
872 lines
40 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace PKHeX
public partial class MemoryAmie : Form
Form1 m_parent;
public byte[] h = new Byte[260]; // Always Visible
private string disabled = "Disabled";
private string notleft = "Never left";
private string ot = "OT";
private string past = "Past Gen";
private string withOT = "Memories with"; // these get replaced when the form is translated.
private string[] vartypes = new string[5];
public MemoryAmie(Form1 frm1)
m_parent = frm1;
string[] arguments = Regex.Split(L_Arguments.Text, " ; ");
for (int i = 5; i < Math.Min(arguments.Length,vartypes.Length+5); i++)
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
if (arguments[i] == null) continue;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
vartypes[i - 5] = arguments[i] + ":";
disabled = arguments[0];
notleft = arguments[1];
ot = arguments[2];
past = arguments[3];
withOT = arguments[4];
catch { };
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
h = m_parent.buff;
// Set the current friendship from main window
if (m_parent.buff[0x93] == 0)
m_parent.buff[0xCA] = (byte)Convert.ToUInt16(m_parent.TB_Friendship.Text);
m_parent.buff[0xA2] = (byte)Convert.ToUInt16(m_parent.TB_Friendship.Text);
public string[] feeling;
public string[] quality;
// Conversion
public void TranslateInterface(string FORM_NAME)
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
string curlanguage = Form1.curlanguage;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
// Fetch a File
// Check to see if a the translation file exists in the same folder as the executable
string externalLangPath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "lang_" + curlanguage + ".txt";
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
string[] rawlist;
if (File.Exists(externalLangPath))
rawlist = File.ReadAllLines(externalLangPath);
object txt;
txt = Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("lang_" + curlanguage); // Fetch File, \n to list.
if (txt == null) return; // Translation file does not exist as a resource; abort this function and don't translate UI.
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "\r\n" };
rawlist = ((string)txt).Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] stringdata = new string[rawlist.Length];
int itemsToRename = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rawlist.Length; i++)
// Find our starting point
if (rawlist[i] == "! " + FORM_NAME) // Start our data
// Copy our Control Names and Text to a new array for later processing.
for (int j = i + 1; j < rawlist.Length; j++)
if (rawlist[j].Length == 0)
continue; // Skip Over Empty Lines, errhandled
if (rawlist[j][0].ToString() != "-") // If line is not a comment line...
if (rawlist[j][0].ToString() == "!") // Stop if we have reached the end of translation
break; // exit inner loop
stringdata[itemsToRename] = rawlist[j]; // Add the entry to process later.
break; // exit outer loop
// Now that we have our items to rename in: Control = Text format, let's execute the changes!
for (int i = 0; i < itemsToRename; i++)
string[] SplitString = Regex.Split(stringdata[i], " = ");
if (SplitString.Length < 2)
continue; // Error in Input, errhandled
string ctrl = SplitString[0]; // Control to change the text of...
string text = SplitString[1]; // Text to set Control.Text to...
Control[] controllist = Controls.Find(ctrl, true);
if (controllist.Length == 0) // If Control isn't found...
// If not found, it is not something to rename and is thus skipped.
else // Set the input control's text.
controllist[0].Text = text;
// Load/Save Actions
private void loadFields()
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
// Save the region/country values.
