mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 14:28:33 +00:00
File scoped namespace for drawing projects
Extract color util to separate class as it's not entirely image related.
This commit is contained in:
25 changed files with 1095 additions and 1126 deletions
@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ public static class ContestStatInfo
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
if (pokeBlock3)
return CalculateMaximumSheen3(s, nature, initial);
var avg = GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial);
if (avg <= 0)
@ -162,7 +160,7 @@ public static class ContestStatInfo
private static readonly sbyte[] NatureAmpTable =
// Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour
// Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Hardy
1, 0, 0, 0,-1, // Lonely
1, 0,-1, 0, 0, // Brave
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@ -5,104 +5,99 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class QRDecode
public static class QRDecode
// QR Utility
private const string DecodeAPI = "http://api.qrserver.com/v1/read-qr-code/?fileurl=";
public static QRDecodeResult GetQRData(string address, out byte[] result)
// QR Utility
private const string DecodeAPI = "http://api.qrserver.com/v1/read-qr-code/?fileurl=";
result = Array.Empty<byte>();
// Fetch data from QR code...
public static QRDecodeResult GetQRData(string address, out byte[] result)
if (!address.StartsWith("http"))
return QRDecodeResult.BadPath;
string url = DecodeAPI + WebUtility.UrlEncode(address);
string data;
result = Array.Empty<byte>();
// Fetch data from QR code...
var str = NetUtil.GetStringFromURL(url);
if (str is null)
return QRDecodeResult.BadConnection;
if (!address.StartsWith("http"))
return QRDecodeResult.BadPath;
data = str;
if (data.Contains("could not find"))
return QRDecodeResult.BadImage;
string url = DecodeAPI + WebUtility.UrlEncode(address);
string data;
var str = NetUtil.GetStringFromURL(url);
if (str is null)
return QRDecodeResult.BadConnection;
data = str;
if (data.Contains("could not find"))
return QRDecodeResult.BadImage;
if (data.Contains("filetype not supported"))
return QRDecodeResult.BadType;
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
catch { return QRDecodeResult.BadConnection; }
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
// Quickly convert the json response to a data string
result = DecodeQRJson(data);
return QRDecodeResult.Success;
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
catch (Exception e)
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
return QRDecodeResult.BadConversion;
if (data.Contains("filetype not supported"))
return QRDecodeResult.BadType;
catch { return QRDecodeResult.BadConnection; }
private static byte[] DecodeQRJson(string data)
// Quickly convert the json response to a data string
const string cap = "\",\"error\":null}]}]";
const string intro = "[{\"type\":\"qrcode\",\"symbol\":[{\"seq\":0,\"data\":\"";
const string qrcode = "nQR-Code:";
if (!data.StartsWith(intro))
throw new FormatException();
string pkstr = data[intro.Length..];
// Remove multiple QR codes in same image
var qr = pkstr.IndexOf(qrcode, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (qr != -1)
pkstr = pkstr[..qr];
// Trim outro
var outroIndex = pkstr.IndexOf(cap, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (outroIndex == -1)
throw new FormatException();
pkstr = pkstr[..outroIndex];
if (!pkstr.StartsWith("http") && !pkstr.StartsWith("null")) // G7
string fstr = Regex.Unescape(pkstr);
byte[] raw = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(fstr);
// Remove 00 interstitials and retrieve from offset 0x30, take PK7 Stored Size (always)
byte[] result = new byte[0xE8];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = raw[(i + 0x30) * 2];
return result;
// All except G7
pkstr = pkstr[(pkstr.IndexOf('#') + 1)..]; // Trim URL
pkstr = pkstr.Replace("\\", string.Empty); // Rectify response
return Convert.FromBase64String(pkstr);
result = DecodeQRJson(data);
return QRDecodeResult.Success;
public static string ConvertMsg(this QRDecodeResult result) => result switch
catch (Exception e)
QRDecodeResult.Success => string.Empty,
QRDecodeResult.BadPath => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailPath,
QRDecodeResult.BadImage => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailImage,
QRDecodeResult.BadType => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailType,
QRDecodeResult.BadConnection => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailConnection,
QRDecodeResult.BadConversion => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailConvert,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(result), result, null),
return QRDecodeResult.BadConversion;
private static byte[] DecodeQRJson(string data)
const string cap = "\",\"error\":null}]}]";
const string intro = "[{\"type\":\"qrcode\",\"symbol\":[{\"seq\":0,\"data\":\"";
const string qrcode = "nQR-Code:";
if (!data.StartsWith(intro))
throw new FormatException();
string pkstr = data[intro.Length..];
// Remove multiple QR codes in same image
var qr = pkstr.IndexOf(qrcode, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (qr != -1)
pkstr = pkstr[..qr];
// Trim outro
var outroIndex = pkstr.IndexOf(cap, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (outroIndex == -1)
throw new FormatException();
pkstr = pkstr[..outroIndex];
if (!pkstr.StartsWith("http") && !pkstr.StartsWith("null")) // G7
string fstr = Regex.Unescape(pkstr);
byte[] raw = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(fstr);
// Remove 00 interstitials and retrieve from offset 0x30, take PK7 Stored Size (always)
byte[] result = new byte[0xE8];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = raw[(i + 0x30) * 2];
return result;
// All except G7
pkstr = pkstr[(pkstr.IndexOf('#') + 1)..]; // Trim URL
pkstr = pkstr.Replace("\\", string.Empty); // Rectify response
return Convert.FromBase64String(pkstr);
public static string ConvertMsg(this QRDecodeResult result) => result switch
QRDecodeResult.Success => string.Empty,
QRDecodeResult.BadPath => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailPath,
QRDecodeResult.BadImage => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailImage,
QRDecodeResult.BadType => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailType,
QRDecodeResult.BadConnection => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailConnection,
QRDecodeResult.BadConversion => MessageStrings.MsgQRUrlFailConvert,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(result), result, null),
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public enum QRDecodeResult
public enum QRDecodeResult
@ -2,26 +2,25 @@
using PKHeX.Core;
using QRCoder;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class QREncode
public static class QREncode
public static Image GenerateQRCode(DataMysteryGift mg) => GenerateQRCode(QRMessageUtil.GetMessage(mg));
public static Image GenerateQRCode(PKM pkm) => GenerateQRCode(QRMessageUtil.GetMessage(pkm));
public static Image GenerateQRCode7(PK7 pk7, int box = 0, int slot = 0, int copies = 1)
public static Image GenerateQRCode(DataMysteryGift mg) => GenerateQRCode(QRMessageUtil.GetMessage(mg));
public static Image GenerateQRCode(PKM pkm) => GenerateQRCode(QRMessageUtil.GetMessage(pkm));
public static Image GenerateQRCode7(PK7 pk7, int box = 0, int slot = 0, int copies = 1)
byte[] data = QR7.GenerateQRData(pk7, box, slot, copies);
var msg = QRMessageUtil.GetMessage(data);
return GenerateQRCode(msg, ppm: 4);
private static Image GenerateQRCode(string msg, int ppm = 4)
using var generator = new QRCodeGenerator();
using var data = generator.CreateQrCode(msg, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
using var code = new QRCode(data);
return code.GetGraphic(ppm);
byte[] data = QR7.GenerateQRData(pk7, box, slot, copies);
var msg = QRMessageUtil.GetMessage(data);
return GenerateQRCode(msg, ppm: 4);
private static Image GenerateQRCode(string msg, int ppm = 4)
using var generator = new QRCodeGenerator();
using var data = generator.CreateQrCode(msg, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
using var code = new QRCode(data);
return code.GetGraphic(ppm);
@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class QRImageUtil
public static class QRImageUtil
public static Bitmap GetQRImage(Image qr, Image preview)
public static Bitmap GetQRImage(Image qr, Image preview)
