replace linq for Encrypt/Decrypt pkmdata fetch with faster length check
& optional resize (Span pls!?)
update pk6 comment for why affection is not cleared
use 'u' to denote uint values, so that less IL ops are required
~(21->17) in the case of IVs
no functional change, just a fun exercise looking at generated IL and
finding ways to use less ops
be explicit that the string is empty rather than possibly missing
disallow encrypted export for BK4 (they're not encrypted), removes type
simplify replaceall in showdownset (don't call ReplaceAll 4x, just get
valid chars and rebuild)
simplify get ribbon sprite name (precompute ToLower and appended values
Didn't really feel like pulling out the shared structure get/set
operations, only the derived properties & overall fixer methods. Should
be easier to maintain if any handling updates.
Clean up pb7 unused stuff; removes ribbon logic since none are used.
c# 8.0 interface defaults can maybe pull out more logic (ex making
FixRelearn and relearn moves into an interface); multiple inheritance
can be useful as features are added/dropped between generations.
Make extrabytes a pkm property (don't mutate array pls)
reconfigure startup loading to only initialize after initial load of sav
& pkm (using blanks if not provided)
Closes#2160 , use Batch Editor to modify slots; it's not worth GUI
presence as it's only saved for party format mons and is undocumented
for anything besides affliction flags
fix bk4 ribbon checks (lacked interface inheritance)
change MN -> UM for get blank save (unused in PKHeX solution)
prevent inheriting from derived pkm classes
get language list now doesn't return new objects (or re-enumerate)
update rand usage to be inclusive for top bound, extend shuffle to
remove unnecessary location overrides (already overriden in legal fetch)
Resolves charmap duplications in the chinese char tables:
多边兽Z (Porygon-Z)
属性:空 (Type Null)
谜拟Q (Mimikyu)
卡璞・鸣鸣 (Tapu-Koko)
Games cannot have a nickname/OT in chinese as of current date... I
assume this will be fixed down the road
Returned messages are slightly misleading since missing/invalid are
mixed together with the static method.
~322 lines to check ribbons, on top of the interface abstraction... so
much required... kinda understandable as there's over 100 ribbons to
remove legality check's use of reflection which checked individual
properties; add interfaces to interact with the ribbons of each PKM
type. With this, every ribbon attribute is accessible via its
corresponding interface (cast)
will have to add checks for individual interfaces as per #1250
I didn't feel like adding much documentation, is pretty straightforward.
Cast a pkm object to the desired ribbon set; if not null, can access
ribbons regardless of pkm format.
DistByte is actually 16bits; no point changing the name.
The 32bits afterwards are form duration (Hoopa/Furfrou only), and only
exist while the PKM is in the player's party.
The game sets an initial value with days to exist in the form before
reverting (probably on game restart), checking the delta between days
saved. Either way, just set a base value when writing it to the party,
else clear the value if it is not supposed to be used.
Thanks @SciresM !
pkm editor, sav editor, menus, and a manager to glue the storage slots
decouples the pkm/sav editors from a static savefile reference.
improves dragdrop/click view/set/delete indication, hides unavailable
contextmenuitems, and fixes a few incorrect references. Box Subviewer
slots now have all the indication/events that the main save editor slots
pls report behavior bugs 👍