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
v1s(Region0, 0x94); v1cb(CB_Country0, 0x95);
v1s(Region1, 0x96); v1cb(CB_Country1, 0x97);
v1s(Region2, 0x98); v1cb(CB_Country2, 0x99);
v1s(Region3, 0x9A); v1cb(CB_Country3, 0x9B);
v1s(Region4, 0x9C); v1cb(CB_Country4, 0x9D);
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
// Write the Fullness, and Enjoyment
v1s(M_Fullness, 0xAE); v1s(M_Enjoyment, 0xAF);
// Write the CT Memories
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
v1s(M_CT_Friendship, 0xA2); v1s(M_CT_Affection, 0xA3);
CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0,h[0xA4]-1);
v1cb(CB_CTMemory, 0xA5); v2cb(CB_CTVar, 0xA8); i1cb(CB_CTFeel, 0xA6);
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
// Write the OT Memories
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
v1s(M_OT_Friendship, 0xCA); v1s(M_OT_Affection, 0xCB);
CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0,h[0xCC]-1);
v1cb(CB_OTMemory, 0xCD); v2cb(CB_OTVar, 0xCE); i1cb(CB_OTFeel, 0xD0);
CB_Handler.Items.AddRange(new object[] { m_parent.TB_OT.Text + " ("+ot+")"});
if ((m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text != "") && (m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text != "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"))
CB_Handler.Items.AddRange(new object[] { m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text });
CB_Handler.Enabled = true;
m_parent.buff[0x93] = 0;
CB_Handler.Enabled = false;
CB_Handler.SelectedIndex = m_parent.buff[0x93];
if (m_parent.CHK_IsEgg.Checked)
L_OT_Friendship.Text = m_parent.Label_HatchCounter.Text;
GB_M_OT.Enabled = GB_M_CT.Enabled = GB_Residence.Enabled = false;
BTN_Save.Enabled = M_Fullness.Enabled = M_Enjoyment.Enabled = false;
L_Fullness.Enabled = L_Enjoyment.Enabled = false;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
GB_M_OT.Text = "N/A: " + Form1.eggname;
GB_M_CT.Text = "N/A: " + Form1.eggname;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
L_OT_Friendship.Text = m_parent.Label_Friendship.Text;
GB_M_OT.Enabled = GB_M_CT.Enabled = true;
GB_Residence.Enabled = true;
BTN_Save.Enabled = M_Fullness.Enabled = M_Enjoyment.Enabled = true;
L_Fullness.Enabled = L_Enjoyment.Enabled = true;
GB_M_OT.Text = String.Format(withOT + " (" + ot + ")", m_parent.TB_OT.Text);
GB_M_CT.Text = String.Format(withOT,m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text);
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
GB_M_CT.Enabled = true;
GB_Residence.Enabled = true;
if ((!m_parent.CHK_IsEgg.Checked))
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
bool enable = false;
int game = (int)(Util.getIndex(m_parent.CB_GameOrigin));
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
if ((game < 24) && (game != 0))
// Banked Mon
GB_M_CT.Text = withOT + " " + m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text;
GB_M_OT.Text = past + " " + ot + ": " + m_parent.TB_OT.Text;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
enable = false;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
enable = true;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
GB_M_OT.Text = withOT + " " + m_parent.TB_OT.Text + " (" + ot + ")";
GB_M_CT.Text = withOT + m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text;
if ((m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text == ""))
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
GB_M_CT.Enabled = GB_Residence.Enabled = false;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
GB_M_CT.Text = notleft + " " + ot + " - " + disabled;
GB_M_CT.Text = withOT + " " + m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
RTB_OT.Visible = CB_OTQual.Enabled = CB_OTMemory.Enabled = CB_OTFeel.Enabled = CB_OTVar.Enabled = M_OT_Affection.Enabled = enable;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
private void saveFields()
// Save Region & Country Data
s1v(Region0, 0x94); cb1v(CB_Country0, 0x95);
s1v(Region1, 0x96); cb1v(CB_Country1, 0x97);
s1v(Region2, 0x98); cb1v(CB_Country2, 0x99);
s1v(Region3, 0x9A); cb1v(CB_Country3, 0x9B);
s1v(Region4, 0x9C); cb1v(CB_Country4, 0x9D);
// Save 0-255 stats
s1v(M_CT_Friendship, 0xA2); s1v(M_CT_Affection, 0xA3);
s1v(M_OT_Friendship, 0xCA); s1v(M_OT_Affection, 0xCB);
s1v(M_Fullness, 0xAE); s1v(M_Enjoyment, 0xAF);
// Save Memories
#region // CT MEMORIES
cb1v(CB_CTMemory, 0xA5);
if (!CB_CTVar.Enabled)
m_parent.buff[0xA8] = 0;
m_parent.buff[0xA9] = 0;
cb2v(CB_CTVar, 0xA8);
// If memory doesn't contain a feeling/quality
if (!CB_CTFeel.Enabled)
m_parent.buff[0xA4] = 0;
m_parent.buff[0xA6] = 0;
cb1i(CB_CTFeel, 0xA6);
m_parent.buff[0xA4] = (byte)(CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex+1);
