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synced 2024-12-19 08:53:28 +00:00
261 lines
6.9 KiB
261 lines
6.9 KiB
! PKHeX Interface Customization File
! Languages: Save this file accordingly and put it in the same folder as PKHeX's executable.
! lang_en.txt = English
! lang_jp.txt = Japanese
! lang_fr.txt = French
! lang_de.txt = German
! lang_es.txt = Spanish
! lang_it.txt = Italian
! lang_ko.txt = Korean
! Make sure that each edit has a ' = ' between Control name and new Text!
! For the Menu Bar, separate the DropDown Item names with ' ; '
! -----------------------------------------------------
- DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Ribbons / Medals UI Below
! Form1
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
----------------Overall PKX Interface------------------
Menu_File = File ; Open... ; Save as... ; Exit
Menu_Tools = Tools ; Toggle Box Interface ; Import Gen5 PKM ; Load/Dump Boxes
Menu_Options = Options ; Language ; About PKHeX
--------------------Main Tab Data----------------------
Tab_Main = Haupt
Label_PID = PID:
BTN_RerollPID = Neu
Label_Species = Pokémon:
CHK_Nicknamed = Spitzname:
Label_EXP = EXP:
Label_CurLevel = Level:
Label_Nature = Wesen:
Label_HeldItem = Item:
Label_Friendship = Freundschaft:
Label_Form = Form:
Label_Ability = Fähigkeit:
Label_Language = Sprache:
CHK_IsEgg = Ist Ei
CHK_Infected = Infiziert
CHK_Cured = Geheilt
Label_PKRS = PkRs:
Label_PKRSdays = d:
Label_Country = Land:
Label_SubRegion = Unterregion:
Label_3DSRegion = 3DS Region:
---------------------Met Tab Data-----------------------
Tab_Met = Traf
Label_OriginGame = Herkunftsspiel:
Label_MetLocation = Fundort:
Label_Ball = Ball:
Label_MetLevel = Trefflevel:
Label_MetDate = Treffdatum:
Label_EncounterType = Begegnung:
CHK_Fateful = Schicksalshafte Begeg.
---------------------Egg Met Data-----------------------
CHK_AsEgg = Als Ei
GB_EggConditions = Ei-Treff-Bedingungen
Label_EggLocation = Fundort:
Label_EggDate = Datum:
--------------------Stats Tab Data----------------------
Tab_Stats = Werte
Label_IVs = DVs
Label_EVs = EVs
Label_Stats = Werte
Label_HP = KP:
Label_ATK = Atk:
Label_DEF = Def:
Label_SPA = SpA:
Label_SPD = SpD:
Label_SPE = Init:
Label_Total = Gesamt:
Label_HiddenPowerPrefix = Kraftreserve Typ:
Label_CharacteristicPrefix = Persönlichkeit:
BTN_RandomIVs = Zufällige DVs
BTN_RandomEVs = Zufällige EVs
Label_ContestStats = Wettbewerbswerte
Label_Cool = Coolness
Label_Beauty = Schönheit
Label_Cute = Anmut
Label_Smart = Klugheit
Label_Tough = Stärke
Label_Sheen = Glanz
-------------------Attacks Tab Data---------------------
Tab_Attacks = Attacken
GB_CurrentMoves = Aktuelle Attacken
Label_CurPP = AP
Label_PPups = AP Plus
GB_RelearnMoves = Wiedererlente Attacken
-------------------OT/Misc Tab Data---------------------
Tab_OTMisc = OT/Etc
GB_OT = Trainer Informationen
Label_TID = TID:
Label_SID = SID:
Label_OT = OT:
GB_nOT = Letzter (nicht OT) Handler
Label_PrevOT = OT:
GB_ExtraBytes = Extra Bytes
GB_Markings = Markierungen
BTN_Ribbons = Bänder/Medaillen
BTN_History = Erinnerung/Amie
Label_EncryptionConstant = PKX-Konstante:
BTN_RerollEC = Neu
-----------------Save Data Interface--------------------
Tab_Box = Box
Tab_PartyBattle = Team-Kampf
Tab_Other = Andere
Tab_Tools = Tools
B_OpenPokePuffs = Poké Puffs
B_OpenItemPouch = Items
B_OpenTrainerInfo = Trainerinfo
B_OpenBoxLayout = Boxlayout
B_OpenWondercards = Wunderkarte
B_OpenBerryField = Beerenfeld
B_OpenOPowers = O-Kräfte
B_OpenEventFlags = Event Flags
B_OpenPokedex = Pokédex
--------------------Tab Internals-----------------------
L_Party = Team:
L_BattleBox = Kampfbox:
GB_Daycare = Pension
GB_Fused = Fused
GB_SUBE = Alter Mann
DayCare_HasEgg = Ei verfügbar
L_DaycareSeed = Seed
L_ReadOnlyOther = Dieser Tab ist nur lesbar.
