Load pokemon savegames directly from gamecube memory card files. This files can be saved again in the same memory card file or exported as a gci file with only the savegame.

Do not allow to resize memory cards nor create a new memory card from a gci files
If the MC contains multiple save files the program ask the user what game he want to edit
This commit is contained in:
javierhimura 2017-04-02 16:53:46 +02:00
parent 32b2abf7a9
commit a38e923e83
8 changed files with 565 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms
string ext = Path.GetExtension(path);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
if (fi.Length > 0x10009C && fi.Length != 0x380000)
if (fi.Length > 0x10009C && fi.Length != 0x380000 && ! SAV3GCMemoryCard.IsMemoryCardSize(fi.Length))
WinFormsUtil.Error("Input file is too large." + Environment.NewLine + $"Size: {fi.Length} bytes", path);
else if (fi.Length < 32)
WinFormsUtil.Error("Input file is too small." + Environment.NewLine + $"Size: {fi.Length} bytes", path);
@ -782,6 +782,20 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms
openSAV(sav, path);
else if ((SAV3GCMemoryCard.IsMemoryCardSize(input)))
SAV3GCMemoryCard MC = CheckGCMemoryCard(input, path);
if (MC == null)
if ((sav = SaveUtil.getVariantSAV(MC)) != null)
openSAV(sav, path);
WinFormsUtil.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.",
$"File Loaded:{Environment.NewLine}{path}",
$"File Size:{Environment.NewLine}{input.Length} bytes (0x{input.Length:X4})");
else if ((temp = PKMConverter.getPKMfromBytes(input, prefer: ext.Length > 0 ? (ext.Last() - 0x30)&7 : SAV.Generation)) != null)
PKM pk = PKMConverter.convertToFormat(temp, SAV.PKMType, out c);
@ -902,6 +916,83 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms
openSAV(s, s.FileName);
return true;
private GameVersion SelectMemoryCardSaveGame(SAV3GCMemoryCard MC)
if (MC.SaveGameCount == 1)
return MC.SelectedGameVersion;
GameVersion[] Options = new GameVersion[2];
string[] Names = new string[2];
if (MC.SaveGameCount == 3)
var drGC3Select = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, $"Pokémon Colloseum, Pokémon XD and Pokémon RS Box Save Files detected. Select game to edit.",
"Yes: Pokémon Colloseum/XD" + Environment.NewLine + "No: Pokémon RS Box");
if (drGC3Select == DialogResult.Cancel)
return GameVersion.CXD;
if(drGC3Select == DialogResult.No)
return GameVersion.RSBOX;
Options = new[] { GameVersion.COLO, GameVersion.XD };
Names = new[] { "Pokémon Colloseum", "Pokémon XD" };
// 2 games only
if (MC.SaveGameCount == 2 && MC.HaveRSBoxSaveGame)
if( MC.HaveColloseumSaveGame)
Options[0] = GameVersion.COLO;
