Extract Species Name logic to SpeciesName
Extract Language logic to Language
Remove FormConverter wrapper for string[] fetch
Rearrange some logic to more appropriate locations, update access
modifiers / types
Move some pkm array methods to arrayutil, make generic
PKX.GetVCLanguage was a dupe of _K12.GuessedLanguage() so just expose
the method
PKX is now back to pkm data manip only
not enough documentation to know what every single flag does; just be
I assume that flags being present XK3->PK3 will set fateful, so we could
remove that logic...
Exposing bitflags for editing isn't fun for the editor, so just ignore
it behind the fateful bool get/set.
fateful required for all xk3 origin
reduces loading time (don't have to allocate conversion arrays when
launching a gen7 game), and separates things to easier to manage
reworks gen3 string encode/decode, no longer does 3->4->5 and 5->4->3;
instead goes straight to the end result without an intermediary format.
String sanitization should probably be broken up rather than reused, oh
remove Identifier param. 99% of the time, identifier is not provided,
resulting in a useless call
end result:
provide 'create new' and 'create from' constructors
Make extrabytes a pkm property (don't mutate array pls)
reconfigure startup loading to only initialize after initial load of sav
& pkm (using blanks if not provided)
reduce pk3/ck3/xk3 logic, share AbilityBit property within _K3, and when
loading, type check (favored over hardcoding individual load cases)
pull some non-gui code from PKMEditor to core/etc for general data
stored as wc3's, make "Version" from IVersion rather than int so that
"WasXD" recognizes it.
Update handling for fateful encounter trade-away cases.
standard generation 3 pkm content & interactions
generic inter-converter (more efficient than reflection)
update conversion methods; specific format conversion is now in the
object's src file now.
may be worth doing for gen4 pk4<->bk4
fix bk4 ribbon checks (lacked interface inheritance)
change MN -> UM for get blank save (unused in PKHeX solution)
prevent inheriting from derived pkm classes
extract pkm loading routines to smaller methods
reduce code duplication (rely on empty setters to ignore some calls)
should be much easier to understand the load/save process; the original
setup (pk6) was following the structure from 0x00-end, no point still
doing that as everything is now abstracted.
expose some useful IEnumerable methods (sorting / bin->pkm / copy) to
simplify some common operations
change some explicit arrays to IList for flexibility
remove old memecrypto bool (no longer necessary as XP is not supported)
rename some methods for more clarity
remove legality check's use of reflection which checked individual
properties; add interfaces to interact with the ribbons of each PKM
type. With this, every ribbon attribute is accessible via its
corresponding interface (cast)
will have to add checks for individual interfaces as per #1250
I didn't feel like adding much documentation, is pretty straightforward.
Cast a pkm object to the desired ribbon set; if not null, can access
ribbons regardless of pkm format.
Colosseum pokemon do not get fateful encounter, all pkm from XD (except
the starters) are fateful.
Add requirement for National ribbon if shadow CK3 is transferred to XK3
and vice versa; actually check for national ribbon during CK3/XK3
(RibbonSet1 interface)
pkm editor, sav editor, menus, and a manager to glue the storage slots
decouples the pkm/sav editors from a static savefile reference.
improves dragdrop/click view/set/delete indication, hides unavailable
contextmenuitems, and fixes a few incorrect references. Box Subviewer
slots now have all the indication/events that the main save editor slots
pls report behavior bugs 👍