javierhimura f3743e490b Korean language restrictions
Restriction happens because Korean can not trade with non-Korean GB era games
- There is no Korean release for gen 1 pokemon, included VC
- With no gen1 pokemon means any Korean gen2 is Gen2_NotTradeback, that means no gen1 origin nor moves are Legal
- Crystal was never released in Korean
- Pokemon Stadium 2 was never released in Korean, that means no move reminder for gen 2 korean pokemon

- Generation 4 can not trade between Korean and not Korean games, but Korean games can use the palpark with any language

Chinese language restrictions
There is no Chinese release for gen 1 and 2 pokemon games, VC Chinese games are in Japanese
2017-09-23 20:46:10 +02:00

36 lines
1.6 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public class ValidEncounterMoves
public int EncounterSpecies { get; }
public DexLevel[][] EvolutionChains { get; }
public List<int>[] LevelUpMoves { get; } = Empty;
public List<int>[] TMHMMoves { get; } = Empty;
public List<int>[] TutorMoves { get; } = Empty;
public int[] Relearn = new int[0];
public int MinimumLevelGen1 { get; }
public int MinimumLevelGen2 { get; }
private const int EmptyCount = 7;
private static readonly List<int>[] Empty = new int[EmptyCount].Select(z => new List<int>()).ToArray();
public ValidEncounterMoves(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info)
MinimumLevelGen1 = pkm.GenNumber <= 2 ? info.EncounterMatch.LevelMin + 1 : 0;
MinimumLevelGen2 = Legal.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm) ? 1 : info.EncounterMatch.LevelMin + 1;
EncounterSpecies = info.EncounterMatch.Species;
EvolutionChains = info.EvoChainsAllGens;
LevelUpMoves = Legal.GetValidMovesAllGens(pkm, EvolutionChains, minLvLG1: MinimumLevelGen1, minLvLG2: MinimumLevelGen2, Tutor: false, Machine: false, RemoveTransferHM: false);
TMHMMoves = Legal.GetValidMovesAllGens(pkm, EvolutionChains, LVL: false, Tutor: false, MoveReminder: false, RemoveTransferHM: false);
TutorMoves = Legal.GetValidMovesAllGens(pkm, EvolutionChains, LVL: false, Machine: false, MoveReminder: false, RemoveTransferHM: false);
public ValidEncounterMoves(List<int>[] levelup)
LevelUpMoves = levelup;