
681 lines
21 KiB
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Logic for exporting and importing <see cref="PKM"/> data in Pokémon Showdown's text format.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ShowdownSet : IBattleTemplate
private static readonly string[] StatNames = { "HP", "Atk", "Def", "Spe", "SpA", "SpD" };
private static readonly string[] Splitters = {"\r\n", "\n"};
private static readonly string[] StatSplitters = { " / ", " " };
private const string LineSplit = ": ";
private const string ItemSplit = " @ ";
private static readonly char[] ParenJunk = { '(', ')', '[', ']' };
private static readonly ushort[] DashedSpecies = {782, 783, 784, 250, 032, 029}; // Kommo-o, Ho-Oh, Nidoran-M, Nidoran-F
private const int MAX_SPECIES = (int)MAX_COUNT - 1;
private static readonly GameStrings DefaultStrings = GameInfo.GetStrings(GameLanguage.DefaultLanguage);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Species { get; private set; } = -1;
/// <inheritdoc/>
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
public EntityContext Context { get; private set; } = RecentTrainerCache.Context;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public string Nickname { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Gender { get; private set; } = -1;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int HeldItem { get; private set; }
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Ability { get; private set; } = -1;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Level { get; private set; } = 100;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool Shiny { get; private set; }
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Friendship { get; private set; } = 255;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Nature { get; set; } = -1;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public string FormName { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Form { get; private set; }
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int[] EVs { get; } = {00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00};
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int[] IVs { get; } = {31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31};
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int HiddenPowerType { get; set; } = -1;
2018-12-28 16:54:01 -08:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int[] Moves { get; } = {0, 0, 0, 0};
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool CanGigantamax { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public byte DynamaxLevel { get; set; } = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Any lines that failed to be parsed.
/// </summary>
public readonly List<string> InvalidLines = new();
private GameStrings Strings { get; set; } = DefaultStrings;
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Loads a new <see cref="ShowdownSet"/> from the input string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Single-line string which will be split before loading.</param>
public ShowdownSet(string input) : this(input.Split(Splitters, 0)) { }
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Loads a new <see cref="ShowdownSet"/> from the input string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">Enumerable list of lines.</param>
public ShowdownSet(IEnumerable<string> lines) => LoadLines(lines);
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
private void LoadLines(IEnumerable<string> lines)
FormName = ShowdownParsing.SetShowdownFormName(Species, FormName, Ability);
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
Form = ShowdownParsing.GetFormFromString(FormName, Strings, Species, Context);
// Handle edge case with fixed-gender forms.
if (Species is (int)Meowstic or (int)Indeedee or (int)Basculegion)
2021-12-04 17:56:56 -08:00
private static IEnumerable<string> GetSanitizedLines(IEnumerable<string> lines)
foreach (var line in lines)
var trim = line.Trim();
if (trim.Length <= 2)
// Sanitize apostrophes & dashes
if (trim.IndexOf('\'') != -1)
trim = trim.Replace('\'', '');
if (trim.IndexOf('') != -1)
trim = trim.Replace('', '-');
yield return trim;
private void ReviseGenderedForms()
if (Gender == 1) // Recognized with (F)
2021-12-04 17:56:56 -08:00
FormName = "F";
Form = 1;
FormName = Form == 1 ? "F" : "M";
Gender = Form;
private const int MaxMoveCount = 4;
private void ParseLines(IEnumerable<string> lines)
lines = GetSanitizedLines(lines);
using var e = lines.GetEnumerator();
if (!e.MoveNext())
int movectr = 0;
while (e.MoveNext())
var line = e.Current!;