#region // OT MEMORIES
cb1v(CB_OTMemory, 0xCD);
if (!CB_OTVar.Enabled)
m_parent.buff[0xCE] = 0;
m_parent.buff[0xCF] = 0;
cb2v(CB_OTVar, 0xCE);
// If memory doesn't contain a feeling/quality
if (!CB_OTFeel.Enabled)
m_parent.buff[0xCC] = 0;
m_parent.buff[0xD0] = 0;
cb1i(CB_OTFeel, 0xD0);
m_parent.buff[0xCC] = (byte)(CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex+1);
m_parent.buff[0x93] = (byte)CB_Handler.SelectedIndex;
// Update Current Friendship
if (CB_Handler.SelectedIndex == 1)
m_parent.TB_Friendship.Text = M_CT_Friendship.Text;
m_parent.GB_nOT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(232, 255, 255);
m_parent.GB_OT.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
m_parent.TB_Friendship.Text = M_OT_Friendship.Text;
m_parent.GB_OT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(232, 255, 255);
m_parent.GB_nOT.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
// Singular Actions
private void v1s(MaskedTextBox t, int o)
t.Text = h[o].ToString();
} // Value (from ByteArray) to String (textBox): 1 byte
private void s1v(MaskedTextBox t, int o)
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
h[o] = (byte)Util.ToUInt32(t.Text);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
} // String (textBox) to Value (in ByteArray): 1 byte
private void v1cb(ComboBox cb, int o)
cb.SelectedValue = (int)h[o];
private void i1cb(ComboBox cb, int o)
cb.SelectedIndex = (int)h[o];
private void v2cb(ComboBox cb, int o)
cb.SelectedValue = (int)(h[o] + h[o+1]*0x100);
private void cb1v(ComboBox cb, int o)
h[o] = (byte)Convert.ToUInt32(cb.SelectedValue);
private void cb1i(ComboBox cb, int o)
h[o] = (byte)Convert.ToUInt32(cb.SelectedIndex);
private void cb2v(ComboBox cb, int o)
h[o] = (byte)(Convert.ToUInt32(cb.SelectedValue) & 0xFF);
h[o+1] = (byte)(Convert.ToUInt32(cb.SelectedValue) >> 8);
// Event Actions
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
} // Button: Save pressed.
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
} // Button: Cancel pressed.
private void getCountries()
#region country table
var country_list = new[] {
new { Text = "---", Value = 0 },
new { Text = "Albania", Value = 64 },
new { Text = "Andorra", Value = 122 },
new { Text = "Anguilla", Value = 8 },
new { Text = "Antigua and Barbuda", Value = 9 },
new { Text = "Argentina", Value = 10 },
new { Text = "Aruba", Value = 11 },
new { Text = "Australia", Value = 65 },
new { Text = "Austria", Value = 66 },
new { Text = "Azerbaijan", Value = 113 },
new { Text = "Bahamas", Value = 12 },
new { Text = "Barbados", Value = 13 },
new { Text = "Belgium", Value = 67 },
new { Text = "Belize", Value = 14 },
new { Text = "Bermuda", Value = 186 },
new { Text = "Bolivia", Value = 15 },
new { Text = "Bosnia and Herzegovina", Value = 68 },
new { Text = "Botswana", Value = 69 },
new { Text = "Brazil", Value = 16 },
new { Text = "British Virgin Islands", Value = 17 },
new { Text = "Bulgaria", Value = 70 },
new { Text = "Canada", Value = 18 },
new { Text = "Cayman Islands", Value = 19 },
new { Text = "Chad", Value = 117 },
new { Text = "Chile", Value = 20 },
new { Text = "China", Value = 160 },
new { Text = "Colombia", Value = 21 },
new { Text = "Costa Rica", Value = 22 },
new { Text = "Croatia", Value = 71 },
new { Text = "Cyprus", Value = 72 },
new { Text = "Czech Republic", Value = 73 },
new { Text = "Denmark (Kingdom of)", Value = 74 },
new { Text = "Djibouti", Value = 120 },
new { Text = "Dominica", Value = 23 },
new { Text = "Dominican Republic", Value = 24 },
new { Text = "Ecuador", Value = 25 },
new { Text = "El Salvador", Value = 26 },
new { Text = "Eritrea", Value = 119 },
new { Text = "Estonia", Value = 75 },
new { Text = "Finland", Value = 76 },
new { Text = "France", Value = 77 },
new { Text = "French Guiana", Value = 27 },
new { Text = "Germany", Value = 78 },
new { Text = "Gibraltar", Value = 123 },
new { Text = "Greece", Value = 79 },
new { Text = "Grenada", Value = 28 },
new { Text = "Guadeloupe", Value = 29 },
new { Text = "Guatemala", Value = 30 },
new { Text = "Guernsey", Value = 124 },
new { Text = "Guyana", Value = 31 },
new { Text = "Haiti", Value = 32 },
new { Text = "Honduras", Value = 33 },
new { Text = "Hong Kong", Value = 144 },
new { Text = "Hungary", Value = 80 },
new { Text = "Iceland", Value = 81 },
new { Text = "India", Value = 169 },
new { Text = "Ireland", Value = 82 },
new { Text = "Isle of Man", Value = 125 },
new { Text = "Italy", Value = 83 },
new { Text = "Jamaica", Value = 34 },
new { Text = "Japan", Value = 1 },
new { Text = "Jersey", Value = 126 },
new { Text = "Latvia", Value = 84 },
new { Text = "Lesotho", Value = 85 },
