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204 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="GameVersion.DPPt"/> encounter area
/// </summary>
public sealed class EncounterArea4DPPt : EncounterArea4
/// <summary>
/// Gets the encounter areas with <see cref="EncounterSlot"/> information from Generation 4 Diamond, Pearl and Platinum data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entries">Raw data, one byte array per encounter area</param>
/// <param name="pt">Platinum flag (for Trophy Garden slot insertion)</param>
/// <returns>Array of encounter areas.</returns>
public static EncounterArea4DPPt[] GetArray4DPPt(byte[][] entries, bool pt = false)
return entries.Select(z => GetArea4DPPt(z, pt)).Where(Area => Area.Slots.Length != 0).ToArray();
private static EncounterSlot[] GetSlots4GrassDPPt(byte[] data, int ofs, int numslots, SlotType t)
var slots = new EncounterSlot[numslots];
for (int i = 0; i < numslots; i++)
int o = ofs + (i * 8);
int level = data[o];
int species = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, o + 4);
slots[i] = new EncounterSlot
LevelMax = level,
LevelMin = level,
Species = species,
SlotNumber = i,
Type = t
return slots;
private static IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> GetSlots4WaterFishingDPPt(byte[] data, int ofs, int numslots, SlotType t)
var slots = new List<EncounterSlot>();
for (int i = 0; i < numslots; i++)
// max, min, unused, unused, [32bit species]
int Species = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, ofs + 4 + (i * 8));
if (Species <= 0)
// Fishing and Surf slots without a species ID are not added
// DPPt does not have fishing or surf swarms, and does not have any Rock Smash encounters.
slots.Add(new EncounterSlot
LevelMax = data[ofs + 0 + (i * 8)],
LevelMin = data[ofs + 1 + (i * 8)],
Species = Species,
SlotNumber = i,
Type = t
EncounterUtil.MarkEncountersStaticMagnetPull(slots, PersonalTable.HGSS);
return slots;
private static EncounterArea4DPPt GetArea4DPPt(byte[] data, bool pt = false)
var Slots = new List<EncounterSlot>();
int location = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x00);
var GrassRatio = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x02);
if (GrassRatio > 0)
EncounterSlot[] GrassSlots = GetSlots4GrassDPPt(data, 0x06, 12, SlotType.Grass);
//Swarming slots replace slots 0 and 1
var swarm = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0x66, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Swarm, SlotType.Swarm);
//Morning and Night slots replace slots 2 and 3
var morning = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0x6E, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Time); // Morning
var night = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0x76, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Time); // Night
//Pokéradar slots replace slots 4,5,10 and 11
//Pokéradar is marked with different slot type because it have different PID-IV generationn
var radar = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0x7E, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Radar, SlotType.Pokeradar);
//24 bytes padding
//Dual Slots replace slots 8 and 9
var ruby = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0xA6, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Dual); // Ruby
var sapphire = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0xAE, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Dual); // Sapphire
var emerald = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0xB6, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Dual); // Emerald
var firered = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0xBE, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Dual); // FireRed
var leafgreen = GetSlots4GrassSlotReplace(data, 0xC6, 4, GrassSlots, Legal.Slot4_Dual); // LeafGreen
// Permute Static-Magnet Pull combinations
// [None/Swarm]-[None/Morning/Night]-[None/Radar]-[None/R/S/E/F/L] [None/TrophyGarden]
// 2 * 3 * 2 * 6 = 72 different combinations of slots (more with trophy garden)
var regular = new List<List<EncounterSlot>> { GrassSlots.Where(z => z.SlotNumber == 6 || z.SlotNumber == 7).ToList() }; // every other slot is in the product
var pair0 = new List<List<EncounterSlot>> { GrassSlots.Where(z => Legal.Slot4_Swarm.Contains(z.SlotNumber)).ToList() };
var pair1 = new List<List<EncounterSlot>> { GrassSlots.Where(z => Legal.Slot4_Time.Contains(z.SlotNumber)).ToList() };
var pair2 = new List<List<EncounterSlot>> { GrassSlots.Where(z => Legal.Slot4_Radar.Contains(z.SlotNumber)).ToList() };
var pair3 = new List<List<EncounterSlot>> { GrassSlots.Where(z => Legal.Slot4_Dual.Contains(z.SlotNumber)).ToList() };
if (swarm.Count != 0) pair0.Add(swarm);
if (morning.Count != 0) pair1.Add(morning); if (night.Count != 0) pair1.Add(night);
if (radar.Count != 0) pair2.Add(radar);
if (ruby.Count != 0) pair3.Add(ruby); if (sapphire.Count != 0) pair3.Add(sapphire); if (emerald.Count != 0) pair3.Add(emerald);
if (firered.Count != 0) pair3.Add(firered); if (leafgreen.Count != 0) pair3.Add(leafgreen);
if (location == 68) // Trophy Garden
// Occupy Slots 6 & 7
var species = pt ? Encounters4.TrophyPt : Encounters4.TrophyDP;
var slots = new List<EncounterSlot>();
foreach (var s in species)
var slot = regular[0][0].Clone();
slot.Species = s;
slot = regular[0][1].Clone();
slot.Species = s;
// get all permutations of trophy inhabitants
var trophy = regular[0].Concat(slots).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < trophy.Length; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < trophy.Length; j++)
regular.Add(new List<EncounterSlot> { trophy[i], trophy[j] });
var set = new[] { regular, pair0, pair1, pair2, pair3 };
var product = set.CartesianProduct();
var extra = MarkStaticMagnetExtras(product);
var SurfRatio = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0xCE);
if (SurfRatio > 0)
Slots.AddRange(GetSlots4WaterFishingDPPt(data, 0xD2, 5, SlotType.Surf));
//44 bytes padding
var OldRodRatio = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x126);
if (OldRodRatio > 0)
Slots.AddRange(GetSlots4WaterFishingDPPt(data, 0x12A, 5, SlotType.Old_Rod));
var GoodRodRatio = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x152);
if (GoodRodRatio > 0)
Slots.AddRange(GetSlots4WaterFishingDPPt(data, 0x156, 5, SlotType.Good_Rod));
var SuperRodRatio = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x17E);
if (SuperRodRatio > 0)
Slots.AddRange(GetSlots4WaterFishingDPPt(data, 0x182, 5, SlotType.Super_Rod));
var Area4 = new EncounterArea4DPPt
Location = location,
Slots = Slots.ToArray()
foreach (var slot in Area4.Slots)
slot.Area = Area4;
return Area4;
private EncounterArea4DPPt Clone(int location) => new EncounterArea4DPPt { Slots = Slots, Location = location};
public EncounterArea4DPPt[] Clone(int[] locations)
var Areas = new EncounterArea4DPPt[locations.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < locations.Length; i++)
Areas[i] = Clone(locations[i]);
return Areas;
public static class DPEncounterExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> CartesianProduct<T>(this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> sequences)
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> emptyProduct = new[] { Enumerable.Empty<T>() };
return sequences.Aggregate(
(accumulator, sequence) =>
from accseq in accumulator
from item in sequence
select accseq.Concat(new[] { item }));
} |