no Nintendo 3DS => null => getPathRoot(null) => exception
provide a fake root if the folder does not exist (to ensure that the
buttons are created with an unavailable path).
Properly handle egg hatch counters for generated mystery gifts, as well
as HT friendship for gen6+
fetch form specific (friendship doesn't change but abilities fetch
species specific data later, so just fetch once up front). Do not depend
on save file as SAV7 importing PGF may have different abilities
Pad buttons for folder popup
fix double Japanese/International error message for importing jpk1<->pk1
allows loading of tab separated value text file "savpaths.txt" which can
also be used to 'favorite' locations (ie, the program checks for
duplicate paths and only adds the first).
folder availability checked on form creation
shortcut: press ctrl-F on main window
Thanks @sora10pls !
Loads a template file (if it exists) instead of applying default
template info when a new save is loaded. No formats are hardcoded, as
* Detect encounter trades that evolve on trade and have not been evolved
Detect generation 1 pokemon with special catch rates : krabby trade and Pokemon Stadium
Detect generation 1 pokemon that evolve on trade and have been traded but not evolved
Detect pokemon with tradeback status any but with only encounters from the other GB generation, that means they are WasTradeback
Detect pokemon with moves from the other GB generation, change tradebackstatus to WasTradeback
* Fix dppt surfing and fishing encounter type, is is surfing because the battle background is the same as other surfingfishing encounters
Fix headbutt encounter type, the encounter type depends on the battle background used when battle a pokemon, for headbutt it changes with the player tile, is the player is in a city it will be building encounter, in a grass tile tall grass, in water it is surfingfishing and cave inside a cave. Some locations have more than one possible encounter type, for example routes with trees near the grass, near the water and near non-combat tiles.
Also added slot type headbutt special for the special trees, those trees are all in routes and are only adjacent to non-combat tiles
* Fix encounter type for missing areas with multiple grass encounters types: Mt Coronet, Mt Silver Cave and Stark Mountain (Issue # 1095)
* Fixes and typos
* Check for non-japanese e-reader pokemon, is unreleased
* Refactor parseMovesForEncounter to gather valid moves for species encounter, some Pokemon can have valid encounters with different source species from the encounter, the valid moves change if the encounter species change because some preevolutions moves are illegal if pokemon caught already evolved.
Example, generation 1 Pikachu that can have a RBY Pikachu encounter and GSC Pichu encounter, the valid moves for the first encounters should not have any Pichu exclusive evolution moves
Also assign the encounter match from gb when parsing moves like the variable Encounter Match, to store the encounter that is valid for the pokemon moves instead the first encounter.
Store the species encounter, this will be needed to check if the evolution is valid for species that evolve leveling with a given learned move
* Add Tradeback Status to the pokemon, this variable for generations 1 and 2 use data like the catch rate to determine if trade between generations 1 and 2 was possible.
If analysis is for VC games tradeback have value NotTradeback for every gen 1 pokemon, but for cart saves some pokemon can be determine that have not been tradeback, if catch rate match species catch rate but do not match a valid generation 2 held item that means the pokemon habe been never traded to generation 2 games, that allow to discart encounters and moves from generation 2.
Also if is not tradeback catch rate is used to filter encounters, catch rate determine in what species was captured the pokemon discarting some preevolutions moves
Also add option for generation 1 cart save analysis to check legal status not allowing generation 2 games, like VC games but with Stadium allowed, like the generation 1 non tradeback rules from Smogon
Also change evolution chains to included generation 2 preevolutions for gen 1 pokemon if tradeback was possible, it is needed to avoid parsemoves to check illegal pokemon like Hitmonchan with Tyrogue level up moves
* Check legal values of generation 1 type and catch rate
Replace pokemon catch rate after changind pokemon species always if pokemon was not tradeback from generation 2, the catch rate will keep unchanged only if it can be a held item and do not match species catch rate (default item)
Also if catch rate is changed use base species catch rate to avoid legal errors if the catch rate of the evolution species if is not possible with the current moves
* Filter ingame trades and static encounters with catch rate for generation 1 non tradeback
* Fix min moves for generation 1 metapod encounter
* Clean up
* Fix encounter level for generation 1, valid moves are those with one level after the encounter level, pokemon can not learn a new move until level up
Clean up type validation
Fix generation 3 fatefull encounter eggs, the pokemon lost the fatefull mark when it hatch
* Clean-up
* Use new variable EncounterSpecies when it is needed to detect the species of the encounter, the old code wont work if the encounter is a wild slots array
* Fix generation 1 evolution chains and catch rate as default held item
* Fix Generation 1 Yellow Pikachu and Kadabra catch rates
Saving of the Battle Frontier symbols is clearing the flag
block2 ofs 0x40C = Navel Rock
block2 ofs 0x408 = symbols
bitconverter getbytes was fed an Int64 due to bit shifting ints and
uints. Forcibly cast to uint to keep only 32 bits -> intended behavior.
sneak in RNG readonly
If the pkm has a bad checksum/sanity or is in a locked slot, it never
incremented the counter. Just increment the counter anyway and write the
msg to console.
seems kinda lazy as I didn't bother tracking down the suspect that
modifies the save (presumably the hex seed values); those should load
correctly and not change any bytes.
* Fix gen3 abiltiy legality check
Seperate Ability (AbilityBit i.e top bit of IV32) and AbilityNumber
Fix in-game trade Electrode's ability
* Fix function deal with "encountermatch is int"
Keep encountermatch as null after UpdateEncounterInfo
* Fix gen5-7 ability check
Consider ability capsule
gen5 personal table have HA, ability_count won't work
Some simplification and avoid duplicate invalid message
* Simplify ability check
Use bool? to mark 3 states
GameVersion CXD needs more info
* Temp fix gen3 in-game trade ability check
Lickitung have 2 regular ability at gen3, there is a AbilityBit and
AbilityNumber mismatch
Guess those ingame trade have static PID
* Change abilitybit to bool and revert change
revert change in UpdateEncounterChain.
let egg encounter / null encounter choose vs.Last().Species as before
* Update Chinese legality translation strings
* Replace the background with a frosty partially transparent image to
snap user attention to the hovered slot
* change cursor to hand symbol when over a draggable box slot
* remove duplicated resource references
* remove unused line in rtc3