Relocate the SetRandomEC at the tail end of the generator into the specific classes that set EC, so that our correlation generators don't have their EC overwritten at the end.
plugin adds a reader -> reader checks if it is a non-PKHeX.Core save type (they'd implement their own savefile/etc type) -> returns a matching save object if so
basically bypasses the base PKHeX logic
path.getfilename will never return null unless you pass null, which we don't do
setchecksums' base method does the AllBlocks.SetChecksums. move the battle team set to right before the usage of SetChecksums
Disassociate pk4/pk6 backing byte[] when converting to pk5|pk7, as we no longer make a copy of the byte[] in the pkm's constructor.
Change UpdatePKM to include isParty, as we want it optional to update FormArgument too.
Change FormArgument saving to be handled by FormConverter; kinda not really good to have it there, but nothing else is handling FormArgument values.
Expand IFormArgument to have all FormArgument values exposed. "Maximum" is furfrou only.
PK6: Max is in the "FormArgument" u32, and the remain/elapsed is in party stats (hence the reverting when boxed)
PK7: u8 remain, u8 elapsed, u8 max, u8 unused.
PK8: assumedly the same as PK7, given the disassembly hints that it's the same as past games (even though Furfrou and Hoopa are not in SWSH).
Update dictionary to use proper format (yyyy-mm-dd), as well as verifier to properly check met year.
Also updated IsValidDateWC8 to clamp latest met date based on UTC, like with GO encounters.
When making the wc8 bin, the filename v1/v2 may be first or second if the EventsGallery changes its syntax. Don't assume the v2 comes after v1. Just check for mismatch
Checks partial matches in the loop rather than outside; it'll only settle on the partial match if there's nothing else to settle on.
Gen1/2 generators can have partial matches bubble up before actual matches (gen1 fighting gen2).
I should probably have slot1/2 and static1/2 and trade1/2 implement GetBlank so that they can flexibly return a japanese/int/(kor) from template rather than default int, but eh