Kurt 614ae6855b Allow ignored egg moves for v1.0 unpatched games
They didn't reference the TamagoWazaIgnore table until v1.1 lmao

mimic BDSP's index fetching and just grab the array of eggmoves directly to avoid the abstraction method's overhead

set evotree back to private because don't need direct access anymore
2021-11-25 11:24:34 -08:00

197 lines
8 KiB
Raw Blame History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Encounter Slot found in <see cref="GameVersion.BDSP"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <inheritdoc cref="EncounterSlot"/>
public sealed record EncounterSlot8b : EncounterSlot
public override int Generation => 8;
public bool IsUnderground => Area.Location is (>= 508 and <= 617);
public bool IsMarsh => Area.Location is (>= 219 and <= 224);
public readonly bool IsBCAT;
public EncounterSlot8b(EncounterArea area, int species, int form, int min, int max, bool isBCAT = false) : base(area, species, form, min, max)
protected override void SetFormatSpecificData(PKM pk)
if (IsUnderground)
if (GetBaseEggMove(out int move1))
pk.RelearnMove1 = move1;
else if (IsMarsh)
pk.Ball = (int)Ball.Safari;
public bool CanBeUndergroundMove(int move)
var et = PersonalTable.BDSP;
var sf = (PersonalInfoBDSP)et.GetFormEntry(Species, Form);
var species = sf.HatchSpecies;
if (IsBCAT && IgnoreEggMoves.TryGetValue(species, out var exclude) && Array.IndexOf(exclude, move) != -1)
return false;
var baseEgg = Legal.EggMovesBDSP[species].Moves;
if (baseEgg.Length == 0)
return move == 0;
return Array.IndexOf(baseEgg, move) >= 0;
public bool GetBaseEggMove(out int move)
var et = PersonalTable.BDSP;
var sf = (PersonalInfoBDSP)et.GetFormEntry(Species, Form);
var species = sf.HatchSpecies;
int[] Exclude = IgnoreEggMoves.TryGetValue(species, out var exclude) ? exclude : Array.Empty<int>();
var baseEgg = Legal.EggMovesBDSP[species].Moves;
if (baseEgg.Length == 0)
move = 0;
return false;
// Official method creates a new List<ushort>() with all the egg moves, removes all ignored, then picks a random index.
// We'll just loop instead to not allocate, and because it's a >50% chance the move won't be ignored, thus faster.
var rnd = Util.Rand;
while (true)
var index = rnd.Next(baseEgg.Length);
move = baseEgg[index];
if (IsBCAT && Array.IndexOf(Exclude, move) == -1)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Unreferenced in v1.0, so all egg moves are possible for ROM encounters.
/// Since the Underground supports BCAT distributions, we will keep this around on the off chance they do utilize that method of distribution.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<int, int[]> IgnoreEggMoves = new()
{004, new[] {394}}, // Charmander
{016, new[] {403}}, // Pidgey
{019, new[] {044}}, // Rattata
{027, new[] {229}}, // Sandshrew
{037, new[] {180,050,326}}, // Vulpix
{050, new[] {310}}, // Diglett
{056, new[] {370}}, // Mankey
{058, new[] {242,336,394}}, // Growlithe
{060, new[] {061,341}}, // Poliwag
{066, new[] {282}}, // Machop
{077, new[] {172}}, // Ponyta
{079, new[] {428}}, // Slowpoke
{083, new[] {348}}, // Farfetch<63>d
{084, new[] {098,283}}, // Doduo
{086, new[] {227}}, // Seel
{098, new[] {175,021}}, // Krabby