if (line.Length < 3)
if (line[0] == '-')
string moveString = ParseLineMove(line);
int move = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.movelist, moveString);
if (move < 0)
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Move: {moveString}");
else if (Array.IndexOf(Moves, move) != -1)
InvalidLines.Add($"Duplicate Move: {moveString}");
Moves[movectr++] = move;
if (movectr == MaxMoveCount)
return; // End of moves, end of set data
if (movectr != 0)
bool valid;
var split = line.IndexOf(LineSplit, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (split == -1)
valid = ParseSingle(line); // Nature
var left = line[..split].Trim();
var right = line[(split + LineSplit.Length)..].Trim();
valid = ParseEntry(left, right);
if (!valid)
private bool ParseSingle(string identifier)
if (!identifier.EndsWith("Nature", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
var firstSpace = identifier.IndexOf(' ');
if (firstSpace == -1)
return false;
var naturestr = identifier[..firstSpace];
return (Nature = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.natures, naturestr)) >= 0;
private bool ParseEntry(string identifier, string value)
switch (identifier)
case "Ability" or "Trait": return (Ability = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.abilitylist, value)) >= 0;
case "Shiny": return Shiny = StringUtil.IsMatchIgnoreCase("Yes", value);
case "Gigantamax": return CanGigantamax = StringUtil.IsMatchIgnoreCase("Yes", value);
case "Nature": return (Nature = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.natures, value)) >= 0;
case "EV" or "EVs": ParseLineEVs(value); return true;
case "IV" or "IVs": ParseLineIVs(value); return true;
case "Dynamax Level": return ParseDynamax(value);
case "Level":
if (!int.TryParse(value.Trim(), out int val))
return false;
Level = val;
return true;
case "Friendship" or "Happiness":
if (!int.TryParse(value.Trim(), out int val))
return false;
Friendship = val;
return true;
return false;
private bool ParseDynamax(string value)
Context = EntityContext.Gen8;
var val = Util.ToInt32(value);
if ((uint)val > 10)
return false;
return (DynamaxLevel = (byte)val) is (>= 0 and <= 10);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the standard Text representation of the set details.
/// </summary>
public string Text => GetText();
2018-07-14 09:55:22 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Gets the localized Text representation of the set details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lang">2 character language code</param>
public string LocalizedText(string lang) => LocalizedText(GameLanguage.GetLanguageIndex(lang));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the localized Text representation of the set details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lang">Language ID</param>
private string LocalizedText(int lang)
var strings = GameInfo.GetStrings(lang);
return GetText(strings);
private string GetText(GameStrings? strings = null)
if (Species is <= 0 or > MAX_SPECIES)
return string.Empty;
if (strings != null)
Strings = strings;
var result = GetSetLines();
return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result);
public List<string> GetSetLines()
var result = new List<string>();
// First Line: Name, Nickname, Gender, Item
var form = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownFormName(Species, FormName);
// IVs
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
var ivs = GetStringStats(IVs, Context.Generation() < 3 ? 15 : 31);
if (ivs.Length != 0)
result.Add($"IVs: {string.Join(" / ", ivs)}");
// EVs
var evs = GetStringStats(EVs, 0);
if (evs.Length != 0)
result.Add($"EVs: {string.Join(" / ", evs)}");
// Secondary Stats
if ((uint)Ability < Strings.Ability.Count)
result.Add($"Ability: {Strings.Ability[Ability]}");
if (Level != 100)
result.Add($"Level: {Level}");
if (Shiny)
result.Add("Shiny: Yes");
if (DynamaxLevel != 10 && Context == EntityContext.Gen8)
result.Add($"Dynamax Level: {DynamaxLevel}");
if (CanGigantamax)
result.Add("Gigantamax: Yes");
if ((uint)Nature < Strings.Natures.Count)
result.Add($"{Strings.Natures[Nature]} Nature");
// Moves
return result;
private string GetStringFirstLine(string form)
string specForm = Strings.Species[Species];
if (form.Length != 0)
specForm += $"-{form.Replace("Mega ", "Mega-")}";
else if (Species == (int)NidoranM)
specForm = specForm.Replace("♂", "-M");
else if (Species == (int)NidoranF)
specForm = specForm.Replace("♀", "-F");
string result = GetSpeciesNickname(specForm);
// omit genderless or nonspecific
if (Gender is 1)
result += " (F)";