Names[0] = "Pokémon Colloseum";
else //XD
Options[0] = GameVersion.XD;
Names[0] = "Pokémon XD";
Options[1] = GameVersion.RSBOX;
Names[1] = "Pokémon RS Box";
else // RXBox discarted
Options = new[] { GameVersion.COLO, GameVersion.XD };
Names = new[] { "Pokémon Colloseum", "Pokémon XD" };
var drGCSelect = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, $"{Names[0]} and {Names[1]} Save Files detected. Select game to edit.",
$"Yes: {Names[0]}" + Environment.NewLine + $"No: {Names[1]}");
if (drGCSelect == DialogResult.Cancel)
return GameVersion.CXD;
if (drGCSelect == DialogResult.Yes)
return Options[0];
return Options[1];
private SAV3GCMemoryCard CheckGCMemoryCard(byte[] Data, string path)
SAV3GCMemoryCard MC = new SAV3GCMemoryCard();
GCMemoryCardState MCState = MC.LoadMemoryCardFile(Data);
case GCMemoryCardState.Invalid: { WinFormsUtil.Error("Invalid or corrupted GC Memory Card. Aborting.", path); return null; }
case GCMemoryCardState.NoPkmSaveGame: { WinFormsUtil.Error("GC Memory Card without any Pokémon save file. Aborting.", path); return null; }
case GCMemoryCardState.ColloseumSaveGameDuplicated: { WinFormsUtil.Error("GC Memory Card with multiple Pokémon Colloseum save files. Aborting.", path); return null; }
case GCMemoryCardState.XDSaveGameDuplicated: { WinFormsUtil.Error("GC Memory Card with multiple Pokémon XD save files. Aborting.", path); return null; }
case GCMemoryCardState.RSBoxSaveGameDuplicated: { WinFormsUtil.Error("GC Memory Card with multiple Pokémon RS Box save files. Aborting.", path); return null; }
case GCMemoryCardState.MultipleSaveGame:
GameVersion Game = SelectMemoryCardSaveGame(MC);
if (Game == GameVersion.CXD) //Cancel
return null;
case GCMemoryCardState.ColloseumSaveGame: { MC.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.COLO); break; }
case GCMemoryCardState.XDSaveGame: { MC.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.XD); break; }
case GCMemoryCardState.RSBoxSaveGame: { MC.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.RSBOX); break; }
return MC;
private void openSAV(SaveFile sav, string path)
if (sav == null || sav.Version == GameVersion.Invalid)
@ -3319,9 +3410,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms
SAV.CurrentBox = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex;
bool dsv = Path.GetExtension(main.FileName)?.ToLower() == ".dsv";
bool gci = Path.GetExtension(main.FileName)?.ToLower() == ".gci";
File.WriteAllBytes(main.FileName, SAV.Write(dsv));
File.WriteAllBytes(main.FileName, SAV.Write(dsv, gci));
SAV.Edited = false;
WinFormsUtil.Alert("SAV exported to:", main.FileName);

