2021-04-05 01:30:01 +00:00
using System.Linq;
using FluentAssertions;
using FluentAssertions.Common;
using PKHeX.Core;
using Xunit;
using static PKHeX.Core.Move;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
namespace PKHeX.Tests.Legality
public class BreedTests
private static int[] GetMoves(Move[] moves)
var result = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++)
result[i] = (int) moves[i];
return result;
[InlineData(GD, Bulbasaur, 0, Tackle, Growl)]
2022-02-27 19:16:12 +00:00
[InlineData(SI, Igglybuff, 0, FeintAttack, Pound, Curse, ZapCannon)]
2021-04-05 01:30:01 +00:00
[InlineData( C, Igglybuff, 0, FeintAttack, Pound, Flamethrower, Sing)]
[InlineData( B, Heracross, 0, Megahorn, NightSlash, CloseCombat, StoneEdge)]
[InlineData( B, Heracross, 0, Bide, Megahorn, Counter, Reversal)]
[InlineData( B, Heracross, 0, HornAttack, Endure, Megahorn, TakeDown)]
[InlineData( B, Heracross, 0, Endure, Megahorn, FocusPunch, Feint)]
[InlineData( B, Heracross, 0, Megahorn, Reversal, Bulldoze, Fling)]
[InlineData( X, Growlithe, 0, Bite, Roar, FlareBlitz, MorningSun)]
[InlineData(OR, Growlithe, 0, MorningSun, IronTail, Crunch, HeatWave)]
[InlineData(OR, Dratini, 0, Wrap, Leer, DragonDance, ExtremeSpeed)]
[InlineData(OR, Rotom, 0, Astonish, ThunderWave, ThunderShock, ConfuseRay)]
2022-03-13 01:08:49 +00:00
[InlineData(BD, Gible, 0, IronHead, BodySlam, SandTomb, Outrage)]
[InlineData(BD, Gible, 0, IronHead, BodySlam, Outrage, SandTomb)]
[InlineData(BD, Gible, 0, BodySlam, Outrage, SandTomb, DragonBreath)]
2021-04-05 01:30:01 +00:00
public void VerifyBreed(GameVersion game, Species species, int form, params Move[] movelist)
var gen = game.GetGeneration();
var moves = GetMoves(movelist);
var test = MoveBreed.Process(gen, (int) species, form, game, moves, out var valid);
var x = ((byte[])test);
if (gen != 2)
x.SequenceEqual(x.OrderBy(z => z)).Should().BeTrue();
x.SequenceEqual(x.OrderBy(z => z != (byte)EggSource2.Base)).Should().BeTrue();
[InlineData(C, Igglybuff, 0, Charm, DefenseCurl, Sing, Flamethrower)] // invalid push-out order
[InlineData(SH, Honedge, 0, FuryCutter, WideGuard, DestinyBond)] // insufficient move count
[InlineData(OR, Rotom, 0, Discharge, Charge, Trick, ConfuseRay)] // invalid push-out order
[InlineData(OR, Rotom, 0, ThunderWave, ThunderShock, ConfuseRay, Discharge)] // no inheriting levelup
public void CheckBad(GameVersion game, Species species, int form, params Move[] movelist)
var gen = game.GetGeneration();
var moves = GetMoves(movelist);
var test = MoveBreed.Process(gen, (int)species, form, game, moves);
[InlineData(GD, Bulbasaur, 0, Growl, Tackle)] // swap order, two base moves
[InlineData(UM, Charmander, 0, Ember, BellyDrum, Scratch, Growl)] // swap order, inherit + egg moves
2022-03-13 01:08:49 +00:00
[InlineData(BD, Gible, 0, BodySlam, SandTomb, Outrage, DragonBreath)]
2021-04-05 01:30:01 +00:00
public void CheckFix(GameVersion game, Species species, int form, params Move[] movelist)
var gen = game.GetGeneration();
var moves = GetMoves(movelist);
var test = MoveBreed.Process(gen, (int)species, form, game, moves, out var valid);
var reorder = MoveBreed.GetExpectedMoves(gen, (int)species, form, game, moves, test);
// fixed order should be different now.
// nonzero move count should be same
reorder.Count(z => z != 0).Should().IsSameOrEqualTo(moves.Count(z => z != 0));