Store 4g giratina held item for enc->pkm legality
revise usages of GetSaneGender
Rearrange some logic
Better handle impossible version encounters (gen4)
gen 1-5 done, stuck on 659 - bunnelby egg...?
* B2 has an error in the encounter table for Route 3 Corphish Special
water encounter; GF edited from Basculin-1 to Corphish-1 and forgot to
update the form to 0.
* Ranch Trade egg locations
* Trade gender-PID set correctly
* static roamer glitch does not apply for emerald
* Mirage Island wild Wynaut case now allowed (collision with Gift Wynaut
egg hatched on Mirage Island?)
gen1-3 done; now at 413 (Wormadam) which currently yields an
EncounterEgg AS wormadam, which isn't right...
* first case of EncounterLink, now works (version, ability, OT memory)
* handle gen2 gb events (not even sure if they pop up, just in case)
* handle gen3 ereader shadow mons
* handle gen4 spiky pichu PID type
* handle gen2 crystal egg met level
Handle Faraway Island Mew, handle DP Darkrai/Shaymin & Arceus, handle
not-distributed WC3s.
Now stopping at dex 154 -- one full generation of PKM species IDs can be
completely spawned directly from IEncounterable data!
Exeggutor Island has wild & one static with a fixed ability; the fixed
ability is returned first which causes wild lv40 exeggutors with
ability2 (1/2/H) to be flagged as illegal.
Fixes Krabby / etc.
Fix genderless encounterstatic gender set (Voltorb)
Now at 103, Exeggutor
pretty cool that over 100 species can have every single encounter
generate a legal pkm ;)
might be useful to add metrics to count how many encounters are
generated in a session
Graveler (SM Trade) -> Force applying handling trainer details for
ingame trades
Ponyta (Ranch Trade) Apply correct ability for encountertradePID
Up to 98 : Wild Gen2 Krabby (safari zone impossible location needs to
get filtered from possible encounters)
Fix/add missing gameversion references (BU instead of BW,
increase reuse of pidgenerator & add more generating methods.
seems like it's generating pkm fine besides the PID edge cases, which is
version was set to Encounter_XD, which did not contain the miror b
simplify XD check to be O(1) now that version is stored in the encounter
Closes#1895 , re-verified with pkm provided in #1805
there's no shedinja gift, always is an evolution
seal some forms to remove virt call in constructor warning
egg moves also can be taught in gen1, which causes the learn source to
be locked to a tradeback (removing egg moves that have IDs greater than
RBY's moves). Simplify gen<=2 parse preference ordering with this
addition to force egg moves to be acknowledged.
only tested for gen7 egg->pkm (not to eventual set)
pretty sure a good chunk of the egg generation logic can be pulled out
for reuse in other IEncounterable generators (IEncounterable
Test parsing glaceon, input must equal output
Test generating encounters for a specific version (exists only on Moon)
Test generating encounters for the same version (add handling trainer
data to permit Tutors)
fixes error in VC generations-present fetch which allowed movesets from
generations 3-6 lul
exclude negative/invalid gameversions