// create a small area with the pkm sprite, with a white background
var foreground = new Bitmap(preview.Width + 4, preview.Height + 4);
using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(foreground))
// create a small area with the pkm sprite, with a white background
var foreground = new Bitmap(preview.Width + 4, preview.Height + 4);
using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(foreground))
gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, foreground.Width, foreground.Height);
int x = (foreground.Width / 2) - (preview.Width / 2);
int y = (foreground.Height / 2) - (preview.Height / 2);
gfx.DrawImage(preview, x, y);
// Layer on Preview Image
int x = (qr.Width / 2) - (foreground.Width / 2);
int y = (qr.Height / 2) - (foreground.Height / 2);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(qr, foreground, x, y);
gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, foreground.Width, foreground.Height);
int x = (foreground.Width / 2) - (preview.Width / 2);
int y = (foreground.Height / 2) - (preview.Height / 2);
gfx.DrawImage(preview, x, y);
public static Bitmap GetQRImageExtended(Font font, Image qr, Image pkm, int width, int height, string[] lines, string extraText)
// Layer on Preview Image
var pic = GetQRImage(qr, pkm);
return ExtendImage(font, qr, width, height, pic, lines, extraText);
int x = (qr.Width / 2) - (foreground.Width / 2);
int y = (qr.Height / 2) - (foreground.Height / 2);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(qr, foreground, x, y);
private static Bitmap ExtendImage(Font font, Image qr, int width, int height, Image pic, string[] lines, string extraText)
var newpic = new Bitmap(width, height);
using Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newpic);
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, newpic.Width, newpic.Height);
g.DrawImage(pic, 0, 0);
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 0), font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height - 5));
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 1), font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height + 8));
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 2).Replace(Environment.NewLine, "/").Replace("//", " ").Replace(":/", ": "), font,
Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height + 20));
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 3) + extraText, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height + 32));
return newpic;
private static string GetLine(string[] lines, int line) => lines.Length <= line ? string.Empty : lines[line];
public static Bitmap GetQRImageExtended(Font font, Image qr, Image pkm, int width, int height, string[] lines, string extraText)
var pic = GetQRImage(qr, pkm);
return ExtendImage(font, qr, width, height, pic, lines, extraText);
private static Bitmap ExtendImage(Font font, Image qr, int width, int height, Image pic, string[] lines, string extraText)
var newpic = new Bitmap(width, height);
using Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newpic);
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, newpic.Width, newpic.Height);
g.DrawImage(pic, 0, 0);
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 0), font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height - 5));
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 1), font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height + 8));
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 2).Replace(Environment.NewLine, "/").Replace("//", " ").Replace(":/", ": "), font,
Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height + 20));
g.DrawString(GetLine(lines, 3) + extraText, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(18, qr.Height + 32));
return newpic;
private static string GetLine(string[] lines, int line) => lines.Length <= line ? string.Empty : lines[line];
@ -3,40 +3,39 @@ using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc.Properties;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class MysteryGiftSpriteUtil
public static class MysteryGiftSpriteUtil
public static Image Sprite(this MysteryGift gift) => GetSprite(gift);
private static Image GetSprite(MysteryGift gift)
public static Image Sprite(this MysteryGift gift) => GetSprite(gift);
if (gift.Empty)
return SpriteUtil.Spriter.None;
private static Image GetSprite(MysteryGift gift)
var img = GetBaseImage(gift);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
img = SpriteUtil.ApplyEncounterColor(gift, img, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor);
if (gift.GiftUsed)
img = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(img, 0.3);
return img;
private static Image GetBaseImage(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.IsEgg && gift.Species == (int)Species.Manaphy) // Manaphy Egg
return SpriteUtil.GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(gift);
if (gift.IsPokémon)
return SpriteUtil.GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(gift);
if (gift.IsItem)
if (gift.Empty)
return SpriteUtil.Spriter.None;
var img = GetBaseImage(gift);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
img = SpriteUtil.ApplyEncounterColor(gift, img, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor);
if (gift.GiftUsed)
img = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(img, 0.3);
return img;
private static Image GetBaseImage(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.IsEgg && gift.Species == (int)Species.Manaphy) // Manaphy Egg
return SpriteUtil.GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(gift);
if (gift.IsPokémon)
return SpriteUtil.GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(gift);
if (gift.IsItem)
int item = gift.ItemID;
if (Legal.ZCrystalDictionary.TryGetValue(item, out int value))
item = value;
return SpriteUtil.GetItemSprite(item) ?? Resources.Bag_Key;
return PokeSprite.Properties.Resources.b_unknown;
int item = gift.ItemID;
if (Legal.ZCrystalDictionary.TryGetValue(item, out int value))
item = value;
return SpriteUtil.GetItemSprite(item) ?? Resources.Bag_Key;
return PokeSprite.Properties.Resources.b_unknown;
@ -2,20 +2,19 @@
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
public static class PlayerSpriteUtil
public static Image? Sprite(this SaveFile sav) => GetSprite(sav);
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
private static Image? GetSprite(SaveFile sav)
public static class PlayerSpriteUtil
public static Image? Sprite(this SaveFile sav) => GetSprite(sav);
private static Image? GetSprite(SaveFile sav)
if (sav is SAV6XY or SAV6AO)
if (sav is SAV6XY or SAV6AO)
string file = $"tr_{sav.MultiplayerSpriteID:00}";
return Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file) as Image ?? Resources.tr_00;
return null;
string file = $"tr_{sav.MultiplayerSpriteID:00}";
return Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file) as Image ?? Resources.tr_00;
return null;
@ -1,41 +1,40 @@
using System.Drawing;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class RibbonSpriteUtil
public static class RibbonSpriteUtil
public static Image? GetRibbonSprite(string name)
public static Image? GetRibbonSprite(string name)
var resource = name.Replace("CountG3", "G3").ToLowerInvariant();
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
public static Image? GetRibbonSprite(string name, int max, int value)
var resource = GetRibbonSpriteName(name, max, value);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
private static string GetRibbonSpriteName(string name, int max, int value)
if (max != 4) // Memory
var resource = name.Replace("CountG3", "G3").ToLowerInvariant();
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
var sprite = name.ToLowerInvariant();
if (max == value)
return sprite + "2";
return sprite;
public static Image? GetRibbonSprite(string name, int max, int value)
// Count ribbons
string n = name.Replace("Count", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant();
return value switch
var resource = GetRibbonSpriteName(name, max, value);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
private static string GetRibbonSpriteName(string name, int max, int value)
if (max != 4) // Memory
var sprite = name.ToLowerInvariant();
if (max == value)
return sprite + "2";
return sprite;
// Count ribbons
string n = name.Replace("Count", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant();
return value switch
