// ReSharper disable AutoPropertyCanBeMadeGetOnly.Global namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Generic Message Strings used for messages shown to the user. /// public static class MessageStrings { #region Generic Program Messages public static string MsgProgramRestart { get; set; } = "Please restart the program."; public static string MsgProgramIllegalModeBehave { get; set; } = "Please behave."; public static string MsgProgramIllegalModeActive { get; set; } = "Illegal mode activated."; public static string MsgProgramUpdateAvailable { get; set; } = "New Update Available!"; public static string MsgProgramCloseUnsaved { get; set; } = "Any unsaved changes will be lost."; public static string MsgProgramCloseConfirm { get; set; } = "Are you sure you want to close PKHeX?"; public static string MsgProgramError { get; set; } = "ERROR"; public static string MsgProgramErrorExpectedHex { get; set; } = "Expected Text containing only the following characters (0-9, A-F)."; public static string MsgSettingsLoadFail { get; set; } = "Unable to load settings."; public static string MsgSettingsResetCorrupt { get; set; } = "Program settings are corrupt. Would you like to reset the settings?"; public static string MsgSettingsResetPrompt { get; set; } = "Yes to delete the program settings, or No to close the program."; public static string MsgSettingsResetSuccess { get; set; } = "Program settings have been deleted."; public static string MsgAny { get; set; } = "Any"; public static string MsgAll { get; set; } = "All"; public static string MsgYes { get; set; } = "Yes"; public static string MsgNo { get; set; } = "No"; public static string MsgContinue { get; set; } = "Continue?"; public static string MsgGameColosseum { get; set; } = "Colosseum"; public static string MsgGameXD { get; set; } = "XD"; public static string MsgGameRSBOX { get; set; } = "RS Box"; public static string MsgFileDeleteCount { get; set; } = "{0} files deleted."; public static string MsgFolderNotFound { get; set; } = "Can't find folder:"; public static string MsgWindowClose { get; set; } = "The current window will now close."; public static string MsgResearchRequired { get; set; } = "Needs more research."; #endregion #region Main Window public static string MsgFileLoad { get; set; } = "File Loaded:"; // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used only for release public static string MsgFileLoadFail { get; set; } = "Unable to load file."; public static string MsgFileLoadFailAuto { get; set; } = "An error occurred while attempting to auto-load your save file."; public static string MsgFileLoadFailAutoAdvise { get; set; } = "It is advised to manually remove bad filenames from the folder."; public static string MsgFileLoadFailAutoCause { get; set; } = "This is likely caused by Homebrew creating invalid filenames."; public static string MsgFileLoadVersionSelect { get; set; } = "Select version."; public static string MsgFileLoadVersionDetect { get; set; } = "Generation {0} Save File detected."; public static string MsgFileLoadEncrypted { get; set; } = "PKHeX only edits decrypted save files."; public static string MsgFileLoadEncryptedFail { get; set; } = "This save file is not decrypted."; public static string MsgFileLoadXorpad1 { get; set; } = "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000."; public static string MsgFileLoadXorpad2 { get; set; } = "Press No to load the sav at 0x82000."; public static string MsgFileLoadIncompatible { get; set; } = "Binary is not compatible with save file."; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveFail { get; set; } = "The data file is not a valid save file."; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveDetected { get; set; } = "Save File Detected."; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveLoadFail { get; set; } = "Invalid save file loaded. Aborting."; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveDetectReload { get; set; } = "Open save file from the following location?"; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveSelectVersion { get; set; } = "Select the version."; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveSelectGame { get; set; } = "Select a game to edit."; public static string MsgFileLoadSaveMultiple { get; set; } = "Multiple games detected"; public static string MsgFileGameCubeBad { get; set; } = "Invalid or corrupted GC Memory Card. Aborting."; public static string MsgFileGameCubeDuplicate { get; set; } = "GC Memory Card with duplicated game save files. Aborting."; public static string MsgFileGameCubeNoGames { get; set; } = "GC Memory Card without any Pokémon save file. Aborting."; public static string MsgFileSize { get; set; } = "File Size: {0} bytes"; public static string MsgFileSizeLarge { get; set; } = "Input file is too large."; public static string MsgFileSizeSmall { get; set; } = "Input file is too small."; public static string MsgFileWriteFail { get; set; } = "Unable to save file."; public static string MsgFileWriteProtected { get; set; } = "File's location is write protected:"; public static string MsgFileWriteProtectedAdvice { get; set; } = "If the file is on a removable disk (SD card), please ensure the write protection switch is not set."; public static string MsgFileInUse { get; set; } = "Unable to load file. It could be in use by another program."; public static string MsgFileUnsupported { get; set; } = "Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size. This could mean PKHeX doesn't support your save file or your save file is corrupt."; public static string MsgPKMConvertSuccess { get; set; } = "Converted from {0} to {1}."; public static string MsgPKMConvertFail { get; set; } = "Conversion failed."; public static string MsgPKMMysteryGiftFail { get; set; } = "Mystery Gift is not a Pokémon."; public static string MsgPKMConvertFailFormat { get; set; } = "Cannot convert a {0} to {1}"; public static string MsgPKMConvertFailBackwards { get; set; } = "Can't load {0}s to Gen{1} saves."; public static string MsgPKMConvertFailForme { get; set; } = "Form cannot be transferred to future games."; public static string MsgPKMConvertFailNoMethod { get; set; } = "Cannot transfer this format to the requested format."; public static string MsgPKMConvertIncompatible { get; set; } = "Cannot load {0} {1}s to {2} saves."; public static string MsgPKMConvertInternational { get; set; } = "International"; public static string MsgPKMConvertJapanese { get; set; } = "Japanese"; public static string MsgClipboardLegalityExport { get; set; } = "Copy report to Clipboard?"; public static string MsgClipboardFailRead { get; set; } = "Clipboard does not contain text."; public static string MsgClipboardFailWrite { get; set; } = "Unable to set text to Clipboard."; public static string MsgSimulatorFailClipboard { get; set; } = "Set data not found in clipboard."; public static string MsgSimulatorLoad { get; set; } = "Import this set?"; public static string MsgSimulatorInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid lines detected:"; public static string MsgSimulatorExportBadFields { get; set; } = "Fix data before exporting."; public static string MsgSimulatorExportFail { get; set; } = "Try exporting again."; public static string MsgSimulatorExportSuccess { get; set; } = "Exported Showdown Set to Clipboard:"; public static string MsgSimulatorExportParty { get; set; } = "Showdown Team (Party) set to Clipboard."; public static string MsgSimulatorExportBattleBox { get; set; } = "Showdown Team (Battle Box) set to Clipboard."; public static string MsgSimulatorExportList { get; set; } = "Showdown Sets copied to Clipboard."; public static string MsgLegalityAllowTradebacks { get; set; } = "Generation 1 Save File detected. Allow tradebacks from Generation 2 for legality purposes?"; public static string MsgLegalityAllowTradebacksYes { get; set; } = "Yes: Allow Generation 2 tradeback learnsets"; public static string MsgLegalityAllowTradebacksNo { get; set; } = "No: Don't allow Generation 2 tradeback learnsets"; public static string MsgBackupCreateLocation { get; set; } = "PKHeX can perform automatic backups if you create a folder with the name '{0}' in the same folder as PKHeX's executable."; public static string MsgBackupCreateQuestion { get; set; } = "Would you like to create the backup folder now?"; public static string MsgBackupDelete { get; set; } = "If you wish to no longer automatically back up save files, delete the '{0}' folder."; public static string MsgBackupUnable { get; set; } = "Unable to create backup folder"; public static string MsgBackupSuccess { get; set; } = "Backup folder created!"; public static string MsgDatabase { get; set; } = "PKHeX's database was not found."; public static string MsgDatabaseAdvice { get; set; } = "Please dump all boxes from a save file, then ensure the '{0}' folder exists."; public static string MsgDatabaseExport { get; set; } = "Save to PKHeX's database?"; public static string MsgDatabaseLoad { get; set; } = "Load from PKHeX's database?"; #endregion #region PKM Editor public static string MsgPKMLoadNull { get; set; } = "Attempted to load a null file."; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionFormat { get; set; } = "Suggestions are not enabled for this PKM format."; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionMoves { get; set; } = "Apply suggested current moves?"; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionRelearn { get; set; } = "Apply suggested relearn moves?"; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionNone { get; set; } = "Unable to provide a suggestion."; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionStart { get; set; } = "Suggested:"; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionMetLocation { get; set; } = "Met Location:"; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionMetLevel { get; set; } = "Met Level:"; public static string MsgPKMSuggestionLevel { get; set; } = "Current Level:"; #endregion #region Save Editor public