View file

@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
<Compile Include="Saves\SAV3GCMemoryCard.cs" />
<Compile Include="Saves\SAV7.cs" />
<Compile Include="Saves\Substructures\BattleVideo.cs" />
<Compile Include="Saves\Substructures\BlockInfo.cs" />

View file

@ -7,8 +7,17 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public sealed class SAV3Colosseum : SaveFile, IDisposable
public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{OT} ({Version}) - {PlayTimeString}].bak";
public override string Filter => "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => ".gci";
public override string Filter
if (IsMemoryCardSave)
return "Memory Card File|*.raw,*.bin|GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
return "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => IsMemoryCardSave ? ".raw" : ".gci";
// 3 Save files are stored
// 0x0000-0x6000 contains memory card data
@ -29,6 +38,13 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
private readonly int Memo;
private readonly ushort[] LegalItems, LegalKeyItems, LegalBalls, LegalTMHMs, LegalBerries, LegalCologne;
private readonly int OFS_PouchCologne;
private SAV3GCMemoryCard MC;
public override bool IsMemoryCardSave => MC != null;
public SAV3Colosseum(byte[] data,SAV3GCMemoryCard MC)
: this(data)
this.MC = MC;
public SAV3Colosseum(byte[] data = null)
Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G3COLO] : (byte[])data.Clone();
@ -100,6 +116,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
private readonly byte[] OriginalData;
public override byte[] Write(bool DSV)
return Write(DSV,false);
public override byte[] Write(bool DSV, bool GCI = false)
StrategyMemo.FinalData.CopyTo(Data, Memo);
@ -111,6 +131,9 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
// Put save slot back in original save data
byte[] newFile = (byte[])OriginalData.Clone();
Array.Copy(newSAV, 0, newFile, SLOT_START + SaveIndex*SLOT_SIZE, newSAV.Length);
//Return the complete memory card only if the save was loaded from a memory card and gci output was not selecte
if (IsMemoryCardSave && !GCI)
return MC.WriteSaveGameData(newFile.ToArray());
return Header.Concat(newFile).ToArray();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/* GameCube memory card format data, checksum and code to extract files based on Dolphin code, adapted from C++ to C#
* https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/
public enum GCMemoryCardState
public sealed class SAV3GCMemoryCard
const int BLOCK_SIZE = 0x2000;
const int MBIT_TO_BLOCKS = 0x10;
const int DENTRY_STRLEN = 0x20;
const int DENTRY_SIZE = 0x40;
int NumEntries_Directory { get { return BLOCK_SIZE / DENTRY_SIZE; } }
internal readonly string[] Colloseum_GameCode = new[]
internal readonly string[] XD_GameCode = new[]
internal readonly string[] Box_GameCode = new[]
internal static readonly int[] validMCSizes = new[]
524288, // 512KB 59 Blocks Memory Card
1048576, // 1MB
2097152, // 2MB
4194304, // 4MB 251 Blocks Memory Card
8388608, // 8MB
16777216, // 16MB 1019 Blocks Default Dolphin Memory Card
33554432, // 64MB
67108864 // 128 MB
internal readonly byte[] RawEmpty_DEntry = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
// Control blocks
private const int Header_Block = 0;
private const int Directory_Block = 1;
private const int DirectoryBackup_Block = 2;
private const int BlockAlloc_Block = 3;
private const int BlockAllocBackup_Block = 4;
// BigEndian treatment
private ushort SwapEndian(ushort x)
return (ushort)((ushort)((x & 0xff) << 8) | ((x >> 8) & 0xff));
private ushort BigEndianToUint16(byte[] value, int startIndex)
ushort x = BitConverter.ToUInt16(value, startIndex);
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return x;
return SwapEndian(x);
private void calc_checksumsBE(int blockoffset, int offset, int length, ref ushort csum, ref ushort inv_csum)
csum = inv_csum = 0;
var ofs = blockoffset * BLOCK_SIZE + offset;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
csum += BigEndianToUint16(RawData, ofs + i * 2);
inv_csum += SwapEndian((ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(RawData, ofs + i * 2) ^ 0xffff));
if (csum == 0xffff)
csum = 0;
if (inv_csum == 0xffff)
inv_csum = 0;
private uint TestChecksums()
ushort csum = 0, csum_inv = 0;
uint results = 0;
calc_checksumsBE(Header_Block, 0, 0xFE, ref csum, ref csum_inv);
if ((Header_Checksum != csum) || (Header_Checksum_Inv != csum_inv))
results |= 1;
calc_checksumsBE(Directory_Block, 0, 0xFFE, ref csum, ref csum_inv);
if ((Directory_Checksum != csum) || (Directory_Checksum_Inv != csum_inv))