2 => n + "super",
3 => n + "hyper",
4 => n + "master",
_ => n,
2 => n + "super",
3 => n + "hyper",
4 => n + "master",
_ => n,
@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class TypeSpriteUtil
public static class TypeSpriteUtil
public static Image? GetTypeSprite(int type, int generation = PKX.Generation)
public static Image? GetTypeSprite(int type, int generation = PKX.Generation)
if (generation <= 2)
type = (int)((MoveType)type).GetMoveTypeGeneration(generation);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"type_icon_{type:00}");
if (generation <= 2)
type = (int)((MoveType)type).GetMoveTypeGeneration(generation);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"type_icon_{type:00}");
@ -3,40 +3,39 @@ using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc.Properties;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
public static class WallpaperUtil
public static class WallpaperUtil
public static Image WallpaperImage(this SaveFile sav, int box) => GetWallpaper(sav, box);
private static Image GetWallpaper(SaveFile sav, int box)
public static Image WallpaperImage(this SaveFile sav, int box) => GetWallpaper(sav, box);
private static Image GetWallpaper(SaveFile sav, int box)
string s = GetWallpaperResourceName(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box));
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(s) ?? Resources.box_wp16xy;
public static string GetWallpaperResourceName(GameVersion version, int index)
index++; // start indexes at 1
var suffix = GetResourceSuffix(version, index);
return $"box_wp{index:00}{suffix}";
private static string GetResourceSuffix(GameVersion version, int index) => version.GetGeneration() switch
3 when version == E => "e",
3 when FRLG.Contains(version) && index > 12 => "frlg",
3 => "rs",
4 when index < 16 => "dp",
4 when version == Pt => "pt",
4 when HGSS.Contains(version) => "hgss",
5 => B2W2.Contains(version) && index > 16 ? "b2w2" : "bw",
6 => ORAS.Contains(version) && index > 16 ? "ao" : "xy",
7 when !GG.Contains(version) => "xy",
8 => BDSP.Contains(version) ? "bdsp" : "swsh",
_ => string.Empty,
string s = GetWallpaperResourceName(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box));
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(s) ?? Resources.box_wp16xy;
public static string GetWallpaperResourceName(GameVersion version, int index)
index++; // start indexes at 1
var suffix = GetResourceSuffix(version, index);
return $"box_wp{index:00}{suffix}";
private static string GetResourceSuffix(GameVersion version, int index) => version.GetGeneration() switch
3 when version == E => "e",
3 when FRLG.Contains(version) && index > 12 => "frlg",
3 => "rs",
4 when index < 16 => "dp",
4 when version == Pt => "pt",
4 when HGSS.Contains(version) => "hgss",
5 => B2W2.Contains(version) && index > 16 ? "b2w2" : "bw",
6 => ORAS.Contains(version) && index > 16 ? "ao" : "xy",
7 when !GG.Contains(version) => "xy",
8 => BDSP.Contains(version) ? "bdsp" : "swsh",
_ => string.Empty,
@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
public interface ISpriteSettings
bool ShowEggSpriteAsHeldItem { get; set; }
bool ShowEncounterBall { get; set; }
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColor { get; set; }
SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColorPKM { get; set; }
int ShowEncounterThicknessStripe { get; set; }
byte ShowEncounterOpacityBackground { get; set; }
byte ShowEncounterOpacityStripe { get; set; }
bool ShowExperiencePercent { get; set; }
public interface ISpriteSettings
bool ShowEggSpriteAsHeldItem { get; set; }
bool ShowEncounterBall { get; set; }
SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColor { get; set; }
SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColorPKM { get; set; }
int ShowEncounterThicknessStripe { get; set; }
byte ShowEncounterOpacityBackground { get; set; }
byte ShowEncounterOpacityStripe { get; set; }
bool ShowExperiencePercent { get; set; }
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
public enum SpriteBackgroundType
public enum SpriteBackgroundType
@ -2,207 +2,206 @@
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
public abstract class SpriteBuilder : ISpriteBuilder<Image>
public abstract class SpriteBuilder : ISpriteBuilder<Image>
public static bool ShowEggSpriteAsItem { get; set; } = true;
public static bool ShowEncounterBall { get; set; } = true;
public static SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColor { get; set; } = SpriteBackgroundType.FullBackground;
public static SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColorPKM { get; set; }
public static bool ShowExperiencePercent { get; set; }
public static byte ShowEncounterOpacityStripe { get; set; }
public static byte ShowEncounterOpacityBackground { get; set; }
public static int ShowEncounterThicknessStripe { get; set; }
/// <summary> Width of the generated Sprite image. </summary>
public abstract int Width { get; }
/// <summary> Height of the generated Sprite image. </summary>
public abstract int Height { get; }
/// <summary> Minimum amount of padding on the right side of the image when layering an item sprite. </summary>
protected abstract int ItemShiftX { get; }
/// <summary> Minimum amount of padding on the bottom side of the image when layering an item sprite. </summary>
protected abstract int ItemShiftY { get; }
/// <summary> Max width / height of an item image. </summary>
protected abstract int ItemMaxSize { get; }
protected abstract int EggItemShiftX { get; }
protected abstract int EggItemShiftY { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Hover { get; }
public abstract Bitmap View { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Set { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Delete { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Transparent { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Drag { get; }
public abstract Bitmap UnknownItem { get; }
public abstract Bitmap None { get; }
public abstract Bitmap ItemTM { get; }
public abstract Bitmap ItemTR { get; }
private const double UnknownFormTransparency = 0.5;
private const double ShinyTransparency = 0.7;
private const double EggUnderLayerTransparency = 0.33;
protected abstract string GetSpriteStringSpeciesOnly(int species);
protected abstract string GetSpriteAll(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation);
protected abstract string GetItemResourceName(int item);
protected abstract Bitmap Unknown { get; }
protected abstract Bitmap GetEggSprite(int species);
public abstract Bitmap ShadowLugia { get; }
public void Initialize(SaveFile sav)
public static bool ShowEggSpriteAsItem { get; set; } = true;
public static bool ShowEncounterBall { get; set; } = true;
public static SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColor { get; set; } = SpriteBackgroundType.FullBackground;
public static SpriteBackgroundType ShowEncounterColorPKM { get; set; }
public static bool ShowExperiencePercent { get; set; }
if (sav.Generation != 3)
public static byte ShowEncounterOpacityStripe { get; set; }
public static byte ShowEncounterOpacityBackground { get; set; }
public static int ShowEncounterThicknessStripe { get; set; }
Game = sav.Version;
if (Game == GameVersion.FRLG)
Game = sav.Personal == PersonalTable.FR ? GameVersion.FR : GameVersion.LG;
/// <summary> Width of the generated Sprite image. </summary>
public abstract int Width { get; }
/// <summary> Height of the generated Sprite image. </summary>
public abstract int Height { get; }
private GameVersion Game;
/// <summary> Minimum amount of padding on the right side of the image when layering an item sprite. </summary>
protected abstract int ItemShiftX { get; }
/// <summary> Minimum amount of padding on the bottom side of the image when layering an item sprite. </summary>
protected abstract int ItemShiftY { get; }
/// <summary> Max width / height of an item image. </summary>
protected abstract int ItemMaxSize { get; }
private static int GetDeoxysForm(GameVersion game) => game switch
GameVersion.FR => 1, // Attack
GameVersion.LG => 2, // Defense
GameVersion.E => 3, // Speed
_ => 0,
protected abstract int EggItemShiftX { get; }
protected abstract int EggItemShiftY { get; }
private static int GetArceusForm4(int form) => form switch
> 9 => form - 1, // Realign to Gen5+ type indexes
9 => 999, // Curse, make it show as unrecognized form since we don't have a sprite.
