Add notransfer for SV-ride legend
Replace dummy '0' in gen3 chartable to match Bulbapedia -- inaccessible char for entry anyways, and the byte never fetched via IndexOf due to the previous occurrence of '0'.
Enhance file namer interface to tag with a display name
Quicker than creating defensive copies for each Parse call. Do the same for IV-set passing.
Not worth for binlinker as it's never passed multiple times / deref'd often.
Fix ranch save load (index out of range on party stat fetch due to bad truncation)
Folder Browser: Reapply filter if active on column sort
Fix inverted VC1/2 cross-check, add missing derived type and ignore Generation==0 (empty/invalid) moves.
I don't want to decipher to manual interactions to the Battle Frontier structures now. Prints were just work values, and fly flags were event flags.
Encode beldum's raid moves manually since it's the only one with empty moves (default -> learnset fetch). See pkNX for associated workarounds in pickle build.
If (evolved into {species}), must have known {move}
I think Swinub->Mamoswine and Mankey->Annihilape might have evaded the check prior; was the only other 3-stage evo (now +Hydrapple).
* Handle Seven Star Raids Change From Teal Mask Update
* Refer To RaidSevenStarCaptured9.CountAll Rather Than Recalculate It
* Fix Wrong SevenStarRaid Size Variable Referenced
While they are the same value correcting the mistake so that there isn't confusion while looking at the code.
HOME fixes anything with 31IVs flagged. S/V no longer in error. Would be an incredible headache to detect "has visited S/V prior to 3.0.0" so just flag it.
It's up to the checker to know about this.
Use an enum to know which raids to use rather than passing the specific raids so that the save changes copy back operation only happens when a user saves modifications and thus won't flag the save as modified if nothing was changed.