results |= 2;
calc_checksumsBE(DirectoryBackup_Block, 0, 0xFFE, ref csum, ref csum_inv);
if ((DirectoryBck_Checksum != csum) || (DirectoryBck_Checksum_Inv != csum_inv))
results |= 4;
calc_checksumsBE(BlockAlloc_Block, 4, 0xFFE, ref csum, ref csum_inv);
if ((BlockAlloc_Checksum != csum) || (BlockAlloc_Checksum_Inv != csum_inv))
results |= 8;
calc_checksumsBE(BlockAllocBackup_Block, 4, 0xFFE, ref csum, ref csum_inv);
if ((BlockAllocBck_Checksum != csum) || (BlockAllocBck_Checksum_Inv != csum_inv))
results |= 16;
return results;
int Header_Size { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Header_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x0022); } }
ushort Header_Checksum { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Header_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x01fc); } }
ushort Header_Checksum_Inv { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Header_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x01fe); } }
//Encoding (Windows-1252 or Shift JIS)
int Header_Encoding { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Header_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x0024); } }
bool Header_Japanese { get { return Header_Encoding == 1; } }
Encoding Header_EncodingType { get { return Header_Japanese ? Encoding.GetEncoding(1252) : Encoding.GetEncoding(932); } }
int Directory_UpdateCounter { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Directory_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x1ffa); } }
int Directory_Checksum { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Directory_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x1ffc); } }
int Directory_Checksum_Inv { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, Directory_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x1ffe); } }
int DirectoryBck_UpdateCounter { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x1ffa); } }
int DirectoryBck_Checksum { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x1ffc); } }
int DirectoryBck_Checksum_Inv { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x1ffe); } }
int BlockAlloc_Checksum { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, BlockAlloc_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x0000); } }
int BlockAlloc_Checksum_Inv { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, BlockAlloc_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x0002); } }
int BlockAllocBck_Checksum { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, BlockAllocBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x0000); } }
int BlockAllocBck_Checksum_Inv { get { return BigEndianToUint16(RawData, BlockAllocBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE + 0x0002); } }
byte[] RawData;
int DirectoryBlock_Used;
int NumBlocks => RawData.Length / BLOCK_SIZE - 5;
int Colloseum_Entry = -1;
int XD_Entry = -1;
int RSBox_Entry = -1;
int Selected_Entry = -1;
public int SaveGameCount = 0;
public bool HaveColloseumSaveGame => Colloseum_Entry > -1;
public bool HaveXDSaveGame => XD_Entry > -1;
public bool HaveRSBoxSaveGame => RSBox_Entry > -1;
private bool IsCorruptedMemoryCard()
uint csums = TestChecksums();
if ((csums & 0x1) == 1)
// Header checksum failed
// invalid files do not always get here
return true;
if ((csums & 0x2) == 1) // directory checksum error!
if ((csums & 0x4) == 1) // backup is also wrong!
// Directory checksum and directory backup checksum failed
return true;
// backup is correct, restore
Array.Copy(RawData, DirectoryBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, RawData, Directory_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
Array.Copy(RawData, BlockAlloc_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, RawData, BlockAllocBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
// update checksums
csums = TestChecksums();
if ((csums & 0x8) == 1) // BAT checksum error!
if ((csums & 0x10) == 1) // backup is also wrong!
// Block Allocation Table checksum failed
return true;
// backup is correct, restore
Array.Copy(RawData, DirectoryBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, RawData, Directory_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
Array.Copy(RawData, BlockAlloc_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, RawData, BlockAllocBackup_Block * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
return false;
public static bool IsMemoryCardSize(long Size)
if (Size > int.MaxValue)
return false;
return validMCSizes.Contains(((int)Size));
public static bool IsMemoryCardSize(byte[] Data)
return validMCSizes.Contains(Data.Length);