new { Text = "Liechtenstein", Value = 86 },
new { Text = "Lithuania", Value = 87 },
new { Text = "Luxembourg", Value = 88 },
new { Text = "Macedonia (Republic of)", Value = 89 },
new { Text = "Malaysia", Value = 156 },
new { Text = "Mali", Value = 115 },
new { Text = "Malta", Value = 90 },
new { Text = "Martinique", Value = 35 },
new { Text = "Mauritania", Value = 114 },
new { Text = "Mexico", Value = 36 },
new { Text = "Monaco", Value = 127 },
new { Text = "Montenegro", Value = 91 },
new { Text = "Montserrat", Value = 37 },
new { Text = "Mozambique", Value = 92 },
new { Text = "Namibia", Value = 93 },
new { Text = "Netherlands", Value = 94 },
new { Text = "Netherlands Antilles", Value = 38 },
new { Text = "New Zealand", Value = 95 },
new { Text = "Nicaragua", Value = 39 },
new { Text = "Niger", Value = 116 },
new { Text = "Norway", Value = 96 },
new { Text = "Panama", Value = 40 },
new { Text = "Paraguay", Value = 41 },
new { Text = "Peru", Value = 42 },
new { Text = "Poland", Value = 97 },
new { Text = "Portugal", Value = 98 },
new { Text = "Romania", Value = 99 },
new { Text = "Russia", Value = 100 },
new { Text = "San Marino", Value = 184 },
new { Text = "Saudi Arabia", Value = 174 },
new { Text = "Serbia and Kosovo", Value = 101 },
new { Text = "Singapore", Value = 153 },
new { Text = "Slovakia", Value = 102 },
new { Text = "Slovenia", Value = 103 },
new { Text = "Somalia", Value = 121 },
new { Text = "South Africa", Value = 104 },
new { Text = "South Korea", Value = 136 },
new { Text = "Spain", Value = 105 },
new { Text = "St. Kitts and Nevis", Value = 43 },
new { Text = "St. Lucia", Value = 44 },
new { Text = "St. Vincent and the Grenadines", Value = 45 },
new { Text = "Sudan", Value = 118 },
new { Text = "Suriname", Value = 46 },
new { Text = "Swaziland", Value = 106 },
new { Text = "Sweden", Value = 107 },
new { Text = "Switzerland", Value = 108 },
new { Text = "Taiwan", Value = 128 },
new { Text = "Trinidad and Tobago", Value = 47 },
new { Text = "Turkey", Value = 109 },
new { Text = "Turks and Caicos Islands", Value = 48 },
new { Text = "U.A.E.", Value = 168 },
new { Text = "United Kingdom", Value = 110 },
new { Text = "United States", Value = 49 },
new { Text = "Uruguay", Value = 50 },
new { Text = "US Virgin Islands", Value = 51 },
new { Text = "Vatican City", Value = 185 },
new { Text = "Venezuela", Value = 52 },
new { Text = "Zambia", Value = 111 },
new { Text = "Zimbabwe", Value = 112 },
var c0_list = new BindingSource(country_list, null);
var c1_list = new BindingSource(country_list, null);
var c2_list = new BindingSource(country_list, null);
var c3_list = new BindingSource(country_list, null);
var c4_list = new BindingSource(country_list, null);
CB_Country0.DataSource = c0_list;
CB_Country0.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Country0.ValueMember = "Value";
CB_Country1.DataSource = c1_list;
CB_Country1.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Country1.ValueMember = "Value";
CB_Country2.DataSource = c2_list;
CB_Country2.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Country2.ValueMember = "Value";
CB_Country3.DataSource = c3_list;
CB_Country3.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Country3.ValueMember = "Value";
CB_Country4.DataSource = c4_list;
CB_Country4.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Country4.ValueMember = "Value";
private void getLangStrings()
// Memory Chooser
2014-11-27 20:47:50 -08:00
int memorycount = Form1.memories.Length - 39;
string[] memories = new string[memorycount];
int[] allowed = new int[memorycount];
for (int i = 0; i < memorycount; i++)
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
memories[i] = Form1.memories[39 + i];
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
allowed[i] = i+1;
List<cbItem> memory_list = getComboBoxItems2(memories, allowed);
cbItem def = new cbItem();
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
def.Text = Form1.memories[38 + 0];
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
def.Value = 0;
memory_list.Insert(0, def);
CB_OTMemory.DataSource = memory_list;
CB_OTMemory.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_OTMemory.ValueMember = "Value";
var mem1_list = new BindingSource(memory_list, null);
CB_CTMemory.DataSource = mem1_list;
CB_CTMemory.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_CTMemory.ValueMember = "Value";
// Quality Chooser
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
CB_CTQual.Items.Add(Form1.memories[2 + i]);
CB_OTQual.Items.Add(Form1.memories[2 + i]);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
// Feeling Chooser
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
