.";
public static string MsgSimulatorLoad { get; set; } = "Import this set?";
public static string MsgSimulatorInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid lines detected:";
public static string MsgSimulatorExportBadFields { get; set; } = "Fix data before exporting.";
public static string MsgSimulatorExportFail { get; set; } = "Try exporting again.";
public static string MsgSimulatorExportSuccess { get; set; } = "Exported Showdown Set to Clipboard:";
public static string MsgSimulatorExportParty { get; set; } = "Showdown Team (Party) set to Clipboard.";
public static string MsgSimulatorExportBattleBox { get; set; } = "Showdown Team (Battle Box) set to Clipboard.";
public static string MsgSimulatorExportList { get; set; } = "Showdown Sets copied to Clipboard.";
public static string MsgLegalityAllowTradebacks { get; set; } = "Generation 1 Save File detected. Allow tradebacks from Generation 2 for legality purposes?";
public static string MsgLegalityAllowTradebacksYes { get; set; } = "Yes: Allow Generation 2 tradeback learnsets";
public static string MsgLegalityAllowTradebacksNo { get; set; } = "No: Don't allow Generation 2 tradeback learnsets";
public static string MsgBackupCreateLocation { get; set; } = "PKHeX can perform automatic backups if you create a folder with the name '{0}' in the same folder as PKHeX's executable.";
public static string MsgBackupCreateQuestion { get; set; } = "Would you like to create the backup folder now?";
public static string MsgBackupDelete { get; set; } = "If you wish to no longer automatically back up save files, delete the '{0}' folder.";
public static string MsgBackupUnable { get; set; } = "Unable to create backup folder";
public static string MsgBackupSuccess { get; set; } = "Backup folder created!";
public static string MsgDatabase { get; set; } = "PKHeX's database was not found.";
public static string MsgDatabaseAdvice { get; set; } = "Please dump all boxes from a save file, then ensure the '{0}' folder exists.";
public static string MsgDatabaseExport { get; set; } = "Save to PKHeX's database?";
public static string MsgDatabaseLoad { get; set; } = "Load from PKHeX's database?";
#region PKM Editor
public static string MsgPKMLoadNull { get; set; } = "Attempted to load a null file.";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionFormat { get; set; } = "Suggestions are not enabled for this PKM format.";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionMoves { get; set; } = "Apply suggested current moves?";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionRelearn { get; set; } = "Apply suggested relearn moves?";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionNone { get; set; } = "Unable to provide a suggestion.";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionStart { get; set; } = "Suggested:";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionMetLocation { get; set; } = "Met Location:";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionMetLevel { get; set; } = "Met Level:";
public static string MsgPKMSuggestionLevel { get; set; } = "Current Level:";
#region Save Editor
public static string MsgSaveExportSuccessPath { get; set; } = "SAV exported to:";
public static string MsgSaveExportContinue { get; set; } = "Continue saving?";
public static string MsgSaveSlotEmpty { get; set; } = "Can't have an empty/egg party.";
public static string MsgSaveSlotLocked { get; set; } = "Can't modify a locked slot.";
public static string MsgSaveSlotBadData { get; set; } = "Unable to set to this slot.";
public static string MsgSaveBackup { get; set; } = "Saved Backup of current SAV to:";
public static string MsgSaveCurrentGeneration { get; set; } = "Current SAV Generation: {0}";
public static string MsgSaveBoxCloneFromTabs { get; set; } = "Clone Pokemon from Editing Tabs to all slots in {0}?";
public static string MsgSaveBoxSortCurrent { get; set; } = "Sort Current Box?";
public static string MsgSaveBoxSortCurrentFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the sorting of box.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxSortCurrentSuccess { get; set; } = "Current Box sorted!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxSortAll { get; set; } = "Sort ALL Boxes?!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxSortAllFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the sorting of all boxes.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxSortAllSuccess { get; set; } = "Boxes sorted!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxClearCurrent { get; set; } = "Clear Current Box?";
public static string MsgSaveBoxClearCurrentFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the clearing of box.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxClearCurrentSuccess { get; set; } = "Current Box cleared!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxClearAll { get; set; } = "Clear ALL Boxes?!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxClearAllFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the clearing of all boxes.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxClearAllSuccess { get; set; } = "Boxes cleared!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxFailNone { get; set; } = "The currently loaded save file does not have boxes!";
public static string MsgSaveBoxExportYes { get; set; } = "Yes: Export All Boxes";
public static string MsgSaveBoxExportNo { get; set; } = "No: Export {0} (Box {1})";
public static string MsgSaveBoxExportCancel { get; set; } = "Cancel: Abort";
public static string MsgSaveBoxExportInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid Box Data, unable to dump.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxExportPathCount { get; set; } = "Dumped Box(es) ({0} pkm) to path:";
public static string MsgSaveBoxExportPathInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid path specified.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyIntro { get; set; } = "PKM Loading overrides:";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyYes { get; set; } = "Yes - Modify .pk* when set to SAV";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyCurrent { get; set; } = "Cancel - Use current settings ({0})";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyNo { get; set; } = "No - Don't modify .pk*";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportNoFiles { get; set; } = "No files loaded.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportSuccess { get; set; } = "Loaded {0} files to boxes.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportClear { get; set; } = "Clear subsequent boxes when importing data?";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportClearNo { get; set; } = "If you only want to overwrite for new data, press no.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportPCBinary { get; set; } = "PC Binary loaded.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportPCFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent loading of PC data.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportBoxBinary { get; set; } = "Box Binary loaded.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportBoxFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots in box prevent loading of box data.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportVideo { get; set; } = "Load Battle Video Pokémon data to the current box ({0})?";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportVideoSuccess { get; set; } = "Battle Video data loaded to box slots.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportVideoFailGeneration { get; set; } = "Cannot load the Battle Video to a different generation save file.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportOverwrite { get; set; } = "The current box will be overwritten.";
public static string MsgSaveBoxImportSkippedLocked { get; set; } = "Skipped {0} locked slot(s).";
public static string MsgSaveSwitchDaycareView { get; set; } = "Would you like to switch the view to the other Daycare?";
public static string MsgSaveSwitchDaycareCurrent { get; set; } = "Currently viewing daycare {0}.";
public static string MsgSaveGen6Passerby { get; set; } = "Export Passerby Info to Clipboard?";
public static string MsgSaveGen6FriendSafari { get; set; } = "No editing support for Friend Safari :(";
public static string MsgSaveGen6FriendSafariCheatDesc { get; set; } = "Unlock all 3 slots for each friend?";
public static string MsgSaveGen2RTCResetPassword { get; set; } = "RTC Reset Password: {0:00000}";
public static string MsgSaveJPEGExportFail { get; set; } = "No picture data found in the save file!";
public static string MsgSaveChecksumFailEdited { get; set; } = "Save has been edited. Cannot integrity check.";
public static string MsgSaveChecksumValid { get; set; } = "Checksums are valid.";
public static string MsgSaveChecksumFailExport { get; set; } = "Export Checksum Info to Clipboard?";
public static string MsgIndexItemRange { get; set; } = "Item Index beyond range:";
public static string MsgIndexItemGame { get; set; } = "Game can't obtain item:";
public static string MsgIndexItemHeld { get; set; } = "Game can't hold item:";
public static string MsgIndexSpeciesRange { get; set; } = "Species Index beyond range:";
public static string MsgIndexSpeciesGame { get; set; } = "Game can't obtain species:";
public static string MsgIndexMoveRange { get; set; } = "Move Index beyond range:";
public static string MsgIndexMoveGame { get; set; } = "Game can't obtain move:";
public static string MsgIndexAbilityRange { get; set; } = "Ability Index beyond range:";
public static string MsgIndexAbilityGame { get; set; } = "Ability Index beyond range:";
#region QR Codes
public static string MsgQRDecodeFail { get; set; } = "Decoded data not a valid PKM/Gift.";
public static string MsgQRDecodeSize { get; set; } = "QR Data Size: {0} bytes";
public static string MsgQRDeprecated { get; set; } = "QR codes are deprecated in favor of other methods.";
public static string MsgQRAlternative { get; set; } = "Consider utilizing homebrew or on-the-fly RAM editing custom firmware (PKMN-NTR).";
public static string MsgQRClipboardUrl { get; set; } = "Copy QR URL to Clipboard?";
public static string MsgQRClipboardImage { get; set; } = "Copy QR Image to Clipboard?";
public static string MsgQRClipboardFail { get; set; } = "Failed to set Image to Clipboard";
public static string MsgQRUrlFailPath { get; set; } = "Clipboard text is not a valid URL:";
public static string MsgQRUrlFailImage { get; set; } = "Reader could not find QR data in the image.";
public static string MsgQRUrlFailType { get; set; } = "Input URL is not valid. Double check that it is an image (jpg/png).";
public static string MsgQRUrlFailConnection { get; set; } = "Unable to connect to the internet to decode QR code.";
public static string MsgQRUrlFailConvert { get; set; } = "QR string to Data failed.";
#region Database
public static string MsgDBDeleteFailBackup { get; set; } = "Can't delete from a backup save.";
public static string MsgDBDeleteFailModified { get; set; } = "Database slot data does not match save data!";
public static string MsgDBDeleteFailWarning { get; set; } = "Don't move Pokémon after initializing the Database, please re-open the Database viewer.";
public static string MsgDBAddFailExistsFile { get; set; } = "File already exists in database!";
public static string MsgDBAddFailExistsPKM { get; set; } = "Pokémon already exists in database.";
public static string MsgDBAddFromTabsSuccess { get; set; } = "Added Pokémon from tabs to database.";
public static string MsgDBCreateReportPrompt { get; set; } = "Generate a Report on all data?";
public static string MsgDBCreateReportWarning { get; set; } = "This may take a while...";
public static string MsgDBCreateReportFail { get; set; } = "No results to export.";
public static string MsgDBExportResultsPrompt { get; set; } = "Export results to a folder?";
public static string MsgDBSearchLegalityWordfilter { get; set; } = "Check wordfilter legality?";
public static string MsgDBSearchFail { get; set; } = "No data source to search!";