public GCMemoryCardState LoadMemoryCardFile(byte[] Data)
RawData = Data;
if (!IsMemoryCardSize(RawData))
// Invalid size
return GCMemoryCardState.Invalid;
// Size in megabits, not megabytes
int m_sizeMb = ((RawData.Length / BLOCK_SIZE) / MBIT_TO_BLOCKS);
if (m_sizeMb != Header_Size)
//Memory card file size does not match the header size
return GCMemoryCardState.Invalid;
if (IsCorruptedMemoryCard())
return GCMemoryCardState.Invalid;
// Use the most recent directory block
if (DirectoryBck_UpdateCounter > Directory_UpdateCounter)
DirectoryBlock_Used = DirectoryBackup_Block;
DirectoryBlock_Used = Directory_Block;
string Empty_DEntry = Header_EncodingType.GetString(RawEmpty_DEntry, 0, 4);
// Search for pokemon savegames in the directory
for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries_Directory; i++)
string GameCode = Header_EncodingType.GetString(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + i * DENTRY_SIZE, 4);
if (GameCode == Empty_DEntry)
int FirstBlock = BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + i * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x36);
int BlockCount = BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + i * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x38);
// Memory card directory contains info for deleted files with boundaries beyond memory card size, ignore
if (FirstBlock + BlockCount > NumBlocks)
if (Colloseum_GameCode.Contains(GameCode))
if (Colloseum_Entry > -1)
// Memory Card contains more than 1 Pokémon Colloseum save data.
// It is not possible with a real GC nor with Dolphin to have multiple savegames in the same MC
// If two are found assume corrupted memory card, it wont work with the games after all
return GCMemoryCardState.ColloseumSaveGameDuplicated;
Colloseum_Entry = i;
if (XD_GameCode.Contains(GameCode))
if (XD_Entry > -1)
// Memory Card contains more than 1 Pokémon XD save data.
return GCMemoryCardState.XDSaveGameDuplicated;
XD_Entry = i;
if (Box_GameCode.Contains(GameCode))
if (RSBox_Entry > -1)
// Memory Card contains more than 1 Pokémon RS Box save data.
return GCMemoryCardState.RSBoxSaveGameDuplicated;
RSBox_Entry = i;
if (SaveGameCount == 0)
// There is no savedata from a Pokémon GameCube game.
return GCMemoryCardState.NoPkmSaveGame;
if (SaveGameCount > 1)
return GCMemoryCardState.MultipleSaveGame;
if (Colloseum_Entry > -1)
Selected_Entry = Colloseum_Entry;
return GCMemoryCardState.ColloseumSaveGame;
if(XD_Entry > -1)
Selected_Entry = XD_Entry;
return GCMemoryCardState.XDSaveGame;
Selected_Entry = RSBox_Entry;
return GCMemoryCardState.RSBoxSaveGame;
public GameVersion SelectedGameVersion
if(Colloseum_Entry > -1 && Selected_Entry == Colloseum_Entry)
return GameVersion.COLO;
if (XD_Entry > -1 && Selected_Entry == XD_Entry)
return GameVersion.XD;
if (RSBox_Entry > -1 && Selected_Entry == RSBox_Entry)
return GameVersion.RSBOX;
return GameVersion.CXD; //Default for no game selected
public void SelectSaveGame(GameVersion Game)
case GameVersion.COLO: if (Colloseum_Entry > -1) Selected_Entry = Colloseum_Entry; break;
case GameVersion.XD: if (XD_Entry > -1) Selected_Entry = XD_Entry; break;
case GameVersion.RSBOX: if (RSBox_Entry > -1) Selected_Entry = RSBox_Entry; break;
public string getGCISaveGameName()
string GameCode = Header_EncodingType.GetString(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE, 4);
string Makercode = Header_EncodingType.GetString(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x04, 2);
string FileName = Header_EncodingType.GetString(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x08, DENTRY_STRLEN);
return Makercode + "-" + GameCode + "-" + FileName.Replace("\0", "") + ".gci";
public byte[] ReadSaveGameData()
if (Selected_Entry == -1)
// Not selected any entry
return null;
int FirstBlock = BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x36);
int BlockCount = BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x38);
byte[] SaveData = new byte[BlockCount * BLOCK_SIZE];
Array.Copy(RawData, FirstBlock * BLOCK_SIZE, SaveData, 0, BlockCount * BLOCK_SIZE);
return SaveData;
public byte[] WriteSaveGameData(byte[] SaveData)
if (Selected_Entry == -1)
// Not selected any entry
return RawData;
int FirstBlock = BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x36);
int BlockCount = BigEndianToUint16(RawData, DirectoryBlock_Used * BLOCK_SIZE + Selected_Entry * DENTRY_SIZE + 0x38);
if (SaveData.Length != BlockCount * BLOCK_SIZE)
// Invalid File Size
return null;
Array.Copy(SaveData, 0, RawData, FirstBlock * BLOCK_SIZE, BlockCount * BLOCK_SIZE);
return RawData;

