the special wallpaper values are +0x10 (ie 0x20, 0x21... instead of
0x10, 0x11) from the contiguous sequence of regular box wallpaper IDs
(anti cheat probing?).
Xor tweak allows for single invert method; use this invert with the base
implementation's method.
Range check for setting the box wallpaper (just in case). The underlying
error was fixed; the 255 val was reading from the wrong offset (now
Thanks Scarfy!
pkm editor, sav editor, menus, and a manager to glue the storage slots
decouples the pkm/sav editors from a static savefile reference.
improves dragdrop/click view/set/delete indication, hides unavailable
contextmenuitems, and fixes a few incorrect references. Box Subviewer
slots now have all the indication/events that the main save editor slots
pls report behavior bugs 👍