Commit graph

811 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
ffa7529e0f Misc database tweaks
delete now interacts with the box manager, now clears from any box
viewer that is open
filtering to just boxes now filters out the external sav pkm
filtering sources now is done prior to any field filtering
2017-06-11 11:08:03 -07:00
5117f3a5c9 cap entry of Yellow pikachu friendship
gen1 trainer editor, 0-255
2017-06-11 00:25:21 -07:00
21ab0296f3 small optimizations
Add ccitt method to checksum an existing array
reduce linq usage (faster save retrieval)

misc4 line endings?
2017-06-11 00:23:04 -07:00
753964c138 fix Gen4 Misc Resources
add missing FlyDst and use MetLocation string.
add TrainerCard flags to FlagEditor.
add Pt resources.

fix HoneyTree, the BlockOffset needed.
2017-06-11 03:20:55 +09:00
8a1691eb91 Let pkmdb fetch from save backups
Only if compiled in debug; bumps my searchables to 6 figures lol

bulk legality scan yielded one exception (bad CXD pidiv for starters)
bullk sav fetch yielded one exception (unknown type didn't define
2017-06-09 23:13:41 -07:00
0f040fb6e0 remove typo
Closes #1210
2017-06-09 08:56:28 -07:00
63b18ff51f Fix misc problems
flag undistributed gen3 events
fix gen3 string writing (resized then expanded yields 00, missing
terminator), closes #1204
fix stackoverflow, fix pkmeditor template loading save prompt, closes
2017-06-08 20:57:30 -07:00
1433ffd823 Remove double close event
Closes #1203
2017-06-07 22:19:49 -07:00
0c3333137b Relocate legality request to main form
changes to an event; no longer duplicates the behavior for the pkm tabs
show legality
2017-06-04 13:35:51 -07:00
14225bbc2e misc fixes
encounterinvalid isegg no longer throws exceptions when parsing moves
dropping invalid file paths to main window are now ignored (downloads
from chrome can be manually deleted but still dragged from the downloads
add pidiv case for manaphy gift
2017-06-04 00:12:37 -07:00
e85e155c65 add FRLG TrainerCard PokemonIcons
I don't know why Chimecho is listed at the very end.
2017-06-04 13:54:16 +09:00
59ac78b70a Fix usercontrol clipping
set the usercontrol to inherit from whatever it is placed on; fixes the
clipping issue noted in the forums

Thanks english09, wejhvabewjty, & zkrxpdlf3!
2017-06-03 20:25:00 -07:00
aed6dffce4 Merge pull request #1186 from pokecal/master
add BW2 resources
2017-06-03 14:00:57 -07:00
32deb3879a Simplify Shiny SID creation
calculates a passing SID and applies random bits to not be too
no need to bruteforce
2017-06-03 08:58:30 -07:00
814e63aa1c Add Control key modifier to set shiny button to change the pokemon SID instead of the PID, that allow the change shiny of gen 3/4 pokemon without turn the pokemon in illegal because PID/IV mistmatch
Added Cherrygrove City to surf headbutt encounter locations, the upper right trees on the map can be reach from the water in route 30
2017-06-03 12:02:22 +02:00
497f0c62b2 add BW2 FunfestMission controls
The entree level can display 9999 in game,
but fixed to 999 when it change.

MAX PassPowers require 9999 costs.
2017-06-03 14:35:24 +09:00
c54cd30a3c add EventFlags resources BW2
resources about legendaries
2017-06-03 11:45:24 +09:00
f70bd02d69 Fix wurmple evo lockup
while loop wasn't checking the modified EC value, thus looping forever
standardize usage across core
2017-06-01 18:41:22 -07:00
2fb3cd5207 Fix template loading behavior
Closes #1181
move preview sprite fetch to the absolute end
2017-05-31 21:27:46 -07:00
e522094679 Fix pkm editor behavior
Closes #1180
2017-05-30 20:50:15 -07:00
11aab91eee Fix drag&drop exception
immediately after dropping the file, move the mouse outside of the box
DoDragDrop re-performs the drop event at the same coordinate as the
mouse; if the mouse isn't outside of the box area it'll do nothing, thus
the need to create a new event to fire.

