Currently toggled off, can be optionally toggled on (I'm not sure that
it's perfect? Random save files have stuff flagged since they don't
match the lock; will have to investigate later)
rearrange getmove with respect to tutors; verifycurrentmoves was getting
tutor moves in levelup
extract not-found hint fetch
Expose gen5 block objects (so I can play with saves in linqpad)
Move logical checks using encounter data out of Core.cs
might be possible to excise legality checking objects from
Legal/PKHeX.Core so that a 'slimmer' core can be made
results in:
- precomputed GetTable() reference
- no casting when iterating for matches
- no db null checks, as they are initally Array.Empty<T>();
reduces noise a little & slightly faster
V### names weren't enjoyable to work with; use similar verbose style as
the program message strings.
updating the translation files with the remapped variable names shortly
remap list:
some cards may permit being recieved on incorrect games
some wcxfulls permit games they shouldn't (tapu koko flags permit USUM
but games released after the distribution window)
lots of wcx lacking restrictions completely
tested flagging USUM rockruff & zeraora
might be worth discarding MysteryGiftVerifier and instead just using
unused fields for prior formats to supply the data.
orderby consumes the entire input enumerable in 'sorting' the list;
since we don't care about the order besides a yes/no, just manage the
yield order ourselves.
don't bother using this method more than the spot it's in; was a fun
exercise but other spots are set up for easier debugging
(overall flow is where->deferby->yield), could make things easier to
read but meh
convert all dictionaries to char-byte instead of string (saves 50KB on
compressed dll, lul)
update OT string comparison for pre/post transfer specimens
Showing "TRAINER" for all languages isn't correct, just show a mapped
Closes#2049 , thanks @egzonqj & @WEERSOQUEER !
continued simplification
core.cs is pretty much the following:
misc one-off junk
moveset fetch
encounter table fetch
evo chain fetch
might eventually move things around a bit further for cleanliness so
that misc meta junk is the only thing that remains in core.
bypass savefile language checks if no language set
fix gen2 static gift egg that is really a wild encounter -- egg flag was
set & not cleared -> no wild pkm, bad! Adds test case for this.
(probably isn't a better place to clear, enforces only once per
generation rather than on every yield/end of every static yield)
fix b2w2 egg base levelup reference (not bw, b2w2!), doesn't really
matter much except for better indication (possibly?)
remove some unnecessary linq ToArray() calls
continue relocating code out of Core
Remove edge case handling for level 2 blissey; updates over the past 2
(yay 2 years of legality checking) can now handle that case without
special handling.