hide setters for LegalInfo outside assembly (shouldn't overwrite the
stored values)
update GenNumber to Gen* if appropriate; GenNumber checks for first Gen*
to match, is a little more explicit and quicker than calling twice when
checking a range
kinda slow, if a save has 900 mons, it has to check 900*900 which is
O(n^2), takes a few seconds
as opposed to just doing a hashset checking contains, would be O(n)
gotta do some fun stuff to make it faster
relocate program language enum
test that test case is proper
move getcompatible & gettemplate to core
remove catch rate changing for pk1 (catchrate editor now used instead)
replace Friendship control click to match shortcut description (used to
do nothing)
Remove some duplicate translation strings
fix gameselect string formatting
apparently systemsounds changed in a recent win10 update, Question is
now silent?? Exclamation is now the same as Asterisk (same as Beep?) Use
hand instead of Exclamation.
only use asterisk for notifications
old overridden behavior didn't display the font cleanly
use TextRenderer instead with formatting, and squish things down to
regular size (-2px).
lightened the green color in a previous commit
since redrawing is good now, can maybe expand upon coloring (move type
shown on left side as a color?)
bad logic causes the relearnmoves to get reset when first one is
applied, just revert to the old way instead of wrapping FieldsLoading
around this (repopulating legality would have to be manually called
sav1: assign personal table based on (detected/provided) version
catchrate editor: allow to use savefile personal
remove gb era prompt whenever gb/blank loaded; have it as a setting (can
be overridden for VC now). keep allowgbera as autodetect
personaltable: track format for debugging purposes/info
update translations
showdownset: contains char instead of string
gameinfo: static readonly array instead of redefining new on update
legality: order of operation / value reuse / simplification / comments
pkx: compare char instead of single character string
header/footer: move assignment into method as an out instead of ref
rearrange pkm version groups for clear break between
clear pokelist for sav7b on non-exportable saves (prevents b1s1 from
showing markings)
rename horohoro (pgo) to non romaji lol, hide daycare/party tabs on
nonexportable save
remove some unnecessary operations
rewrite getallcontrolsoftype to remove ToList() and make generic
remove silly idle loop, call close manually
remove initialization check for generating sprite; now only calls at max
2x when starting up = not necessary to bypass with a special variable
Closes#2227 , validation failed to recognize this item since it wasn't
a ComboItem
only happens if a gen1/2 save is provided as the most recent/startup
Make extrabytes a pkm property (don't mutate array pls)
reconfigure startup loading to only initialize after initial load of sav
& pkm (using blanks if not provided)
remove lockedslots, store & save all teamslots for sav7
differentiate locked slots from overwrite protected slots by emitting an
enum containing info about the slot
locked = can't be replaced, period.
starter/battleteam = can't be pasted over by bulk-pastes
can eventually show more specific sprite layers to denote party