public static string MsgDBSearchNone { get; set; } = "No results found!";
public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneWarning { get; set; } = "Deleting clones from database is not reversible.";
public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneAdvice { get; set; } = "If a PKM is deemed a clone, only the newest file (date modified) will be kept.";
public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneFail { get; set; } = "Unable to delete clone:";
public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneNone { get; set; } = "No clones detected or deleted.";
public static string MsgExportWC3DataFail { get; set; } = "Unable to save WC3 data. No data to save!";
#region Batch Editor
public static string MsgBEToolTipPropName { get; set; } = "Property of a given PKM to modify.";
public static string MsgBEToolTipPropType { get; set; } = "PropertyType of the currently loaded PKM in the main window.";
public static string MsgBEToolTipPropValue { get; set; } = "PropertyValue of the currently loaded PKM in the main window.";
public static string MsgBEFilterEmpty { get; set; } = "Empty Filter Value detected.";
public static string MsgBEPropertyEmpty { get; set; } = "Empty Property Value(s) detected:";
public static string MsgBEPropertyInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid property selected.";
public static string MsgBEInstructionInvalid { get; set; } = "Line length error in instruction list.";
public static string MsgBEInstructionNone { get; set; } = "No instructions defined for a modification set.";
public static string MsgBEModifySuccess { get; set; } = "Modified {0}{1}/{2} files.";
public static string MsgBEModifyFailBlocked { get; set; } = "Skipped a file due to disallowed value:";
public static string MsgBEModifyFailError { get; set; } = "{0} files ignored due to an internal error.";
public static string MsgBEModifyFail { get; set; } = "Unable to modify {0} to {1}.";
public static string MsgBEModifyFailCompare { get; set; } = "Unable to compare {0} to {1}.";
public static string MsgExportFolder { get; set; } = "Please select the folder where the files will be saved to.";
public static string MsgExportFolderAdvice { get; set; } = "This can be the same folder as the source of PKM files.";
#region Misc
public static string MsgReportExportTable { get; set; } = "Copy as formatted table?";
public static string MsgReportExportCSV { get; set; } = "Save all the data to CSV?";
public static string MsgReportColumnHide { get; set; } = "Hide Column";
public static string MsgReportColumnRestore { get; set; } = "Restore Columns";
public static string MsgReportColumnHideFail { get; set; } = "No cells/Columns selected.";
public static string MsgReportColumnRestoreSuccess { get; set; } = "Column visibility restored.";
#region Mystery Gift
public static string MsgMsyteryGiftUsedAlert { get; set; } = "Mystery Gift is marked as USED and will not be able to be picked up in-game.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftUsedFix { get; set; } = "Do you want to remove the USED flag so that it is UNUSED?";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftInvalid { get; set; } = "File is not a Mystery Gift:";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftTypeUnexpected { get; set; } = "Expected Mystery Gift Type(s):";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftTypeDetails { get; set; } = "Gift Details are not compatible with the save file.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftTypeIncompatible { get; set; } = "Gift type is not compatible with the save file.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftParseFail { get; set; } = "Unable to create gift description.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftParseTypeUnknown { get; set; } = "Unknown Mystery Gift Type!";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotEmpty { get; set; } = "Empty Slot. No data!";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotFail { get; set; } = "Unable to insert the Mystery Gift.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotNone { get; set; } = "No Mystery Gift data found in loaded slot!";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotSpecialReject { get; set; } = "Does this Mystery Gift really belong to this game?";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotAlternate { get; set; } = "{0} gift was set to to a {1} slot instead.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotFailSwap { get; set; } = "Can't swap a {0} with a {1}.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftQRTypeLength { get; set; } = "Decoded data length not valid for loaded save file.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftQRRecieved { get; set; } = "QR Gift Type:";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftQREonTicket { get; set; } = "Eon Ticket Mystery Gift will not import correctly when received via QR.";
public static string MsgMysteryGiftQREonTicketAdvice { get; set; } = "Inject the Eon Ticket Mystery Gift to the save file instead.";
#region Inventory
public static string MsgItemPouchUnknown { get; set; } = "Unknown item detected.";
public static string MsgItemPouchCountUpdated { get; set; } = "Item count modified.";
public static string MsgItemCleared { get; set; } = "Items cleared.";
public static string MsgItemPouchSizeSmall { get; set; } = "Pouch is too small for all items.";
public static string MsgItemPouchRandom { get; set; } = "Yes: Give by Item ID{0}No: Random assortment";
public static string MsgItemPouchWarning { get; set; } = "If you save changes, the item(s) will no longer be in the pouch.";
public static string MsgItemPouchRemoved { get; set; } = "The following item(s) have been removed from the {0} pouch.";
#region Misc
public static string MsgSaveDifferentTypes { get; set; } = "Save File types are different.";
public static string MsgSaveDifferentVersions { get; set; } = "Save File versions are not the same.";
public static string MsgSaveNumberInvalid { get; set; } = "Save File {0} is not valid.";