B_BoxIO = Box Öffnen / Speichern
B_JPEG = Speichere PGL .JPEG
B_OUTHallofFame = Ruhmeshalle
B_OUTPasserby = Passanten
L_IntegrityCheck = Integritäscheck:
B_VerifyCHK = Checksums
B_VerifySHA = Hashes
L_SAVManipulation = Spielstandmanipulation:
B_SwitchSAV = SAV wechseln
B_ExportSAV = SAV exportieren
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
- DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Ribbons / Medals UI Below
! RibbonMedal
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
BTN_All = Alle
BTN_None = Nichts
BTN_Cancel = Abbrechen
BTN_Save = Speichern
Tab_Kalos = Häufige Bänder
Tab_Extra = Zusatzbänder
Tab_Medals = Trainingsmedaillen
GB_Kalos12 = Set 12
Kalos1a_0 = Kalos Champion
Kalos1a_1 = Hoenn Champion
Kalos1a_2 = Sinnoh Champion
Kalos1a_3 = Beste Freunde
Kalos1a_4 = Training
Kalos1a_5 = Erfahrener Kämpfer
Kalos1a_6 = Experten Kämpfer
Kalos1a_7 = Fleiß
Kalos1b_0 = Wachsamkeit
Kalos1b_1 = Schock
Kalos1b_2 = Niederschlag
Kalos1b_3 = Sorglosigkeit
Kalos1b_4 = Entspannung
Kalos1b_5 = Schlafen
Kalos1b_6 = Lächeln
Kalos1b_7 = Hinreißend
GB_Kalos34 = Set 2
Kalos2a_0 = Königlich
Kalos2a_1 = Hinreißend Königl.
Kalos2a_2 = Künstler
Kalos2a_3 = Fußabdruck
Kalos2a_4 = Rekord
Kalos2a_5 = Legende
Kalos2a_6 = Land
Kalos2a_7 = Nation
Kalos2b_0 = Erde
Kalos2b_1 = Welt
Kalos2b_2 = Klassisch
Kalos2b_3 = Premier
Kalos2b_4 = Geschichte
Kalos2b_5 = Geburtstag
Kalos2b_6 = Spezial
Kalos2b_7 = Gedenk
GB_Extra1 = Set 3
Extra1_0 = Wunsch
Extra1_1 = Kampfchampion
Extra1_2 = Regionaler Champion
Extra1_3 = Nationaler Champion
Extra1_4 = Weltchampion
L_PastContest = Verg. Wettbewerbsb.:
L_PastBattle = Verg. Kampfb.:
------------------Super Training---------------------
L_SuperTraining = Normales Super Training
L_Rank1 = Rang 1
TMedal1_3 = KP
TMedal1_4 = Atk
TMedal1_7 = Def
TMedal1_2 = SpA
TMedal1_5 = SpD
TMedal1_6 = Init
L_Rank2 = Rang 2
TMedal2_1 = KP
TMedal2_2 = Atk
TMedal2_5 = Def
TMedal2_0 = SpA
TMedal2_3 = SpD
TMedal2_4 = Init
L_Rank3 = Rang 3
TMedal2_7 = HP
TMedal3_0 = Atk
TMedal3_3 = Def
TMedal2_6 = SpA
TMedal3_1 = SpD
TMedal3_2 = Init
CHK_Secret = Geheimtraining verfügbar
L_Rank3 = Rang 4
TMedal3_4 = Unheil
L_Rank3 = Rang 5
TMedal3_5 = Blattst.
TMedal3_6 = Feuerst.
TMedal3_7 = Wasserst.
TMedal4_0 = Beweg. Tore!
L_Rank3 = Rang 6
TMedal4_1 = 2. Halbzeit!
TMedal4_2 = 1. Haltzeit!
TMedal4_3 = Weitsch.
L_Rank3 = Rang 7
TMedal4_4 = Purmel
TMedal4_5 = Bit-Ballon-Barriere
TMedal4_6 = Blitz-K.O.!
L_Rank3 = Rang 8
TMedal4_7 = Pokémon X/Y
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
- DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Memories / Amie UI Below
! MemoryAmie
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
---------------------Bottom UI-------------------------
BTN_Cancel = Abbrechen
BTN_Save = Speichern
L_Handler = Aktueller Handler:
Tab_OTMemory = Erinnerungen mit: OT
L_OT_Friendship = Freundschaft:
L_OT_Affection = Zuneigung:
Tab_CTMemory = Erinnerungen mit: notOT
L_CT_Friendship = Freundschaft:
L_cT_Affection = Zuneigung:
Tab_Residence = Herkunft
- **Please leave the {0} in your line. The OT name will show instead.
L_Arguments = Deaktiviert ; Nie verlassen ; OT ; Letzte Gen. ; Erinnerungen mit ; Pokémon ; Area ; Item(s) ; Move ; Location
! End