fix ranch pkm hacks being treated as valid (wrong severity)
fix xml docs relative to recent changes
move kata/hiragana charmapping to be like the Farfetch'd alias
{"'", 0xE0}, // Alias ' to ’ for Farfetch'd
{"’", 0xE0},
- G1/G2 only have Hiragana letter he -> fixed Houndoom(ヘルガー) /Heracross (ヘラクロス) default name mismatch
- Fixed Stadium2 Farfetch'd move (Thrash -> Slash)
- Added VC Mew TID check
- Update Chinese legality strings
Resolves charmap duplications in the chinese char tables:
多边兽Z (Porygon-Z)
属性:空 (Type Null)
谜拟Q (Mimikyu)
卡璞・鸣鸣 (Tapu-Koko)
Games cannot have a nickname/OT in chinese as of current date... I
assume this will be fixed down the road
extract pkm loading routines to smaller methods
reduce code duplication (rely on empty setters to ignore some calls)
should be much easier to understand the load/save process; the original
setup (pk6) was following the structure from 0x00-end, no point still
doing that as everything is now abstracted.
Both characters map back to character 0x83, but 0x83 previously mapped
back to the lowercase variant which was unlike the others.
(オ and ォ -> オ)
Thanks Afepoke & smileynation!
expose some useful IEnumerable methods (sorting / bin->pkm / copy) to
simplify some common operations
change some explicit arrays to IList for flexibility
remove old memecrypto bool (no longer necessary as XP is not supported)
rename some methods for more clarity
Restriction happens because Korean can not trade with non-Korean GB era games
- There is no Korean release for gen 1 pokemon, included VC
- With no gen1 pokemon means any Korean gen2 is Gen2_NotTradeback, that means no gen1 origin nor moves are Legal
- Crystal was never released in Korean
- Pokemon Stadium 2 was never released in Korean, that means no move reminder for gen 2 korean pokemon
- Generation 4 can not trade between Korean and not Korean games, but Korean games can use the palpark with any language
Chinese language restrictions
There is no Chinese release for gen 1 and 2 pokemon games, VC Chinese games are in Japanese
extracted the GetNonNicknamedBytes method (used in SetNotNicknamed and
korean strings are variable byte width so using max string length is
* allow gen2 to have evolutions on gen1 when transferred to gen7
* handle korean strings on transfer slightly better (pk2.cs)
* auto-set johto location when changing game ID
* auto-detect VC saves (all have extensions with .dat)
Closes#1478 , thanks @NinFanBoyFTW !
regex matching takes a lot more time and is a cosmetic / easily fixable
issue (reset to no nickname / default OT).
Add a prompt to temp turn off those checks to drastically speed up
search (no regexes done).
Fix unsanitize for gen6 (should have been >= 6, aka starting with gen6)
farfetch'd apostrophe mapping disabled for gen5 and prior
flag gen2 new moves as not obtainable if transferred from RBY (VC1) as
they must be removed before transferring 2->1.
I think egg hatch location checking is wrong for traded eggs (see gen3
vs future games, origin game shouldn't change but could hatch ORAS egg
on XY at XY location?)
species added requires the 'latest personal table' reference to be
USUM's; the other referencs for .SM are fine as there's no possibility
to have a species ID high enough for it to matter.
add docs, move some data fetching to more appropriate class
remove old XP memecrypto support handling, was previously removed due to
net standard/core split
refactor memecrypto to handle multiple save sizes (USUM won't be the
same size save file); placeholder -1 for USUM size
Checks for max language ID on transferred pkm (gen5 pkm on gen7 can't
have CHS/CHT etc)
handles edge case for JPN B/W ingame trades
update pk5->pk6 transfer logic to bump langID 0 to 1.
Thanks HaxAras & Britty for providing samples!
Closes#1451 , was caused by empty party writebacks (was reading from
wrong offset
dex caught/owned offset was listed as 0x28AE in the thread, is at 0x2AAE
instead (-0x20 from seen)
should have correct offsets and handling now :)
Closes#1409, fr entries weren't tab separated
Closes#1408, editor interface was correct (refer to checkbox order
comment in Pokedex4.cs)
Closes#1407, XY species were copypasted to AO's