Detect channel, only detect Channel PIDIV for RS origin (only really
care about method1/2/4 being used when it shouldn't)
Channel does this weird thing called not setting the met level.
Refactor set suggested met location to a method that can suppress
encounterinvalid isegg no longer throws exceptions when parsing moves
dropping invalid file paths to main window are now ignored (downloads
from chrome can be manually deleted but still dragged from the downloads
add pidiv case for manaphy gift
More elegant handling for PKM without nicknames that have another
language species name; use that language ID instead of the pkm's
language ID. Since ToLower is not called, Ho-Oh from 3/4->6 now
transfers correctly.
fix gen3 encounterstatic eggs while still on gen3 games; only check the
egg location if still an egg
tighten up gen3 PIDIV compatibility checks, roamer glitch is fixed on
Emerald, and static encounters can't get method 2, and can only have
method 4 if under software emulation (RS Box) since the emu speed is
faaaaast 🚤 /s
Fixes HGSS egg moves, and improves encounter detail detection.
example: togepi from FRLG transferred up, old detection couldn't
differentiate the gift egg from a regular egg; however, PIDIVs can lend
a hand -- eggs don't have a PIDIV!
fixed shiny BACD spread detection (in regards to antishiny rerolls).
Shiny WISHMKR now detected correctly.
re-letter for clearer order of RNG results, don't unroll 3x to roll
forward 2x (just unroll 1,1 then 1).
Put origin seed in RNG Reporter => frame 1 result