CB_CTFeel.Items.Add(Form1.memories[10 + i]);
CB_OTFeel.Items.Add(Form1.memories[10 + i]);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
private void getMemoryArguments(string ARG, ComboBox sender)
List<cbItem> argvals = new List<cbItem>();
#region General Locations
// add general locations
int[] allowed = { };
2014-11-27 20:47:50 -08:00
allowed = new int[Form1.genloc.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Form1.genloc.Length; i++)
allowed[i] = i; // Allow everything.
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
List<cbItem> genloc = getComboBoxItems(Form1.genloc, allowed);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
#region Items
allowed = new int[697]
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
List<cbItem> item_list = getComboBoxItems(Form1.itemlist, allowed);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
List<cbItem> species_list = (List<cbItem>)m_parent.CB_Species.DataSource;
// Met Locations for Pokecenters healing
allowed = new int[] {
2014-11-27 20:47:50 -08:00
}; // Be sure the legal list matches the one in the main form for Location Selection
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
List<cbItem> locationXY = getComboBoxItems(Form1.metXY_00000, allowed);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
#region Moves
List<cbItem> move_list = new List<cbItem>();
// Sort the Rest based on String Name
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
string[] sortedmoves = new string[Form1.movelist.Length];
Array.Copy(Form1.movelist, sortedmoves, Form1.movelist.Length);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
// Add the rest of the items
for (int i = 0; i < sortedmoves.Length; i++)
cbItem ncbi = new cbItem();
ncbi.Text = sortedmoves[i];
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
ncbi.Value = Array.IndexOf(Form1.movelist, sortedmoves[i]);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
string vs = "";
bool enabled = true;
if (ARG == "NONE")
enabled = false;
vs = "";
else if (ARG == "PKM")
argvals = species_list;
vs = vartypes[0];
else if (ARG == "GENLOC")
argvals = genloc;
vs = vartypes[1];
else if (ARG == "ITEM")
argvals = item_list;
vs = vartypes[2];
else if (ARG == "MOVE")
argvals = move_list;
vs = vartypes[3];
else if (ARG == "LOCATION")
argvals = locationXY;
vs = vartypes[4];
if (sender == CB_CTMemory)
List<cbItem> CTmemargs = new List<cbItem>();
CTmemargs = argvals;
CB_CTVar.DataSource = CTmemargs;
CB_CTVar.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_CTVar.ValueMember = "Value";
LCTV.Text = vs;
LCTV.Visible = CB_CTVar.Visible = CB_CTVar.Enabled = enabled;
List<cbItem> OTmemargs = new List<cbItem>();
OTmemargs = argvals;
CB_OTVar.DataSource = OTmemargs;
CB_OTVar.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_OTVar.ValueMember = "Value";
LOTV.Text = vs;
LOTV.Visible = CB_OTVar.Visible = CB_OTVar.Enabled = enabled;
private List<cbItem> getComboBoxItems(string[] list, int[] allowed)
List<cbItem> combolist = new List<cbItem>();
// Sort the Rest based on String Name
string[] sorter = new string[list.Length];
Array.Copy(list, sorter, list.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < sorter.Length; i++)
int locnum = Array.IndexOf(allowed, Array.IndexOf(list, sorter[i]));
if (locnum >= 0) // If the given text is allowed (if found, >0)
cbItem ncbi = new cbItem();
ncbi.Text = sorter[i];
ncbi.Value = allowed[locnum];
return combolist;
private List<cbItem> getComboBoxItems2(string[] list, int[] allowed)
List<cbItem> combolist = new List<cbItem>();
// Sort the Rest based on String Name
string[] sorter = new string[list.Length];
Array.Copy(list, sorter, list.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < sorter.Length; i++)
int locnum = Array.IndexOf(list, sorter[i]);
if (locnum >= 0) // If the given text is allowed (if found, >0)
cbItem ncbi = new cbItem();
ncbi.Text = sorter[i];
ncbi.Value = allowed[locnum];
return combolist;
private string getMemoryString(ComboBox m, ComboBox arg, ComboBox q, ComboBox f, string tr)
string result = "";
string nn = m_parent.TB_Nickname.Text;
string a = arg.Text;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
int mem = Util.getIndex(m);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
bool enabled = false;
if (mem == 0)
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
result = Form1.memories[38];
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
result = String.Format(Form1.memories[mem + 38], nn, tr, a, f.Text, q.Text);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
enabled = true;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
// Show labels if the memory allows for them.