else if (Gender is 0)
result += " (M)";
if (HeldItem > 0)
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
var items = Strings.GetItemStrings(Context);
if ((uint)HeldItem < items.Length)
result += $" @ {items[HeldItem]}";
return result;
private string GetSpeciesNickname(string specForm)
if (Nickname.Length == 0)
return specForm;
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
bool isNicknamed = SpeciesName.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(Species, Nickname, Context.Generation());
if (!isNicknamed)
return specForm;
return $"{Nickname} ({specForm})";
private static string[] GetStringStats(ReadOnlySpan<int> stats, int ignoreValue)
var count = stats.Length - stats.Count(ignoreValue);
if (count == 0)
return Array.Empty<string>();
var result = new string[count];
int ctr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stats.Length; i++)
var statIndex = GetStatIndexStored(i);
var statValue = stats[statIndex];
if (statValue == ignoreValue)
continue; // ignore unused stats
var statName = StatNames[statIndex];
result[ctr++] = $"{statValue} {statName}";
return result;
private IEnumerable<string> GetStringMoves()
var moves = Strings.Move;
foreach (int move in Moves)
if (move == 0 || (uint)move >= moves.Count)
if (move != (int)Move.HiddenPower)
yield return $"- {moves[move]}";
var type = 1 + HiddenPowerType; // skip Normal
var typeName = Strings.Types[type];
yield return $"- {moves[move]} [{typeName}]";
private static int GetStatIndexStored(int displayIndex) => displayIndex switch
3 => 4,
4 => 5,
5 => 3,
_ => displayIndex,
/// <summary>
/// Converts the <see cref="PKM"/> data into an importable set format for Pokémon Showdown.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">PKM to convert to string</param>
/// <returns>New ShowdownSet object representing the input <see cref="pk"/></returns>
public ShowdownSet(PKM pk)
if (pk.Species <= 0)
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
Context = pk.Context;
Nickname = pk.Nickname;
Species = pk.Species;
HeldItem = pk.HeldItem;
Ability = pk.Ability;
Nature = pk.StatNature;
Gender = (uint)pk.Gender < 2 ? pk.Gender : 2;
Friendship = pk.CurrentFriendship;
Level = pk.CurrentLevel;
Shiny = pk.IsShiny;
if (pk is IGigantamax g)
CanGigantamax = g.CanGigantamax;
if (pk is IDynamaxLevel d)
DynamaxLevel = d.DynamaxLevel;
if (Array.IndexOf(Moves, (int)Move.HiddenPower) != -1)
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
HiddenPowerType = HiddenPower.GetType(IVs, Context);
if (pk is IHyperTrain h)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (h.IsHyperTrained(i))
IVs[i] = pk.MaxIV;
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
FormName = ShowdownParsing.GetStringFromForm(Form = pk.Form, Strings, Species, Context);
private void ParseFirstLine(string first)
int itemSplit = first.IndexOf(ItemSplit, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (itemSplit != -1)
var itemName = first[(itemSplit + ItemSplit.Length)..];
var speciesName = first[..itemSplit];
private void ParseItemName(string itemName)
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
if (TrySetItem(Context))
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
if (TrySetItem(EntityContext.Gen3))
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
if (TrySetItem(EntityContext.Gen2))
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Item: {itemName}");
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
bool TrySetItem(EntityContext context)
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
var items = Strings.GetItemStrings(context);
int item = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(items, itemName);
if (item < 0)
return false;
HeldItem = item;
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
Context = context;
return true;
private void ParseFirstLineNoItem(string line)
// Gender Detection
if (line.EndsWith("(M)", StringComparison.Ordinal))
line = line[..^3];
Gender = 0;
else if (line.EndsWith("(F)", StringComparison.Ordinal))
line = line[..^3];
Gender = 1;
// Nickname Detection
if (line.IndexOf('(') != -1 && line.IndexOf(')') != -1)
private const string Gmax = "-Gmax";
private bool ParseSpeciesForm(string speciesLine)
speciesLine = speciesLine.Trim();
if (speciesLine.Length == 0)
return false;
if (speciesLine.EndsWith(Gmax, StringComparison.Ordinal))
CanGigantamax = true;
speciesLine = speciesLine[..^Gmax.Length];
if ((Species = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.specieslist, speciesLine)) >= 0) // success, nothing else!
return true;
2020-03-14 12:21:42 -07:00
// Form string present.