static string MsgSaveExportSuccessPath { get; set; } = "SAV exported to:"; public static string MsgSaveExportContinue { get; set; } = "Continue saving?"; public static string MsgSaveSlotEmpty { get; set; } = "Can't have an empty/egg party."; public static string MsgSaveSlotLocked { get; set; } = "Can't modify a locked slot."; public static string MsgSaveSlotBadData { get; set; } = "Unable to set to this slot."; public static string MsgSaveBackup { get; set; } = "Saved Backup of current SAV to:"; public static string MsgSaveCurrentGeneration { get; set; } = "Current SAV Generation: {0}"; public static string MsgSaveBoxCloneFromTabs { get; set; } = "Clone Pokemon from Editing Tabs to all slots in {0}?"; public static string MsgSaveBoxSortCurrent { get; set; } = "Sort Current Box?"; public static string MsgSaveBoxSortCurrentFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the sorting of box."; public static string MsgSaveBoxSortCurrentSuccess { get; set; } = "Current Box sorted!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxSortAll { get; set; } = "Sort ALL Boxes?!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxSortAllFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the sorting of all boxes."; public static string MsgSaveBoxSortAllSuccess { get; set; } = "Boxes sorted!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxClearCurrent { get; set; } = "Clear Current Box?"; public static string MsgSaveBoxClearCurrentFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the clearing of box."; public static string MsgSaveBoxClearCurrentSuccess { get; set; } = "Current Box cleared!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxClearAll { get; set; } = "Clear ALL Boxes?!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxClearAllFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent the clearing of all boxes."; public static string MsgSaveBoxClearAllSuccess { get; set; } = "Boxes cleared!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxFailNone { get; set; } = "The currently loaded save file does not have boxes!"; public static string MsgSaveBoxExportYes { get; set; } = "Yes: Export All Boxes"; public static string MsgSaveBoxExportNo { get; set; } = "No: Export {0} (Box {1})"; public static string MsgSaveBoxExportCancel { get; set; } = "Cancel: Abort"; public static string MsgSaveBoxExportInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid Box Data, unable to dump."; public static string MsgSaveBoxExportPathCount { get; set; } = "Dumped Box(es) ({0} pkm) to path:"; public static string MsgSaveBoxExportPathInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid path specified."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyIntro { get; set; } = "PKM Loading overrides:"; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyYes { get; set; } = "Yes - Modify .pk* when set to SAV"; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyCurrent { get; set; } = "Cancel - Use current settings ({0})"; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportModifyNo { get; set; } = "No - Don't modify .pk*"; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportNoFiles { get; set; } = "No files loaded."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportSuccess { get; set; } = "Loaded {0} files to boxes."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportClear { get; set; } = "Clear subsequent boxes when importing data?"; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportClearNo { get; set; } = "If you only want to overwrite for new data, press no."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportPCBinary { get; set; } = "PC Binary loaded."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportPCFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots prevent loading of PC data."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportBoxBinary { get; set; } = "Box Binary loaded."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportBoxFailBattle { get; set; } = "Battle Box slots in box prevent loading of box data."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportVideo { get; set; } = "Load Battle Video Pokémon data to the current box ({0})?"; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportVideoSuccess { get; set; } = "Battle Video data loaded to box slots."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportVideoFailGeneration { get; set; } = "Cannot load the Battle Video to a different generation save file."