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using System;
using static PKHeX.Core.ContestStatGranting;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
2022-03-06 12:16:36 -08:00
/// <summary>
/// Logic for checking and applying <see cref="IContestStats"/>.
/// </summary>
public static class ContestStatInfo
private const int LowestFeelBlock3 = 1; // quad Nutpea
private const int LowestFeelPoffin4 = 11; // Beauty Haircut
private const int LowestFeelPoffin8b = 7;
private const byte MaxContestStat = 255;
/// <summary>
/// By giving out all-Nutpea blocks in 3, you can have contest stats all maxed while feel is at 214 if the random stats of the foul blocks line up perfectly.
/// </summary>
private const int BestSheenStat3 = 214;
/// <summary>
/// Using optimal poffins in BD/SP, roughly 120-140; be generous.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Liechi-Pomeg-Qualot-Occa etc. (2 each), which puts sheen at 140 and will max all stats if the cook times are 47.43 or faster
/// Leppa-Pomeg-Qualot-Occa etc. (3 each), which puts sheen at 135 and will max all stats if the cook times are 43.32 or faster
/// Liechi-Leppa-Pomeg-Qualot etc. (2 each), which puts sheen at 120 and will max all stats if the cook times area 40.40 or faster
/// </remarks>
private const int BestSheenStat8b = 120;
public static void SetSuggestedContestStats(this PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (pk is not IContestStatsMutable s)
var restrict = GetContestStatRestriction(pk, pk.Generation);
var baseStat = GetReferenceTemplate(enc);
if (restrict == None || pk.Species is not (int)Species.Milotic)
baseStat.CopyContestStatsTo(s); // reset
s.SetAllContestStatsTo(MaxContestStat, restrict == NoSheen ? baseStat.CNT_Sheen : MaxContestStat);
public static void SetMaxContestStats(this PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (pk is not IContestStatsMutable s)
var restrict = GetContestStatRestriction(pk, enc.Generation);
var baseStat = GetReferenceTemplate(enc);
if (restrict == None)
s.SetAllContestStatsTo(MaxContestStat, restrict == NoSheen ? baseStat.CNT_Sheen : MaxContestStat);
public static ContestStatGranting GetContestStatRestriction(PKM pk, int origin) => origin switch
3 => pk.Format < 6 ? CorrelateSheen : Mixed,
4 => pk.Format < 6 ? CorrelateSheen : Mixed,
5 => pk.Format >= 6 ? NoSheen : None, // ORAS Contests
6 => pk.AO || !pk.IsUntraded ? NoSheen : None,
8 => pk.BDSP ? CorrelateSheen : None, // BDSP Contests
_ => None,
public static int CalculateMaximumSheen(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial, bool pokeBlock3)
if (s.IsAnyContestStatMax())
return MaxContestStat;
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
if (pokeBlock3)
return CalculateMaximumSheen3(s, nature, initial);
var avg = GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial);
if (avg <= 0)
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
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2022-02-04 00:37:29 -08:00
if (avg <= 2)
return 24;
// Can get trash poffins by burning and spilling on purpose.
return Math.Min(MaxContestStat, avg * LowestFeelPoffin4);
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen(IContestStats s, IContestStats initial, INature pkm, ContestStatGrantingSheen method) => method switch
ContestStatGrantingSheen.Gen8b => CalculateMinimumSheen8b(s, pkm.Nature, initial),
ContestStatGrantingSheen.Gen3 => CalculateMinimumSheen3(s, pkm.Nature, initial),
ContestStatGrantingSheen.Gen4 => CalculateMinimumSheen4(s, pkm.Nature, initial),
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_ => throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(nameof(method)),
// Slightly better stat:sheen ratio than Gen4; prefer if has visited.