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
if (q == CB_CTQual)
L_CT_Quality.Visible = L_CT_Feeling.Visible = enabled;
L_OT_Quality.Visible = L_OT_Feeling.Visible = enabled;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
// Show Quality and Feeling.
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
q.Visible = q.Enabled = f.Visible = f.Enabled = enabled;
return result;
private void changeMemory(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox m = (ComboBox)sender;
if (m == CB_CTMemory || m == CB_OTMemory)
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
int memory = Util.getIndex(m);
switch (memory) // Memory Case Switchtable
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
case 0: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 1: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 2: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 3: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 4: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 5: getMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;
case 6: getMemoryArguments("LOCATION", m); break;
case 7: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 8: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 9: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 10: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 11: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 12: getMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;
case 13: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 14: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 15: getMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;
case 16: getMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;
case 17: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 18: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 19: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 20: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 21: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 22: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 23: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 24: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 25: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 26: getMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;
case 27: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 28: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 29: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 30: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 31: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 32: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 33: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 34: getMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;
case 35: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 36: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 37: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 38: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 39: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 40: getMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;
case 41: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 42: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 43: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 44: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 45: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 46: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 47: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 48: getMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;
case 49: getMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;
case 50: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 51: getMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;
case 52: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 53: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 54: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 55: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 56: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 57: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 58: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 59: getMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;
case 60: getMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;
case 61: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 62: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 63: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
case 64: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
2014-11-27 20:47:50 -08:00
default: getMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
RTB_OT.Text = getMemoryString(CB_OTMemory, CB_OTVar, CB_OTQual, CB_OTFeel, m_parent.TB_OT.Text);
RTB_CT.Text = getMemoryString(CB_CTMemory, CB_CTVar, CB_CTQual, CB_CTFeel, m_parent.TB_OTt2.Text);
private void changeCountry(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox[] cba = new ComboBox[]
CB_Country0, CB_Country1, CB_Country2, CB_Country3, CB_Country4
MaskedTextBox[] mta = new MaskedTextBox[]
Region0, Region1, Region2, Region3, Region4,
for (int i = 0; i < cba.Length; i++)
if (cba[i].SelectedIndex == 0)
mta[i].Text = "0";
mta[i].Enabled = false;
mta[i].Enabled = true;
private void changeHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CB_Handler.SelectedIndex == 1)
m_parent.TB_Friendship.Text = M_CT_Friendship.Text;
m_parent.GB_nOT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(232, 255, 255);
m_parent.GB_OT.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
GB_M_CT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(232, 255, 255);
GB_M_OT.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
m_parent.TB_Friendship.Text = M_OT_Friendship.Text;
m_parent.GB_OT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(232, 255, 255);
m_parent.GB_nOT.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
GB_M_OT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(232, 255, 255);
GB_M_CT.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
2014-08-15 15:28:15 -07:00
private void update255_MTB(object sender, EventArgs e)
MaskedTextBox mtb = sender as MaskedTextBox;
2014-10-09 19:59:57 -07:00
int val = Util.ToInt32(mtb.Text);
2014-08-15 15:28:15 -07:00
if (val > 255) mtb.Text = "255";
catch { mtb.Text = "0"; }
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00