{102, new[] {235}}, // Exeggcute
{108, new[] {187}}, // Lickitung
{109, new[] {194}}, // Koffing
{113, new[] {270}}, // Chansey
{114, new[] {072}}, // Tangela
{115, new[] {023,116}}, // Kangaskhan
{116, new[] {225}}, // Horsea
{122, new[] {102,298}}, // Mr. Mime
{127, new[] {450,276}}, // Pinsir
{133, new[] {204,343}}, // Eevee
{140, new[] {341}}, // Kabuto
{143, new[] {122,562}}, // Snorlax
{147, new[] {349,407}}, // Dratini
{152, new[] {267,312,034}}, // Chikorita
{155, new[] {098,038}}, // Cyndaquil
{158, new[] {242,037,056}}, // Totodile
{161, new[] {179}}, // Sentret
{170, new[] {175}}, // Chinchou
{173, new[] {150}}, // Cleffa
{179, new[] {036,268}}, // Mareep
{183, new[] {276}}, // Marill
{187, new[] {388}}, // Hoppip
{190, new[] {103,097}}, // Aipom
{191, new[] {073,275}}, // Sunkern
{198, new[] {017,372}}, // Murkrow
{200, new[] {180}}, // Misdreavus
{204, new[] {038}}, // Pineco
{206, new[] {246}}, // Dunsparce
{209, new[] {242,423,424,422}}, // Snubbull
{214, new[] {224}}, // Heracross
{216, new[] {313}}, // Teddiursa
{218, new[] {414}}, // Slugma
{220, new[] {036}}, // Swinub
{222, new[] {392}}, // Corsola
{223, new[] {062}}, // Remoraid
{226, new[] {056,469}}, // Mantine
{227, new[] {065,413}}, // Skarmory
{228, new[] {251,424}}, // Houndour
{234, new[] {428}}, // Stantler
{236, new[] {270}}, // Tyrogue
{238, new[] {008}}, // Smoochum
{252, new[] {283,437}}, // Treecko
{255, new[] {179,297}}, // Torchic
{261, new[] {281,389,583}}, // Poochyena
{270, new[] {175,055}}, // Lotad
{276, new[] {413}}, // Taillow
{278, new[] {054,097}}, // Wingull
{283, new[] {453}}, // Surskit
{285, new[] {388,402}}, // Shroomish
{296, new[] {197}}, // Makuhita
{298, new[] {021}}, // Azurill
{299, new[] {335}}, // Nosepass
{300, new[] {252}}, // Skitty
{302, new[] {212}}, // Sableye
{303, new[] {389}}, // Mawile
{304, new[] {442}}, // Aron
{309, new[] {435,422}}, // Electrike
{311, new[] {435,204}}, // Plusle
{312, new[] {435,313}}, // Minun
{313, new[] {227}}, // Volbeat
{314, new[] {227}}, // Illumise
{315, new[] {235}}, // Roselia
{316, new[] {220,441}}, // Gulpin
{320, new[] {034}}, // Wailmer
{322, new[] {281}}, // Numel
{324, new[] {284,499}}, // Torkoal
{325, new[] {428}}, // Spoink
{328, new[] {414}}, // Trapinch
{336, new[] {400}}, // Seviper
{339, new[] {330}}, // Barboach
{341, new[] {283,282}}, // Corphish
{345, new[] {072}}, // Lileep
{352, new[] {050,492}}, // Kecleon
{353, new[] {425,566}}, // Shuppet
{357, new[] {437,235,349,692}}, // Tropius
{359, new[] {389,195}}, // Absol
{363, new[] {205}}, // Spheal
{369, new[] {401}}, // Relicanth
{370, new[] {392}}, // Luvdisc
{387, new[] {074}}, // Turtwig
{390, new[] {612}}, // Chimchar
{393, new[] {056}}, // Piplup
{399, new[] {111,205}}, // Bidoof
{408, new[] {043}}, // Cranidos
{417, new[] {608}}, // Pachirisu
{418, new[] {401}}, // Buizel
{422, new[] {262}}, // Shellos
{425, new[] {194,366}}, // Drifloon
{439, new[] {102,298}}, // Mime Jr.
{442, new[] {425}}, // Spiritomb
{443, new[] {225,328}}, // Gible
{446, new[] {122}}, // Munchlax
{449, new[] {303,328}}, // Hippopotas
{451, new[] {400}}, // Skorupi
{456, new[] {175}}, // Finneon
{458, new[] {056,469}}, // Mantyke
{459, new[] {054}}, // Snover