_ => form,
public abstract Bitmap Hover { get; }
public abstract Bitmap View { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Set { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Delete { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Transparent { get; }
public abstract Bitmap Drag { get; }
public abstract Bitmap UnknownItem { get; }
public abstract Bitmap None { get; }
public abstract Bitmap ItemTM { get; }
public abstract Bitmap ItemTR { get; }
public Image GetSprite(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, int heldItem, bool isEgg, bool isShiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false, bool isAltShiny = false)
if (species == 0)
return None;
private const double UnknownFormTransparency = 0.5;
private const double ShinyTransparency = 0.7;
private const double EggUnderLayerTransparency = 0.33;
if (generation == 3 && species == (int)Species.Deoxys) // Depends on Gen3 save file version
form = GetDeoxysForm(Game);
else if (generation == 4 && species == (int)Species.Arceus) // Curse type's existence in Gen4
form = GetArceusForm4(form);
protected abstract string GetSpriteStringSpeciesOnly(int species);
var baseImage = GetBaseImage(species, form, gender, formarg, isShiny, generation);
return GetSprite(baseImage, species, heldItem, isEgg, isShiny, generation, isBoxBGRed, isAltShiny);
protected abstract string GetSpriteAll(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation);
protected abstract string GetItemResourceName(int item);
protected abstract Bitmap Unknown { get; }
protected abstract Bitmap GetEggSprite(int species);
public abstract Bitmap ShadowLugia { get; }
public Image GetSprite(Image baseSprite, int species, int heldItem, bool isEgg, bool isShiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false, bool isAltShiny = false)
if (isEgg)
baseSprite = LayerOverImageEgg(baseSprite, species, heldItem != 0);
if (heldItem > 0)
baseSprite = LayerOverImageItem(baseSprite, heldItem, generation);
if (isShiny)
baseSprite = LayerOverImageShiny(baseSprite, isBoxBGRed, generation >= 8 && isAltShiny);
return baseSprite;
public void Initialize(SaveFile sav)
private Image GetBaseImage(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
var img = FormInfo.IsTotemForm(species, form, generation)
? GetBaseImageTotem(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation)
: GetBaseImageDefault(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
return img ?? GetBaseImageFallback(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
private Image? GetBaseImageTotem(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
var baseform = FormInfo.GetTotemBaseForm(species, form);
var baseImage = GetBaseImageDefault(species, baseform, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
if (baseImage == null)
return null;
return ImageUtil.ToGrayscale(baseImage);
private Image? GetBaseImageDefault(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
var file = GetSpriteAll(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
return (Image?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file);
private Image GetBaseImageFallback(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
if (shiny) // try again without shiny
if (sav.Generation != 3)
Game = sav.Version;
if (Game == GameVersion.FRLG)
Game = sav.Personal == PersonalTable.FR ? GameVersion.FR : GameVersion.LG;
var img = GetBaseImageDefault(species, form, gender, formarg, false, generation);
if (img != null)
return img;
private GameVersion Game;
// try again without form
var baseImage = (Image?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(GetSpriteStringSpeciesOnly(species));
if (baseImage == null) // failed again
return Unknown;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, Unknown, 0, 0, UnknownFormTransparency);
private static int GetDeoxysForm(GameVersion game) => game switch
private Image LayerOverImageItem(Image baseImage, int item, int generation)
Image itemimg = generation switch
GameVersion.FR => 1, // Attack
GameVersion.LG => 2, // Defense
GameVersion.E => 3, // Speed
_ => 0,
<= 4 when item is >= 328 and <= 419 => ItemTM, // gen2/3/4 TM
8 when item is >= 328 and <= 427 => ItemTM, // BDSP TMs
>= 8 when item is >= 1130 and <= 1229 => ItemTR, // Gen8 TR
_ => (Image?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(GetItemResourceName(item)) ?? UnknownItem,
private static int GetArceusForm4(int form) => form switch
> 9 => form - 1, // Realign to Gen5+ type indexes
9 => 999, // Curse, make it show as unrecognized form since we don't have a sprite.
_ => form,
// Redraw item in bottom right corner; since images are cropped, try to not have them at the edge
int x = baseImage.Width - itemimg.Width - ((ItemMaxSize - itemimg.Width) / 4) - ItemShiftX;
int y = baseImage.Height - itemimg.Height - ItemShiftY;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, itemimg, x, y);
public Image GetSprite(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, int heldItem, bool isEgg, bool isShiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false, bool isAltShiny = false)
if (species == 0)
return None;
private static Image LayerOverImageShiny(Image baseImage, bool isBoxBGRed, bool altShiny)
// Add shiny star to top left of image.
var rare = isBoxBGRed ? Resources.rare_icon_alt : Resources.rare_icon;
if (altShiny)
rare = Resources.rare_icon_2;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, rare, 0, 0, ShinyTransparency);
if (generation == 3 && species == (int)Species.Deoxys) // Depends on Gen3 save file version
form = GetDeoxysForm(Game);
else if (generation == 4 && species == (int)Species.Arceus) // Curse type's existence in Gen4
form = GetArceusForm4(form);
private Image LayerOverImageEgg(Image baseImage, int species, bool hasItem)
if (ShowEggSpriteAsItem && !hasItem)
return LayerOverImageEggAsItem(baseImage, species);
return LayerOverImageEggTransparentSpecies(baseImage, species);
var baseImage = GetBaseImage(species, form, gender, formarg, isShiny, generation);
return GetSprite(baseImage, species, heldItem, isEgg, isShiny, generation, isBoxBGRed, isAltShiny);
private Image LayerOverImageEggTransparentSpecies(Image baseImage, int species)
// Partially transparent species.
baseImage = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(baseImage, EggUnderLayerTransparency);
// Add the egg layer over-top with full opacity.