View file

@ -6,9 +6,23 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public sealed class SAV3RSBox : SaveFile
public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{Version} #{SaveCount:0000}].bak";
public override string Filter => "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => ".gci";
public override string Filter
if (IsMemoryCardSave)
return "Memory Card File|*.raw,*.bin|GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
return "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => IsMemoryCardSave ? ".raw" : ".gci";
private SAV3GCMemoryCard MC;
public override bool IsMemoryCardSave => MC != null;
public SAV3RSBox(byte[] data, SAV3GCMemoryCard MC)
: this(data)
this.MC = MC;
public SAV3RSBox(byte[] data = null)
Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G3BOX] : (byte[])data.Clone();
@ -52,6 +66,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
private const int BLOCK_SIZE = 0x2000;
private const int SIZE_RESERVED = BLOCK_COUNT * BLOCK_SIZE; // unpacked box data
public override byte[] Write(bool DSV)
return Write(DSV, false);
public override byte[] Write(bool DSV, bool GCI = false)
// Copy Box data back to block
foreach (RSBOX_Block b in Blocks)
@ -63,6 +81,9 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
foreach (RSBOX_Block b in Blocks)
b.Data.CopyTo(Data, b.Offset);
byte[] newFile = getData(0, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED);
//Return the complete memory card only if the save was loaded from a memory card and gci output was not selecte
if (IsMemoryCardSave && !GCI)
return MC.WriteSaveGameData(newFile.ToArray());
return Header.Concat(newFile).ToArray();

View file

@ -6,8 +6,16 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public sealed class SAV3XD : SaveFile
public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{OT} ({Version}) #{SaveCount:0000}].bak";
public override string Filter => "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => ".gci";
public override string Filter
if (IsMemoryCardSave)
return "Memory Card File|*.raw|GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
return "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => IsMemoryCardSave ? ".raw" : ".gci";
private const int SLOT_SIZE = 0x28000;
private const int SLOT_START = 0x6000;
@ -22,6 +30,13 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
private readonly ushort[] LegalItems, LegalKeyItems, LegalBalls, LegalTMHMs, LegalBerries, LegalCologne, LegalDisc;
private readonly int OFS_PouchCologne, OFS_PouchDisc;
private readonly int[] subOffsets = new int[16];
private SAV3GCMemoryCard MC;
public override bool IsMemoryCardSave => MC != null;
public SAV3XD(byte[] data, SAV3GCMemoryCard MC)
: this(data)
this.MC = MC;
public SAV3XD(byte[] data = null)
Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G3XD] : (byte[])data.Clone();
@ -109,6 +124,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
private readonly byte[] OriginalData;
public override byte[] Write(bool DSV)
return Write(DSV, false);
public override byte[] Write(bool DSV, bool GCI = false)
// Set Memo Back
StrategyMemo.FinalData.CopyTo(Data, Memo);
@ -124,6 +143,9 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
// Put save slot back in original save data
byte[] newFile = (byte[])OriginalData.Clone();
Array.Copy(newSAV, 0, newFile, SLOT_START + SaveIndex * SLOT_SIZE, newSAV.Length);
//Return the complete memory card only if the save was loaded from a memory card and gci output was not selected
if (IsMemoryCardSave && !GCI)
return MC.WriteSaveGameData(newFile.ToArray());
return Header.Concat(newFile).ToArray();

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
int gen = f.Last() - 0x30;
return 3 <= gen && gen <= Generation;
public virtual bool IsMemoryCardSave => false;
// General PKM Properties
public abstract Type PKMType { get; }
public abstract PKM getPKM(byte[] data);
@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public ushort[] HeldItems { get; protected set; }
// General SAV Properties
public virtual byte[] Write(bool DSV, bool GCI = false)
return Write(DSV);
public virtual byte[] Write(bool DSV)

View file

@ -418,6 +418,28 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
sav.Footer = footer;
return sav;
public static SaveFile getVariantSAV(SAV3GCMemoryCard MC)
// Pre-check for header/footer signatures
SaveFile sav;
byte[] header = new byte[0], footer = new byte[0];
byte[] data = MC.ReadSaveGameData();
CheckHeaderFooter(ref data, ref header, ref footer);
switch (MC.SelectedGameVersion)
// Side Games
case GameVersion.COLO: sav = new SAV3Colosseum(data,MC); break;
case GameVersion.XD: sav = new SAV3XD(data, MC); break;
case GameVersion.RSBOX: sav = new SAV3RSBox(data, MC); break;
// No pattern matched
default: return null;
sav.Header = header;
sav.Footer = footer;
return sav;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of a SaveFile with a blank base.