reduces loading time (don't have to allocate conversion arrays when
launching a gen7 game), and separates things to easier to manage
reworks gen3 string encode/decode, no longer does 3->4->5 and 5->4->3;
instead goes straight to the end result without an intermediary format.
String sanitization should probably be broken up rather than reused, oh
PK2 doesn't like getting passed null for the byte[] parameter (rightly
so); don't depend on the src code order having the first constructor
being the one with the least arguments
fix it in pk1/2 so that the first constructor has the least args, anyway
remove Identifier param. 99% of the time, identifier is not provided,
resulting in a useless call
end result:
provide 'create new' and 'create from' constructors
replace linq for Encrypt/Decrypt pkmdata fetch with faster length check
& optional resize (Span pls!?)
update pk6 comment for why affection is not cleared
Logic is essentially identical; implement a base class and have the
generation specific structures implment the differences.
Reduce the verbosity a little
Remove unnecessary floor operation, don't fetch stat arrays for each
Current HP is a box stat in pk1 format (offset 0x1), which isn't stored
in box pk2's. If the hp is zero, set it to the current HP.
Thanks HaxAras for the conversion tip!
convert all dictionaries to char-byte instead of string (saves 50KB on
compressed dll, lul)
update OT string comparison for pre/post transfer specimens
Showing "TRAINER" for all languages isn't correct, just show a mapped
Closes#2049 , thanks @egzonqj & @WEERSOQUEER !
all usages besides fetching a 32bit random value should use
remove unnecessary do-while loop for calculating random EVs (always
returns 510 in total)
gender: take top 4 bits of gr:
31 = 0x1F = 1
63 = 0x3F = 3
127 = 0x7F = 7
191 = 0xBF = 11
See the pattern? If we change the compares from >= to >, we -1. All
numbers match except for the 25/75 ratio pkm... which unveils the
Simplify the calc for these using the logic above, which fixes the error
and makes the code easier to read!
Thanks SystemError for assisting :)
StringLength is the raw buffer size, needs to be offset by 1 as the
string length enforced does not consider the terminator
12char OT name in sav7 loaded to tabs -> load gen1/2 save = exception
(now fixed)
fix bk4 ribbon checks (lacked interface inheritance)
change MN -> UM for get blank save (unused in PKHeX solution)
prevent inheriting from derived pkm classes
pull out transfer locations to const references
add vc2 & crown beast/celebi met location suggesting
add vc2 crystal sensitive detection
add 2 more usum trainer stats (thanks holla!)
Closes#1540 , check for german only characters (gen1/2 can trade
between resulting in only OT being checkable). May be worth changing the
german check to return an int instead and check for other language
specific values.
Resolves charmap duplications in the chinese char tables:
多边兽Z (Porygon-Z)
属性:空 (Type Null)
谜拟Q (Mimikyu)
卡璞・鸣鸣 (Tapu-Koko)
Games cannot have a nickname/OT in chinese as of current date... I
assume this will be fixed down the road
extract pkm loading routines to smaller methods
reduce code duplication (rely on empty setters to ignore some calls)
should be much easier to understand the load/save process; the original
setup (pk6) was following the structure from 0x00-end, no point still
doing that as everything is now abstracted.
Restriction happens because Korean can not trade with non-Korean GB era games
- There is no Korean release for gen 1 pokemon, included VC
- With no gen1 pokemon means any Korean gen2 is Gen2_NotTradeback, that means no gen1 origin nor moves are Legal
- Crystal was never released in Korean
- Pokemon Stadium 2 was never released in Korean, that means no move reminder for gen 2 korean pokemon
- Generation 4 can not trade between Korean and not Korean games, but Korean games can use the palpark with any language
Chinese language restrictions
There is no Chinese release for gen 1 and 2 pokemon games, VC Chinese games are in Japanese
extracted the GetNonNicknamedBytes method (used in SetNotNicknamed and
korean strings are variable byte width so using max string length is