var egg = GetEggSprite(species);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, egg, 0, 0);
public Image GetSprite(Image baseSprite, int species, int heldItem, bool isEgg, bool isShiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false, bool isAltShiny = false)
if (isEgg)
baseSprite = LayerOverImageEgg(baseSprite, species, heldItem != 0);
if (heldItem > 0)
baseSprite = LayerOverImageItem(baseSprite, heldItem, generation);
if (isShiny)
baseSprite = LayerOverImageShiny(baseSprite, isBoxBGRed, generation >= 8 && isAltShiny);
return baseSprite;
private Image LayerOverImageEggAsItem(Image baseImage, int species)
var egg = GetEggSprite(species);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, egg, EggItemShiftX, EggItemShiftY); // similar to held item, since they can't have any
private Image GetBaseImage(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
var img = FormInfo.IsTotemForm(species, form, generation)
? GetBaseImageTotem(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation)
: GetBaseImageDefault(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
return img ?? GetBaseImageFallback(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
public static void LoadSettings(ISpriteSettings sprite)
ShowEggSpriteAsItem = sprite.ShowEggSpriteAsHeldItem;
ShowEncounterBall = sprite.ShowEncounterBall;
private Image? GetBaseImageTotem(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
var baseform = FormInfo.GetTotemBaseForm(species, form);
var baseImage = GetBaseImageDefault(species, baseform, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
if (baseImage == null)
return null;
return ImageUtil.ToGrayscale(baseImage);
private Image? GetBaseImageDefault(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
var file = GetSpriteAll(species, form, gender, formarg, shiny, generation);
return (Image?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file);
private Image GetBaseImageFallback(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation)
if (shiny) // try again without shiny
var img = GetBaseImageDefault(species, form, gender, formarg, false, generation);
if (img != null)
return img;
// try again without form
var baseImage = (Image?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(GetSpriteStringSpeciesOnly(species));
if (baseImage == null) // failed again
return Unknown;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, Unknown, 0, 0, UnknownFormTransparency);
private Image LayerOverImageItem(Image baseImage, int item, int generation)
Image itemimg = generation switch
<= 4 when item is >= 328 and <= 419 => ItemTM, // gen2/3/4 TM
8 when item is >= 328 and <= 427 => ItemTM, // BDSP TMs
>= 8 when item is >= 1130 and <= 1229 => ItemTR, // Gen8 TR
_ => (Image?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(GetItemResourceName(item)) ?? UnknownItem,
// Redraw item in bottom right corner; since images are cropped, try to not have them at the edge
int x = baseImage.Width - itemimg.Width - ((ItemMaxSize - itemimg.Width) / 4) - ItemShiftX;
int y = baseImage.Height - itemimg.Height - ItemShiftY;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, itemimg, x, y);
private static Image LayerOverImageShiny(Image baseImage, bool isBoxBGRed, bool altShiny)
// Add shiny star to top left of image.
var rare = isBoxBGRed ? Resources.rare_icon_alt : Resources.rare_icon;
if (altShiny)
rare = Resources.rare_icon_2;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, rare, 0, 0, ShinyTransparency);
private Image LayerOverImageEgg(Image baseImage, int species, bool hasItem)
if (ShowEggSpriteAsItem && !hasItem)
return LayerOverImageEggAsItem(baseImage, species);
return LayerOverImageEggTransparentSpecies(baseImage, species);
private Image LayerOverImageEggTransparentSpecies(Image baseImage, int species)
// Partially transparent species.
baseImage = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(baseImage, EggUnderLayerTransparency);
// Add the egg layer over-top with full opacity.
var egg = GetEggSprite(species);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, egg, 0, 0);
private Image LayerOverImageEggAsItem(Image baseImage, int species)
var egg = GetEggSprite(species);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(baseImage, egg, EggItemShiftX, EggItemShiftY); // similar to held item, since they can't have any
public static void LoadSettings(ISpriteSettings sprite)
ShowEggSpriteAsItem = sprite.ShowEggSpriteAsHeldItem;
ShowEncounterBall = sprite.ShowEncounterBall;
ShowEncounterColor = sprite.ShowEncounterColor;
ShowEncounterColorPKM = sprite.ShowEncounterColorPKM;
ShowEncounterThicknessStripe = sprite.ShowEncounterThicknessStripe;
ShowEncounterOpacityBackground = sprite.ShowEncounterOpacityBackground;
ShowEncounterOpacityStripe = sprite.ShowEncounterOpacityStripe;
ShowExperiencePercent = sprite.ShowExperiencePercent;
ShowEncounterColor = sprite.ShowEncounterColor;
ShowEncounterColorPKM = sprite.ShowEncounterColorPKM;
ShowEncounterThicknessStripe = sprite.ShowEncounterThicknessStripe;
ShowEncounterOpacityBackground = sprite.ShowEncounterOpacityBackground;
ShowEncounterOpacityStripe = sprite.ShowEncounterOpacityStripe;
ShowExperiencePercent = sprite.ShowExperiencePercent;
@ -2,38 +2,37 @@
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
/// <summary>
/// 56 high, 68 wide sprite builder
/// </summary>
public sealed class SpriteBuilder5668 : SpriteBuilder
/// <summary>
/// 56 high, 68 wide sprite builder
/// </summary>
public sealed class SpriteBuilder5668 : SpriteBuilder
public override int Height => 56;
public override int Width => 68;
public override int Height => 56;
public override int Width => 68;
protected override int ItemShiftX => 2;
protected override int ItemShiftY => 2;
protected override int ItemMaxSize => 32;
protected override int EggItemShiftX => 18;
protected override int EggItemShiftY => 1;
protected override int ItemShiftX => 2;
protected override int ItemShiftY => 2;
protected override int ItemMaxSize => 32;
protected override int EggItemShiftX => 18;
protected override int EggItemShiftY => 1;
protected override string GetSpriteStringSpeciesOnly(int species) => 'b' + $"_{species}";
protected override string GetSpriteAll(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation) => 'b' + SpriteName.GetResourceStringSprite(species, form, gender, formarg, generation, shiny);
protected override string GetItemResourceName(int item) => 'b' + $"item_{item}";
protected override Bitmap Unknown => Resources.b_unknown;
protected override Bitmap GetEggSprite(int species) => species == (int)Species.Manaphy ? Resources.b_490_e : Resources.b_egg;
protected override string GetSpriteStringSpeciesOnly(int species) => 'b' + $"_{species}";
protected override string GetSpriteAll(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, bool shiny, int generation) => 'b' + SpriteName.GetResourceStringSprite(species, form, gender, formarg, generation, shiny);
protected override string GetItemResourceName(int item) => 'b' + $"item_{item}";
protected override Bitmap Unknown => Resources.b_unknown;
protected override Bitmap GetEggSprite(int species) => species == (int)Species.Manaphy ? Resources.b_490_e : Resources.b_egg;
public override Bitmap Hover => Resources.slotHover68;
public override Bitmap View => Resources.slotView68;
public override Bitmap Set => Resources.slotSet68;
public override Bitmap Delete => Resources.slotDel68;
public override Bitmap Transparent => Resources.slotTrans68;
public override Bitmap Drag => Resources.slotDrag68;
