Returned messages are slightly misleading since missing/invalid are
mixed together with the static method.
~322 lines to check ribbons, on top of the interface abstraction... so
much required... kinda understandable as there's over 100 ribbons to
remove legality check's use of reflection which checked individual
properties; add interfaces to interact with the ribbons of each PKM
type. With this, every ribbon attribute is accessible via its
corresponding interface (cast)
will have to add checks for individual interfaces as per #1250
I didn't feel like adding much documentation, is pretty straightforward.
Cast a pkm object to the desired ribbon set; if not null, can access
ribbons regardless of pkm format.
I don't know what pkl byte means, I applied a function that convert
mapID to pkm.metlocationID.
This function is used when caught mons.
e.g. route29(18,03): (18-1)<<1=2E, rom[9402E]=4C79, 9*(03-1)=12,
4C79+5+12=4C90, rom[94C90]=02.
* Add move source to the check result for current moves, it will be used for analysis of evolution with move to determine how many egg moves had the pokemon and determine if the evolution move could be a egg move that was forgotten
* Verify evolution for species that evolved leveling up with an specific move learned, the evolution must be at least one level after the pokemon could legally learn the move or one level after transfer to the first generation where it can evolve
* Check to detect traded unevolved Kadabra based in catch rate and moves exclusive from yellow or red/blue
If pokemon have data exclusive from one version but is in another version that means it should be evolved
* Check no tradeback moves for preevolutions, like Pichu exclusive non tradeback moves for a Pikachu, that Pikachu could not have at the same time Pichu gen 2 moves and gen 1 moves because move reminder do not allow to relearn Pichu moves and gen 2 moves must be forgotten to trade into generation 1 games
* Legallity strings for non tradeback checks
Eggs only inherit a level up move if both parents know the move, that means genderless and male only moves could not have any level up move as an egg except the base egg moves because Ditto is one parent
Nidoran male and Volbeat excluded because they can breed with Nidoran female and Illusime
* Small check to not search for egg moves in genderless pokemon, generation 2 data include egg moves for Starmie
* Fix female only species
* Stomp is not a possible egg moves of Stanee
* Fix Steenee evolution move, it cant be inherited as an egg
Track gen1/2 origin game as well as generation
fix pk2 gender setting (incorrect bitmask & wasn't set from tabs)
extend female gender check for gen2 to apply to GS encounters -- if met
location is missing, was traded to gen1 which clears gender.
Gamecube games and generation 1 games do not have female player character.
Generation 2 is not checked because if the pokemon is in format 2 and have met location data stored that means it was caught in crystal where female player is allowed, checks are not included for generation VC2 pokemon
I recently noticed that some activation use TID/SID,
I will re-check past resources that have abnormal value(e.g.AzureFlute),
after researching BW2,Pt.
allows loading of tab separated value text file "savpaths.txt" which can
also be used to 'favorite' locations (ie, the program checks for
duplicate paths and only adds the first).
folder availability checked on form creation
shortcut: press ctrl-F on main window
Thanks @sora10pls !