Closes #1178
2017-05-30 19:17:37 -07:00
f60f36081a Fix relearnmove suggestion for set relearn moves 2017-05-30 18:28:06 -07:00
2e30878e8b Update 170530
Update event binaries
unban gen3 mega evo stones
fix a lil bit of behaviors
2017-05-29 22:34:45 -07:00
3eedf1a6d5 Run database search async
disable button while searching, prevents GUI locking up when searching a
large database.
2017-05-29 19:18:18 -07:00
8b833c0c15 Add null check for invalid origin pkm
Closes #1173

info isn't set if the species is invalid or the origin generation is
lazy fix
2017-05-29 10:52:41 -07:00
550153e3bc Improve gen3 sav detection
better detect RSE collisions
add auto-detection for japanese games
Closes #1172
2017-05-29 10:33:27 -07:00
9a7dc9998c Misc fixes
Track gen1/2 origin game as well  as generation
fix pk2 gender setting (incorrect bitmask & wasn't set from tabs)
extend female gender check for gen2 to apply to GS encounters -- if met
location is missing, was traded to gen1 which clears gender.
2017-05-28 16:56:51 -07:00
87e99bf183 Split reflection usage for winforms project
batch editor needs more powerful variant which can check the base
properties as well; just use the older code from before the .NET
standard commit.

Closes #1158
2017-05-28 14:49:36 -07:00
8eed9f84ba Fix pk1 catch rate overwriting
CatchRateIsItem is always false, thus the catch rate was always
overwritten with the base species catch rate regardless of if the base
species was the encounter.
For species like Metapod who have different catch rates from their base
species, this would invalidate any Metapod capture. So all possible
catch rates are checked.

Instead of setting the catch rate to the base species catch rate, set it
to the current species. Allows user to set the exact catch rate by
toggling between a legendary and the target species...
2017-05-28 13:19:48 -07:00
858aa50689 Refactor encounter matching
exercise in deferred execution/state machine, only calculate possible
matches until a sufficiently valid match is obtained. Previous setup
would try to calculate the 'best match' and had band-aid workarounds in
cases where a subsequent check may determine it to be a false match.

There's still more ways to improve speed:
- precalculate relationships for Encounter Slots rather than iterating
over every area
- yielding individual slots instead of an entire area
- group non-egg wondercards by ID in a dict/hashtable for faster

reworked some internals:
- EncounterMatch is always an IEncounterable instead of an object, for
easy pattern matching.
- Splitbreed checking is done per encounter and is stored in the
EncounterEgg result
- Encounter validation uses Encounter/Move/RelearnMove/Evolution to
whittle to the final encounter.

As a part of the encounter matching, a lazy peek is used to check if an
invalid encounter should be retained instead of discarded; if another
encounter has not been checked, it'll stop the invalid checks and move
on. If it is the last encounter, no other valid encounters exist so it
will keep the parse for the invalid encounter.

If no encounters are yielded, then there is no encountermatch. An
EncounterInvalid is created to store basic details, and the parse is
carried out.

Breaks some legality checking features for flagging invalid moves in
more detail, but those can be re-added in a separate check (if
splitbreed & any move invalid -> check for other split moves).

Should now be easier to follow the flow & maintain 😄
2017-05-27 21:17:57 -07:00
25bdeb8053 Merge branch 'master' of 2017-05-27 14:25:12 -07:00
5ee918d62c Fix form being altered during load
Closes #1167
Thanks @Odaxis !
2017-05-27 14:25:07 -07:00
32815d0c4b add BW2 KeySystem Unlock
I excepted first 8 keys(used for check selected value),
they are very easy to edit in game.
2017-05-27 19:32:19 +09:00
0cae317770 add EventFlags resources BW
I recently noticed that some activation use TID/SID,
I will re-check past resources that have abnormal value(e.g.AzureFlute),
after researching BW2,Pt.
2017-05-26 19:17:28 +09:00
be80a6b9da Fix HGSS wallpaper get/set & editing
the special wallpaper values are +0x10 (ie 0x20, 0x21... instead of
0x10, 0x11) from the contiguous sequence of regular box wallpaper IDs
(anti cheat probing?).