public override Bitmap UnknownItem => Resources.bitem_unk;
public override Bitmap None => Resources.b_0;
public override Bitmap ItemTM => Resources.bitem_tm;
public override Bitmap ItemTR => Resources.bitem_tr;
public override Bitmap ShadowLugia => Resources.b_249x;
public override Bitmap Hover => Resources.slotHover68;
public override Bitmap View => Resources.slotView68;
public override Bitmap Set => Resources.slotSet68;
public override Bitmap Delete => Resources.slotDel68;
public override Bitmap Transparent => Resources.slotTrans68;
public override Bitmap Drag => Resources.slotDrag68;
public override Bitmap UnknownItem => Resources.bitem_unk;
public override Bitmap None => Resources.b_0;
public override Bitmap ItemTM => Resources.bitem_tm;
public override Bitmap ItemTR => Resources.bitem_tr;
public override Bitmap ShadowLugia => Resources.b_249x;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@ -1,70 +1,54 @@
using PKHeX.Core;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
internal static class BoxWallpaper
public static bool IsWallpaperRed(GameVersion version, int wallpaperID)
switch (version.GetGeneration())
case 3:
if (CXD.Contains(version))
return wallpaperID == 7; // flame pattern in XD
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
return wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
13 => E == version, // PokéCenter
_ => false,
case 4:
return wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
12 => true, // Checks
13 => true, // PokéCenter
22 => true, // Special
_ => false,
case 5:
return wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
12 => true, // Checks
19 => B2W2.Contains(version), // PWT
22 => B2W2.Contains(version), // Reshiram
21 => BW.Contains(version), // Zoroark
23 => BW.Contains(version), // Musical
_ => false,
case 6 or 7:
return wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
12 => true, // PokéCenter
20 => true, // Special5 Flare/Magma
_ => false,
case 8 when BDSP.Contains(version):
return wallpaperID switch
6 => true, // Volcano
15 => true, // Checks
21 => true, // Trio
29 => true, // Nostalgic (Platinum)
30 => true, // Legend (Platinum)
_ => false,
case 8:
return wallpaperID switch
_ => true, // Bad contrast with lots of void space, better to just highlight the shiny red.
return false;
internal static class BoxWallpaper
public static bool IsWallpaperRed(GameVersion version, int wallpaperID) => version.GetGeneration() switch
3 when CXD.Contains(version) => wallpaperID == 7, // flame pattern in XD
3 => wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
13 => E == version, // PokéCenter
_ => false,
4 => wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
12 => true, // Checks
13 => true, // PokéCenter
22 => true, // Special
_ => false,
5 => wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
12 => true, // Checks
19 => B2W2.Contains(version), // PWT
22 => B2W2.Contains(version), // Reshiram
21 => BW.Contains(version), // Zoroark
23 => BW.Contains(version), // Musical
_ => false,
6 or 7 => wallpaperID switch
5 => true, // Volcano
12 => true, // PokéCenter
20 => true, // Special5 Flare/Magma
_ => false,
8 when BDSP.Contains(version) => wallpaperID switch
6 => true, // Volcano
15 => true, // Checks
21 => true, // Trio
29 => true, // Nostalgic (Platinum)
30 => true, // Legend (Platinum)
_ => false,
8 => true, // Bad contrast with lots of void space, better to just highlight the shiny red.
_ => false,
@ -2,99 +2,98 @@
using System.Text;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
public static class SpriteName
public static class SpriteName
public static bool AllowShinySprite { get; set; }
private const char Separator = '_';
private const char Cosplay = 'c';
private const char Shiny = 's';
private const char GGStarter = 'p';
/// <summary>
/// Gets the resource name of the <see cref="Ball"/> sprite.
/// </summary>
public static string GetResourceStringBall(int ball) => $"_ball{ball}";
/// <summary>
/// Gets the resource name of the Pokémon sprite.
/// </summary>
public static string GetResourceStringSprite(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, int generation = PKX.Generation, bool shiny = false)
public static bool AllowShinySprite { get; set; }
if (SpeciesDefaultFormSprite.Contains(species)) // Species who show their default sprite regardless of Form
form = 0;
private const char Separator = '_';
private const char Cosplay = 'c';
private const char Shiny = 's';
private const char GGStarter = 'p';
var sb = new StringBuilder(12); // longest expected string result
/// <summary>
/// Gets the resource name of the <see cref="Ball"/> sprite.
/// </summary>
public static string GetResourceStringBall(int ball) => $"_ball{ball}";
/// <summary>
/// Gets the resource name of the Pokémon sprite.
/// </summary>
public static string GetResourceStringSprite(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, int generation = PKX.Generation, bool shiny = false)
if (form != 0)
if (SpeciesDefaultFormSprite.Contains(species)) // Species who show their default sprite regardless of Form
form = 0;
var sb = new StringBuilder(12); // longest expected string result
if (form != 0)
if (species == (int) Species.Pikachu)
if (species == (int) Species.Pikachu)
if (generation == 6)
if (generation == 6)
gender = 1; // Cosplay Pikachu gift can only be Female, but personal entries are set to be either Gender
else if (form == 8)
gender = 1; // Cosplay Pikachu gift can only be Female, but personal entries are set to be either Gender
else if (species == (int) Species.Eevee)
else if (form == 8)
if (form == 1)
if (gender == 1 && SpeciesGenderedSprite.Contains(species))
else if (species == (int) Species.Eevee)
if (form == 1)
if (species == (int) Species.Alcremie)
if (form == 0)
if (shiny && AllowShinySprite)
return sb.ToString();
if (gender == 1 && SpeciesGenderedSprite.Contains(species))
/// <summary>
/// Species that show their default Species sprite regardless of current <see cref="PKM.Form"/>
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> SpeciesDefaultFormSprite = new()
if (species == (int) Species.Alcremie)
if (form == 0)
/// <summary>
/// Species that show a <see cref="PKM.Gender"/> specific Sprite
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> SpeciesGenderedSprite = new()
if (shiny && AllowShinySprite)
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Species that show their default Species sprite regardless of current <see cref="PKM.Form"/>
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> SpeciesDefaultFormSprite = new()
/// <summary>
/// Species that show a <see cref="PKM.Gender"/> specific Sprite
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> SpeciesGenderedSprite = new()
@ -4,223 +4,222 @@ using System.Linq;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
public static class SpriteUtil
public static class SpriteUtil
public static readonly SpriteBuilder5668 SB8 = new();
public static SpriteBuilder Spriter { get; set; } = SB8;
private const int MaxSlotCount = 30; // slots in a box
private static int SpriteWidth => Spriter.Width;
private static int SpriteHeight => Spriter.Height;
private static int PartyMarkShiftX => SpriteWidth - 16;
private static int SlotLockShiftX => SpriteWidth - 14;
private static int SlotTeamShiftX => SpriteWidth - 19;
private static int FlagIllegalShiftY => SpriteHeight - 16;
public static void Initialize(SaveFile sav) => Spriter.Initialize(sav);
public static Image GetBallSprite(int ball)