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportOverwrite { get; set; } = "The current box will be overwritten."; public static string MsgSaveBoxImportSkippedLocked { get; set; } = "Skipped {0} locked slot(s)."; public static string MsgSaveSwitchDaycareView { get; set; } = "Would you like to switch the view to the other Daycare?"; public static string MsgSaveSwitchDaycareCurrent { get; set; } = "Currently viewing daycare {0}."; public static string MsgSaveGen6Passerby { get; set; } = "Export Passerby Info to Clipboard?"; public static string MsgSaveGen6FriendSafari { get; set; } = "No editing support for Friend Safari :("; public static string MsgSaveGen6FriendSafariCheatDesc { get; set; } = "Unlock all 3 slots for each friend?"; public static string MsgSaveGen2RTCResetPassword { get; set; } = "RTC Reset Password: {0:00000}"; public static string MsgSaveJPEGExportFail { get; set; } = "No picture data found in the save file!"; public static string MsgSaveChecksumFailEdited { get; set; } = "Save has been edited. Cannot integrity check."; public static string MsgSaveChecksumValid { get; set; } = "Checksums are valid."; public static string MsgSaveChecksumFailExport { get; set; } = "Export Checksum Info to Clipboard?"; public static string MsgIndexItemRange { get; set; } = "Item Index beyond range:"; public static string MsgIndexItemGame { get; set; } = "Game can't obtain item:"; public static string MsgIndexItemHeld { get; set; } = "Game can't hold item:"; public static string MsgIndexSpeciesRange { get; set; } = "Species Index beyond range:"; public static string MsgIndexSpeciesGame { get; set; } = "Game can't obtain species:"; public static string MsgIndexMoveRange { get; set; } = "Move Index beyond range:"; public static string MsgIndexMoveGame { get; set; } = "Game can't obtain move:"; public static string MsgIndexAbilityRange { get; set; } = "Ability Index beyond range:"; public static string MsgIndexAbilityGame { get; set; } = "Ability Index beyond range:"; #endregion #region QR Codes public static string MsgQRDecodeFail { get; set; } = "Decoded data not a valid PKM/Gift."; public static string MsgQRDecodeSize { get; set; } = "QR Data Size: {0} bytes"; public static string MsgQRDeprecated { get; set; } = "QR codes are deprecated in favor of other methods."; public static string MsgQRAlternative { get; set; } = "Consider utilizing homebrew or on-the-fly RAM editing custom firmware (PKMN-NTR)."; public static string MsgQRClipboardUrl { get; set; } = "Copy QR URL to Clipboard?"; public static string MsgQRClipboardImage { get; set; } = "Copy QR Image to Clipboard?"; public static string MsgQRClipboardFail { get; set; } = "Failed to set Image to Clipboard"; public static string MsgQRUrlFailPath { get; set; } = "Clipboard text is not a valid URL:"; public static string MsgQRUrlFailImage { get; set; } = "Reader could not find QR data in the image."; public static string MsgQRUrlFailType { get; set; } = "Input URL is not valid. Double check that it is an image (jpg/png)."; public static string MsgQRUrlFailConnection { get; set; } = "Unable to connect to the internet to decode QR code."; public static string MsgQRUrlFailConvert { get; set; } = "QR string to Data failed."; #endregion #region Database public static string MsgDBDeleteFailBackup { get; set; } = "Can't delete from a backup save."; public static string MsgDBDeleteFailModified { get; set; } = "Database slot data does not match save data!"; public static string MsgDBDeleteFailWarning { get; set; } = "Don't move Pokémon after initializing the Database, please re-open the Database viewer."; public static string MsgDBAddFailExistsFile { get; set; } = "File already exists in database!"; public static string MsgDBAddFailExistsPKM { get; set; } = "Pokémon already exists in database."; public static string MsgDBAddFromTabsSuccess { get; set; } = "Added Pokémon from tabs to database."; public static string MsgDBCreateReportPrompt { get; set; } = "Generate a Report on all data?"; public static string MsgDBCreateReportWarning { get; set; } = "This may take a while..."; public static string MsgDBCreateReportFail { get; set; } = "No results to export."; public static string MsgDBExportResultsPrompt { get; set; } = "Export results to a folder?"; public static string MsgDBSearchLegalityWordfilter { get; set; } = "Check wordfilter legality?"; public static string MsgDBSearchFail { get; set; } = "No data source to search!"; public static string MsgDBSearchNone { get; set; } = "No results found!"; public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneWarning { get; set; } = "Deleting clones from database is not reversible."; public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneAdvice { get; set; } = "If a PKM is deemed a clone, only the newest file (date modified) will be kept."; public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneFail { get; set; } = "Unable to delete clone:"; public static string MsgDBDeleteCloneNone { get; set; } = "No clones detected or deleted."; public static string MsgExportWC3DataFail { get; set; } = "Unable to save WC3 data. No data to save!"; #endregion #region Batch Editor public static string MsgBEToolTipPropName { get; set; } = "Property of a given PKM to modify."; public static string MsgBEToolTipPropType { get; set; } = "PropertyType of the currently loaded PKM in the main window."; public static string MsgBEToolTipPropValue { get; set; } = "PropertyValue of the currently loaded PKM in the main window."; public static