int end = speciesLine.LastIndexOf('-');
if (end < 0)
return false;
2020-03-14 12:21:42 -07:00
Species = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.specieslist, speciesLine[..end]);
FormName = speciesLine[(end + 1)..];
if (Species >= 0)
return true;
// failure to parse, check edge cases
foreach (var e in DashedSpecies)
var sn = Strings.Species[e];
if (!speciesLine.StartsWith(sn.Replace("♂", "-M").Replace("♀", "-F"), StringComparison.Ordinal))
Species = e;
FormName = speciesLine[sn.Length..];
return true;
// Version Megas
end = speciesLine.LastIndexOf('-', Math.Max(0, end - 1));
if (end < 0)
return false;
Species = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.specieslist, speciesLine[..end]);
FormName = speciesLine[(end + 1)..];
return Species >= 0;
private void ParseSpeciesNickname(string line)
int index = line.LastIndexOf('(');
string species, nickname;
if (index > 1) // parenthesis value after: Nickname (Species), correct.
nickname = line[..index].Trim();
species = line[index..].Trim();
species = RemoveAll(species, ParenJunk); // Trim out excess data
else // parenthesis value before: (Species) Nickname, incorrect
int start = index + 1;
int end = line.IndexOf(')');
var tmp = line[start..end];
if (end < line.Length - 2)
nickname = line[(end + 2)..];
species = tmp;
else // (Species), or garbage
species = tmp;
nickname = string.Empty;
if (ParseSpeciesForm(species))
Nickname = nickname;
else if (ParseSpeciesForm(nickname))
Nickname = species;
private string ParseLineMove(string line)
var startSearch = line[1] == ' ' ? 2 : 1;
var option = line.IndexOf('/');
line = option != -1 ? line[startSearch..option] : line[startSearch..];
string moveString = line.Trim();
var hiddenPowerName = Strings.Move[(int)Move.HiddenPower];
if (!moveString.StartsWith(hiddenPowerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return moveString; // regular move
if (moveString.Length == hiddenPowerName.Length)
return hiddenPowerName;
// Defined Hidden Power
string type = moveString[13..];
type = RemoveAll(type, ParenJunk); // Trim out excess data
int hpVal = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(Strings.types, type) - 1; // Get HP Type
HiddenPowerType = hpVal;
if (!Array.TrueForAll(IVs, z => z == 31))
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
if (!HiddenPower.SetIVsForType(hpVal, IVs, Context))
InvalidLines.Add($"Invalid IVs for Hidden Power Type: {type}");
else if (hpVal >= 0)
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560) Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to: * Legal moves that can be learned * Evolution chains & cross-generation paths * Memory validation with forgotten moves In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data. The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space. The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation. * `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game. * `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`). * Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
2022-08-03 16:15:27 -07:00
HiddenPower.SetIVs(hpVal, IVs, Context); // Alter IVs
InvalidLines.Add($"Invalid Hidden Power Type: {type}");
return hiddenPowerName;
private void ParseLineEVs(string line)
var list = SplitLineStats(line);
if ((list.Length & 1) == 1)
InvalidLines.Add("Unknown EV input.");
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length / 2; i++)
int pos = i * 2;
var statName = list[pos + 1];
int index = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(StatNames, statName);
if (index < 0 || !ushort.TryParse(list[pos + 0], out var value))
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown EV stat: {list[pos]}");
EVs[index] = value;
private void ParseLineIVs(string line)
var list = SplitLineStats(line);
if ((list.Length & 1) == 1)
InvalidLines.Add("Unknown IV input.");
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length / 2; i++)
int pos = i * 2;
var statName = list[pos + 1];
int index = StringUtil.FindIndexIgnoreCase(StatNames, statName);
if (index < 0 || !byte.TryParse(list[pos + 0], out var value))
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown IV stat: {list[pos]}");
IVs[index] = value;
private static string RemoveAll(string original, ReadOnlySpan<char> remove)
Span<char> result = stackalloc char[original.Length];
int ctr = 0;
foreach (var c in original)
if (remove.IndexOf(c) == -1)
result[ctr++] = c;
if (ctr == original.Length)
return original;
return new string(result[..ctr].ToArray());
private static string[] SplitLineStats(string line)
// Because people think they can type sets out...
return line
.Replace("SAtk", "SpA").Replace("Sp Atk", "SpA")
.Replace("SDef", "SpD").Replace("Sp Def", "SpD")
.Replace("Spd", "Spe").Replace("Speed", "Spe").Split(StatSplitters, StringSplitOptions.None);