public static readonly SpriteBuilder5668 SB8 = new();
public static SpriteBuilder Spriter { get; set; } = SB8;
string resource = SpriteName.GetResourceStringBall(ball);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource) ?? Resources._ball4; // Poké Ball (default)
private const int MaxSlotCount = 30; // slots in a box
private static int SpriteWidth => Spriter.Width;
private static int SpriteHeight => Spriter.Height;
private static int PartyMarkShiftX => SpriteWidth - 16;
private static int SlotLockShiftX => SpriteWidth - 14;
private static int SlotTeamShiftX => SpriteWidth - 19;
private static int FlagIllegalShiftY => SpriteHeight - 16;
public static Image? GetItemSprite(int item) => Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"item_{item}") as Image;
public static void Initialize(SaveFile sav) => Spriter.Initialize(sav);
public static Image GetSprite(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, int item, bool isegg, bool isShiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false, bool isAltShiny = false)
return Spriter.GetSprite(species, form, gender, formarg, item, isegg, isShiny, generation, isBoxBGRed, isAltShiny);
public static Image GetBallSprite(int ball)
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false)
var formarg = pk is IFormArgument f ? f.FormArgument : 0;
bool alt = pk.Format >= 8 && (pk.ShinyXor == 0 || pk.FatefulEncounter || pk.Version == (int)GameVersion.GO);
var img = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Gender, formarg, pk.SpriteItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed, alt);
if (pk is IShadowPKM {IsShadow: true})
string resource = SpriteName.GetResourceStringBall(ball);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource) ?? Resources._ball4; // Poké Ball (default)
const int Lugia = (int)Species.Lugia;
if (pk.Species == Lugia) // show XD shadow sprite
img = Spriter.GetSprite(Spriter.ShadowLugia, Lugia, pk.HeldItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed);
GetSpriteGlow(pk, 75, 0, 130, out var pixels, out var baseSprite, true);
var glowImg = ImageUtil.GetBitmap(pixels, baseSprite.Width, baseSprite.Height, baseSprite.PixelFormat);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(glowImg, img, 0, 0);
if (pk is IGigantamax {CanGigantamax: true})
var gm = Resources.dyna;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
return img;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
if (!pk.Valid)
return Spriter.None;
bool inBox = (uint)slot < MaxSlotCount;
bool empty = pk.Species == 0;
var sprite = empty ? Spriter.None : pk.Sprite(isBoxBGRed: inBox && BoxWallpaper.IsWallpaperRed(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box)));
if (!empty && flagIllegal)
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, sav.Personal, box != -1 ? SlotOrigin.Box : SlotOrigin.Party);
if (!la.Valid)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.warn, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
else if (pk.Format >= 8 && pk.Moves.Any(Legal.GetDummiedMovesHashSet(pk).Contains))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.hint, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColorPKM != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
sprite = ApplyEncounterColor(la.EncounterOriginal, sprite, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColorPKM);
if (inBox) // in box
var flags = sav.GetSlotFlags(box, slot);
// Indicate any battle box teams & according locked state.
int team = flags.IsBattleTeam();
if (team >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.team, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.locked, SlotLockShiftX, 0);
// Some games store Party directly in the list of pokemon data (LGP/E). Indicate accordingly.
int party = flags.IsParty();
if (party >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, PartyMarks[party], PartyMarkShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Starter))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.starter, 0, 0);
public static Image? GetItemSprite(int item) => Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"item_{item}") as Image;
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowExperiencePercent)
sprite = ApplyExperience(pk, sprite);
public static Image GetSprite(int species, int form, int gender, uint formarg, int item, bool isegg, bool isShiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false, bool isAltShiny = false)
return sprite;
public static Image ApplyEncounterColor(IEncounterTemplate enc, Image img, SpriteBackgroundType type)
var index = (enc.GetType().Name.GetHashCode() * 0x43FD43FD);
var color = Color.FromArgb(index);
if (type == SpriteBackgroundType.BottomStripe)
return Spriter.GetSprite(species, form, gender, formarg, item, isegg, isShiny, generation, isBoxBGRed, isAltShiny);
int stripeHeight = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterThicknessStripe; // from bottom
byte opacity = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterOpacityStripe;
return ImageUtil.ChangeTransparentTo(img, color, opacity, img.Width * 4 * (img.Height - stripeHeight));
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false)
else // full background
var formarg = pk is IFormArgument f ? f.FormArgument : 0;
bool alt = pk.Format >= 8 && (pk.ShinyXor == 0 || pk.FatefulEncounter || pk.Version == (int)GameVersion.GO);
var img = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Gender, formarg, pk.SpriteItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed, alt);
if (pk is IShadowPKM {IsShadow: true})
const int Lugia = (int)Species.Lugia;
if (pk.Species == Lugia) // show XD shadow sprite
img = Spriter.GetSprite(Spriter.ShadowLugia, Lugia, pk.HeldItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed);
GetSpriteGlow(pk, 75, 0, 130, out var pixels, out var baseSprite, true);
var glowImg = ImageUtil.GetBitmap(pixels, baseSprite.Width, baseSprite.Height, baseSprite.PixelFormat);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(glowImg, img, 0, 0);
if (pk is IGigantamax {CanGigantamax: true})
var gm = Resources.dyna;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
return img;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
if (!pk.Valid)
return Spriter.None;
bool inBox = (uint)slot < MaxSlotCount;
bool empty = pk.Species == 0;
var sprite = empty ? Spriter.None : pk.Sprite(isBoxBGRed: inBox && BoxWallpaper.IsWallpaperRed(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box)));
if (!empty && flagIllegal)
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, sav.Personal, box != -1 ? SlotOrigin.Box : SlotOrigin.Party);
if (!la.Valid)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.warn, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
else if (pk.Format >= 8 && pk.Moves.Any(Legal.GetDummiedMovesHashSet(pk).Contains))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.hint, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColorPKM != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
sprite = ApplyEncounterColor(la.EncounterOriginal, sprite, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColorPKM);
if (inBox) // in box
var flags = sav.GetSlotFlags(box, slot);
// Indicate any battle box teams & according locked state.
int team = flags.IsBattleTeam();
if (team >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.team, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.locked, SlotLockShiftX, 0);
// Some games store Party directly in the list of pokemon data (LGP/E). Indicate accordingly.
