* Fix hgss safari zone encounters
* Add fishing slots at night (hgss)
* Fix Japanese Special Character (gen 4)
* Add gen4 ball with HA legality checking (gen7)
Males can pass the ball with HA females ONLY when they have the same
pokedex number
* Add safari ball with HA checking (gen7)
* Fix ball legality checking for shedninja
Poke Ball only
* Map Unicode Chinese characters to in-game chars
Chinese species names in sun/moon were remapped by GF.
* Add nickname legality check for east asia language
Can not give Chinese or Japanese kanji nickname to pkm.
* Remove hiding nickname textbox for chs/cht
Since remapping and legality checking are implemented, There will be no
strange character or misunderstanding.
Adds game selection subform for RSEFRLG/Memcard game selection
Backs up entire memory card instead of just gci when loading from
Reduce string usage (easier dialog translation if that ever happens)
Does the memory card store date last saved? Could be used to autodetect
the last saved game and load directly instead of selecting.
The internal data of GC games for purification for shadow pokemon does not have values from 0-non shadow to 100-total shadow, it have values sarting from the initial shadow hearth gauge to 0-non shadow.
Do not allow to resize memory cards nor create a new memory card from a gci files
If the MC contains multiple save files the program ask the user what game he want to edit
only species outside of the NohatchFromEgg is manaphy; if it's a
recognized encounter it's okay. Safer to check generally than having to
update explicitly if there's a mew egg (lol)
remove HGSS check for BugContest, simpler to express as cant be
BugContest without HGSS anyway (implied)
pull out strings from trainer7 (localization cantidate), identify common
operations (getBits from ListBox), use |= instead of +=
Fixes#1007Closes#1008 with a slightly different implementation of the validation
check; other fixes for legality incorporated. Thanks @javierhimura !
Note for the Electrode encounter: both PIDIVs should be method 1 (not
J/K) thus only one is kept in the array.
This only applies to Pickup/honey gather ability procs
179 is incremented if some value is >10000, which is immediately after
photos rated (119)
184 is incremented if GetSelectRankRoyal == 3 (after 159 and 137)
other pairs: 5,137
eh just check Savedata::IncRecord usages
subregion was set first, but changing the country caused it to reset the
subregion to 0/existing value.
thus, load country first then subregion (why not move 3DSReg first 👍
Add gen5 hidden ability check for pkm that shouldn't have hidden ability
(wonder if there's any pkm that can be encountered in wild / grotto)
time to extract more strings
functions properly for games without a party (RS BOX) by checking if a
party exists
if there's ever a game that doesn't have a box, it'll work for that too
For future translation feature as per #959
3 helper methods provided to facilitate the localization (import /
export / update)
I decided to simplify some duplicate-function sections
Launching from args sets the Environment.CurrentDirectory to that of the
files that launched the program; instead we want the
Application.StartupPath (where the exe is, which is where our backup
files are).
Incorporates files from #190
Skeleton added for future implementations; currently missing gifts,
encounter info, and the fine tuning that follows.
Basically sets up areas for future implementation... feel free to submit
pull requests filling in the EncounterStatic/EncounterTrade blocks with
the basic info. I'll probably focus on gen5->4->3 in terms of priority.
Encounter slots need to be marked up for encounter slot legality (yay
32bit RNG), and will be used for PIDIV detection too.
XD/C is not in this round of implementation. Pretty much every pkm 3-5
will show up as invalid until this round of dev is finished.
Remove duplicated SAV pkm set method (byte[] instead of PKM, was unused.
All it did was getPKM(decryptPKM(data)).)
Tweak Seen/Caught count expression body to use the HasPokeDex bool, as
GB(A) games did not use the PokeDex int offset. Things were simpler back
then :)
Remove unnecessary toarrays
fix 3->4 items being deleted even if they were valid
be nice and allow held item to transfer 4->5 if it can still be held
invert purification values, heart gauge is [-100,0] not [0,100]
Add ability to get SeenCount & CaughtCount
switch gen1/2/3 get/set to use int species (since that's all they end up
using), removes the need to create a pk6 template for setting the flag
via the dex editor.
lowest 4 bits are used for something else; stamps are bits 4-18
exposes wardrobe (fashion item list) as a tuple (IsOwned, IsNew)
reduce nesting in tr7, add comment on fashion bitflag setup, inb4
someone sets it the array to 01 and crossdresses ;)