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen8b(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
var rawAvg = GetAverageFeel(s, 0, initial);
if (rawAvg == MaxContestStat)
return BestSheenStat8b;
var avg = Math.Max(1, nature % 6 == 0 ? rawAvg : GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial));
avg = Math.Min(rawAvg, avg); // be generous
avg = (BestSheenStat8b * avg) / MaxContestStat;
return Math.Min(BestSheenStat8b, Math.Max(LowestFeelPoffin8b, avg));
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen3(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
var rawAvg = GetAverageFeel(s, 0, initial);
if (rawAvg == MaxContestStat)
return MaxContestStat;
var avg = Math.Max(1, nature % 6 == 0 ? rawAvg : GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial));
avg = Math.Min(rawAvg, avg); // be generous
avg = (BestSheenStat3 * avg) / MaxContestStat;
return Math.Min(BestSheenStat3, Math.Max(LowestFeelBlock3, avg));
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen4(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
var rawAvg = GetAverageFeel(s, 0, initial);
if (rawAvg == MaxContestStat)
return MaxContestStat;
var avg = Math.Max(1, nature % 6 == 0 ? rawAvg : GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial));
avg = Math.Min(rawAvg, avg); // be generous
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return Math.Min(MaxContestStat, Math.Max(LowestFeelPoffin4, avg));
private static int CalculateMaximumSheen3(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
// By using Enigma and Lansat and a 25 +1/-1, can get a +9/+19s at minimum RPM
// By using Enigma, Lansat, and Starf, can get a black +2/2/2 & 21 block (6:21) at minimum RPM.
var sum = GetGainedSum(s, nature, initial);
if (sum == 0)
return 0;
static int Gained2(byte a, byte b) => a - b >= 2 ? 1 : 0;
int gained = Gained2(s.CNT_Cool, initial.CNT_Cool)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Beauty, initial.CNT_Beauty)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Cute, initial.CNT_Cute)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Smart, initial.CNT_Smart)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Tough, initial.CNT_Tough);
bool has3 = gained >= 3;
// Prefer the bad-black-block correlation if more than 3 stats have gains >= 2.
var permit = has3 ? (sum * 21 / 6) : (sum * 19 / 9);
return Math.Min(MaxContestStat, Math.Max(LowestFeelBlock3, permit));
private static int GetAverageFeel(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
var sum = GetGainedSum(s, nature, initial);
2022-02-04 00:37:29 -08:00
return (int)Math.Ceiling(sum / 5f);
private static int GetGainedSum(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
ReadOnlySpan<sbyte> span = NatureAmpTable.AsSpan(5 * nature, 5);
int sum = 0;
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 0, s.CNT_Cool - initial.CNT_Cool);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 1, s.CNT_Beauty - initial.CNT_Beauty);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 2, s.CNT_Cute - initial.CNT_Cute);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 3, s.CNT_Smart - initial.CNT_Smart);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 4, s.CNT_Tough - initial.CNT_Tough);
return sum;
private static int GetAmpedStat(ReadOnlySpan<sbyte> amps, int index, int gain)
var amp = amps[index];
if (amp == 0)
return gain;
return gain + GetStatAdjustment(gain, amp);
private static int GetStatAdjustment(int gain, sbyte amp)
// Undo the favor factor
var undoFactor = amp == 1 ? 11 : 9;
var boost = Boost(gain, undoFactor);
return amp == -1 ? boost : -boost;
static int Boost(int stat, int factor)
var remainder = stat % factor;
var boost = stat / factor;
if (remainder >= 5)
return boost;
private static readonly DummyContestNone DummyNone = new();
public static IContestStats GetReferenceTemplate(IEncounterTemplate initial) => initial is IContestStats s ? s : DummyNone;
2022-03-06 12:16:36 -08:00
private sealed class DummyContestNone : IContestStats
public byte CNT_Cool => 0;
public byte CNT_Beauty => 0;
public byte CNT_Cute => 0;
public byte CNT_Smart => 0;
public byte CNT_Tough => 0;
public byte CNT_Sheen => 0;
private static readonly sbyte[] NatureAmpTable =
// Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Hardy
1, 0, 0, 0,-1, // Lonely
1, 0,-1, 0, 0, // Brave
1,-1, 0, 0, 0, // Adamant
1, 0, 0,-1, 0, // Naughty
-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, // Bold
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Docile
0, 0,-1, 0, 1, // Relaxed
0,-1, 0, 0, 1, // Impish
0, 0, 0,-1, 1, // Lax
-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, // Timid
0, 0, 1, 0,-1, // Hasty
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Serious
0,-1, 1, 0, 0, // Jolly
0, 0, 1,-1, 0, // Naive
-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, // Modest
0, 1, 0, 0,-1, // Mild
0, 1,-1, 0, 0, // Quiet
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Bashful
0, 1, 0,-1, 0, // Rash
-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, // Calm
0, 0, 0, 1,-1, // Gentle
0, 0,-1, 1, 0, // Sassy
0,-1, 0, 1, 0, // Careful
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Quirky