SetPINGA{S}(pk, criteria) -> pid,iv, nature, gender, ability (stats
memes aside, this is where criteria data is forced
Split N encounterstatic (has fixed PID and special flag) from
Fixed gender PCD with dynamic PID needs to check gender validity (some
korean card had it)
Fixed wc3 generated force-hatching to unflag fateful for non-frlg and to
hatch on the designated game just in case
stuck on a PGF issue where ability doesn't match PID, need to revisit
that PID creation...
Card #: 0002 - がくえんさい×ポケモンプレゼント
If one wanted to extend ConvertToPKM to other IEncounterables, this
would be the provided obj containing the receiver's info
allows pkm gen without a savefile, which is nice?
indicates met location for transferred mons
most gen1/2 encounters won't show values due to the location not being
stored respective to the string tables (anyone wanna do a location remap
after initial load?)
don't bother converting to pkm then generating the sprite off that; use
the overload with int/bool
removes sav/pkm dependency for generating gift descriptions, and
standardizes the names a little. maybe a PKMBase interface would be
Properly handle egg hatch counters for generated mystery gifts, as well
as HT friendship for gen6+
fetch form specific (friendship doesn't change but abilities fetch
species specific data later, so just fetch once up front). Do not depend
on save file as SAV7 importing PGF may have different abilities
Pad buttons for folder popup
fix double Japanese/International error message for importing jpk1<->pk1