Xor tweak allows for single invert method; use this invert with the base
implementation's method.

Range check for setting the box wallpaper (just in case). The underlying
error was fixed; the 255 val was reading from the wrong offset (now

Thanks Scarfy!
2017-05-23 21:38:15 -07:00
7e30d863b0 Revert dexlevel evotree fetch + re-implement fix
check requireslevelup during evolution validity check, not during tree
generation as movepool fetch treats the 'level' as the max possible
level it was at (not the level it was encountered).

fix dropping pkm from external source causing exception (final return
false caused it to proceed with regular dragdrop operation from source

2017-05-23 18:35:32 -07:00
a98c904168 Tweak level/exp changing events
move from validated to textchanged as the user expects the values to
live update
only use the value-cap on validation if the input is not associated with
another control's value
this is now consistent with the IV/EV updating stats

2017-05-23 17:46:32 -07:00
2e1c0b9c48 misc loading fix
gen1/2 games with new pkm editor no longer cause an exception on init
2017-05-23 08:28:53 -07:00
11b2dc35d7 Refactor main form into smaller pieces
pkm editor, sav editor, menus, and a manager to glue the storage slots
decouples the pkm/sav editors from a static savefile reference.

improves dragdrop/click view/set/delete indication, hides unavailable
contextmenuitems, and fixes a few incorrect references. Box Subviewer
slots now have all the indication/events that the main save editor slots

pls report behavior bugs 👍
2017-05-22 21:55:12 -07:00
ea33a2cb77 add EventFlags resources HGSS
Fix DP for consistency.
(now all DP&HGSS flag/const position number is same as in game used)
Checked with HG. SS not checked. (Groudon flag unknown)
2017-05-19 11:21:27 +09:00
46c0f4f30c Add exporting pkm/mg from mgdb
Closes #1151 by extending functionality instead of limiting it :)

Users can now export Mystery Gifts from the database in either
MysteryGift files or converted PKM form regardless of current generation
2017-05-18 18:10:58 -07:00
da3d8c99be Misc refactoring
move some open/save file dialog events out of the main form
update main form logic to reflect newly flagged pkm cases
2017-05-17 22:00:06 -07:00
a415ca78df Fix folder location fetch & x/c/bk# extension fetch
Closes #1149
2017-05-17 20:39:10 -07:00
c6c76c3983 Folder List enhancements 2017-05-17 21:25:48 -04:00
de3b89c409 Tweak path loading
no Nintendo 3DS => null => getPathRoot(null) => exception
provide a fake root if the folder does not exist (to ensure that the
buttons are created with an unavailable path).
Closes #1140
2017-05-16 21:44:02 -07:00
7edc2eb14f Add report exporting to clipboard
Closes #1141
cleaner look maybe in the future (colorized)
2017-05-16 21:15:32 -07:00
f674d45854 Misc changes
Properly handle egg hatch counters for generated mystery gifts, as well
as HT friendship for gen6+
fetch form specific (friendship doesn't change but abilities fetch
species specific data later, so just fetch once up front). Do not depend
on save file as SAV7 importing PGF may have different abilities
Pad buttons for folder popup
fix double Japanese/International error message for importing jpk1<->pk1
2017-05-16 20:34:24 -07:00
Evan Dixon
e254ec7c37 Activate illegal mode with commandline arg
Workaround for PKHaX being broken. Trimming each argument allows "hax", "-hax", and "--hax" to all work for activating illegal mode.
2017-05-16 20:55:24 -05:00
1659405dc4 Add quick folder open menu item
Closes #1137
allows loading of tab separated value text file "savpaths.txt" which can
also be used to 'favorite' locations (ie, the program checks for
duplicate paths and only adds the first).
folder availability checked on form creation

shortcut: press ctrl-F on main window

Thanks @sora10pls !
2017-05-16 16:27:43 -07:00
f3ca370087 Merge branch 'master' of 2017-05-16 08:56:16 -07:00