string MsgBEFilterEmpty { get; set; } = "Empty Filter Value detected."; public static string MsgBEPropertyEmpty { get; set; } = "Empty Property Value(s) detected:"; public static string MsgBEPropertyInvalid { get; set; } = "Invalid property selected."; public static string MsgBEInstructionInvalid { get; set; } = "Line length error in instruction list."; public static string MsgBEInstructionNone { get; set; } = "No instructions defined for a modification set."; public static string MsgBEModifySuccess { get; set; } = "Modified {0}{1}/{2} files."; public static string MsgBEModifyFailBlocked { get; set; } = "Skipped a file due to disallowed value:"; public static string MsgBEModifyFailError { get; set; } = "{0} files ignored due to an internal error."; public static string MsgBEModifyFail { get; set; } = "Unable to modify {0} to {1}."; public static string MsgBEModifyFailCompare { get; set; } = "Unable to compare {0} to {1}."; public static string MsgExportFolder { get; set; } = "Please select the folder where the files will be saved to."; public static string MsgExportFolderAdvice { get; set; } = "This can be the same folder as the source of PKM files."; #endregion #region Misc public static string MsgReportExportTable { get; set; } = "Copy as formatted table?"; public static string MsgReportExportCSV { get; set; } = "Save all the data to CSV?"; public static string MsgReportColumnHide { get; set; } = "Hide Column"; public static string MsgReportColumnRestore { get; set; } = "Restore Columns"; public static string MsgReportColumnHideFail { get; set; } = "No cells/Columns selected."; public static string MsgReportColumnRestoreSuccess { get; set; } = "Column visibility restored."; #endregion #region Mystery Gift public static string MsgMsyteryGiftUsedAlert { get; set; } = "Mystery Gift is marked as USED and will not be able to be picked up in-game."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftUsedFix { get; set; } = "Do you want to remove the USED flag so that it is UNUSED?"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftInvalid { get; set; } = "File is not a Mystery Gift:"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftTypeUnexpected { get; set; } = "Expected Mystery Gift Type(s):"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftTypeDetails { get; set; } = "Gift Details are not compatible with the save file."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftTypeIncompatible { get; set; } = "Gift type is not compatible with the save file."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftParseFail { get; set; } = "Unable to create gift description."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftParseTypeUnknown { get; set; } = "Unknown Mystery Gift Type!"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotEmpty { get; set; } = "Empty Slot. No data!"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotFail { get; set; } = "Unable to insert the Mystery Gift."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotNone { get; set; } = "No Mystery Gift data found in loaded slot!"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotSpecialReject { get; set; } = "Does this Mystery Gift really belong to this game?"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotAlternate { get; set; } = "{0} gift was set to to a {1} slot instead."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftSlotFailSwap { get; set; } = "Can't swap a {0} with a {1}."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftQRTypeLength { get; set; } = "Decoded data length not valid for loaded save file."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftQRRecieved { get; set; } = "QR Gift Type:"; public static string MsgMysteryGiftQREonTicket { get; set; } = "Eon Ticket Mystery Gift will not import correctly when received via QR."; public static string MsgMysteryGiftQREonTicketAdvice { get; set; } = "Inject the Eon Ticket Mystery Gift to the save file instead."; #endregion #region Inventory public static string MsgItemPouchUnknown { get; set; } = "Unknown item detected."; public static string MsgItemPouchCountUpdated { get; set; } = "Item count modified."; public static string MsgItemCleared { get; set; } = "Items cleared."; public static string MsgItemPouchSizeSmall { get; set; } = "Pouch is too small for all items."; public static string MsgItemPouchRandom { get; set; } = "Yes: Give by Item ID{0}No: Random assortment"; public static string MsgItemPouchWarning { get; set; } = "If you save changes, the item(s) will no longer be in the pouch."; public static string MsgItemPouchRemoved { get; set; } = "The following item(s) have been removed from the {0} pouch."; #endregion #region Misc public static string MsgSaveDifferentTypes { get; set; } = "Save File types are different."; public static string MsgSaveDifferentVersions { get; set; } = "Save File versions are not the same."; public static string MsgSaveNumberInvalid { get; set; } = "Save File {0} is not valid."; #endregion } }