int party = flags.IsParty();
if (party >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, PartyMarks[party], PartyMarkShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Starter))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.starter, 0, 0);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowExperiencePercent)
sprite = ApplyExperience(pk, sprite);
return sprite;
public static Image ApplyEncounterColor(IEncounterTemplate enc, Image img, SpriteBackgroundType type)
var index = (enc.GetType().Name.GetHashCode() * 0x43FD43FD);
var color = Color.FromArgb(index);
if (type == SpriteBackgroundType.BottomStripe)
int stripeHeight = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterThicknessStripe; // from bottom
byte opacity = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterOpacityStripe;
return ImageUtil.ChangeTransparentTo(img, color, opacity, img.Width * 4 * (img.Height - stripeHeight));
else // full background
byte opacity = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterOpacityBackground;
return ImageUtil.ChangeTransparentTo(img, color, opacity);
private static Image ApplyExperience(PKM pk, Image img)
const int bpp = 4;
int start = bpp * SpriteWidth * (SpriteHeight - 1);
var level = pk.CurrentLevel;
if (level == 100)
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.Lime, start, start + (SpriteWidth * bpp));
var pct = Experience.GetEXPToLevelUpPercentage(level, pk.EXP, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
if (pct is 0)
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.Yellow, start, start + (SpriteWidth * bpp));
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.DodgerBlue, start, start + (int)(SpriteWidth * pct * bpp));
private static readonly Bitmap[] PartyMarks =
Resources.party1, Resources.party2, Resources.party3, Resources.party4, Resources.party5, Resources.party6,
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
bool egg = pk.IsEgg;
var formarg = pk is IFormArgument f ? f.FormArgument : 0;
baseSprite = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Gender, formarg, 0, egg, false, pk.Format);
GetSpriteGlow(baseSprite, blue, green, red, out pixels, forceHollow || egg);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(Image baseSprite, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, bool forceHollow = false)
pixels = ImageUtil.GetPixelData((Bitmap)baseSprite);
if (!forceHollow)
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
// If the image has any transparency, any derived background will bleed into it.
// Need to undo any transparency values if any present.
// Remove opaque pixels from original image, leaving only the glow effect pixels.
var original = (byte[])pixels.Clone();
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
ImageUtil.RemovePixels(pixels, original);
public static Image GetLegalIndicator(bool valid) => valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn;
// Extension Methods
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false) => GetSprite(pk, isBoxBGRed);
public static Image Sprite(this IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (enc is MysteryGift g)
return GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(g);
var gender = GetDisplayGender(enc);
var img = GetSprite(enc.Species, enc.Form, gender, 0, 0, enc.EggEncounter, enc.IsShiny, enc.Generation);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterBall && enc is IFixedBall {FixedBall: not Ball.None} b)
var ballSprite = GetBallSprite((int)b.FixedBall);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, ballSprite, 0, img.Height - ballSprite.Height);
if (enc is IGigantamax {CanGigantamax: true})
var gm = Resources.dyna;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
img = ApplyEncounterColor(enc, img, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor);
return img;
public static int GetDisplayGender(IEncounterTemplate enc) => enc switch
EncounterSlotGO g => (int)g.Gender & 1,
EncounterStatic s => Math.Max(0, s.Gender),
EncounterTrade t => Math.Max(0, t.Gender),
_ => 0,
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
=> GetSprite(pk, sav, box, slot, flagIllegal);
public static Image GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.IsEgg && gift.Species == (int)Species.Manaphy) // Manaphy Egg
return GetSprite((int)Species.Manaphy, 0, 2, 0, 0, true, false, gift.Generation);
var gender = Math.Max(0, gift.Gender);
var img = GetSprite(gift.Species, gift.Form, gender, 0, gift.HeldItem, gift.IsEgg, gift.IsShiny, gift.Generation);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterBall && gift is IFixedBall { FixedBall: not Ball.None } b)
var ballSprite = GetBallSprite((int)b.FixedBall);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, ballSprite, 0, img.Height - ballSprite.Height);
if (gift is IGigantamax { CanGigantamax: true })
var gm = Resources.dyna;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
return img;
byte opacity = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterOpacityBackground;
return ImageUtil.ChangeTransparentTo(img, color, opacity);
private static Image ApplyExperience(PKM pk, Image img)
const int bpp = 4;
int start = bpp * SpriteWidth * (SpriteHeight - 1);
var level = pk.CurrentLevel;
if (level == 100)
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.Lime, start, start + (SpriteWidth * bpp));
var pct = Experience.GetEXPToLevelUpPercentage(level, pk.EXP, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
if (pct is 0)
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.Yellow, start, start + (SpriteWidth * bpp));
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.DodgerBlue, start, start + (int)(SpriteWidth * pct * bpp));
private static readonly Bitmap[] PartyMarks =
Resources.party1, Resources.party2, Resources.party3, Resources.party4, Resources.party5, Resources.party6,
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
bool egg = pk.IsEgg;
var formarg = pk is IFormArgument f ? f.FormArgument : 0;
baseSprite = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Gender, formarg, 0, egg, false, pk.Format);
GetSpriteGlow(baseSprite, blue, green, red, out pixels, forceHollow || egg);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(Image baseSprite, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, bool forceHollow = false)
pixels = ImageUtil.GetPixelData((Bitmap)baseSprite);
if (!forceHollow)
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
// If the image has any transparency, any derived background will bleed into it.
// Need to undo any transparency values if any present.
// Remove opaque pixels from original image, leaving only the glow effect pixels.
var original = (byte[])pixels.Clone();
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
ImageUtil.RemovePixels(pixels, original);
public static Image GetLegalIndicator(bool valid) => valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn;
// Extension Methods
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false) => GetSprite(pk, isBoxBGRed);
public static Image Sprite(this IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (enc is MysteryGift g)
return GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(g);
var gender = GetDisplayGender(enc);
var img = GetSprite(enc.Species, enc.Form, gender, 0, 0, enc.EggEncounter, enc.IsShiny, enc.Generation);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterBall && enc is IFixedBall {FixedBall: not Ball.None} b)
var ballSprite = GetBallSprite((int)b.FixedBall);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, ballSprite, 0, img.Height - ballSprite.Height);
if (enc is IGigantamax {CanGigantamax: true})
var gm = Resources.dyna;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
img = ApplyEncounterColor(enc, img, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor);
return img;
public static int GetDisplayGender(IEncounterTemplate enc) => enc switch
EncounterSlotGO g => (int)g.Gender & 1,
EncounterStatic s => Math.Max(0, s.Gender),
EncounterTrade t => Math.Max(0, t.Gender),
_ => 0,
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
=> GetSprite(pk, sav, box, slot, flagIllegal);
public static Image GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.IsEgg && gift.Species == (int)Species.Manaphy) // Manaphy Egg
return GetSprite((int)Species.Manaphy, 0, 2, 0, 0, true, false, gift.Generation);
var gender = Math.Max(0, gift.Gender);
var img = GetSprite(gift.Species, gift.Form, gender, 0, gift.HeldItem, gift.IsEgg, gift.IsShiny, gift.Generation);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterBall && gift is IFixedBall { FixedBall: not Ball.None } b)
var ballSprite = GetBallSprite((int)b.FixedBall);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, ballSprite, 0, img.Height - ballSprite.Height);
if (gift is IGigantamax { CanGigantamax: true })
var gm = Resources.dyna;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
return img;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing;
public static class ColorUtil
public static Color ColorBaseStat(int v)
const float maxval = 180; // shift the green cap down
float x = 100f * v / maxval;
if (x > 100)
x = 100;
double red = 255f * (x > 50 ? 1 - (2 * (x - 50) / 100.0) : 1.0);
double green = 255f * (x > 50 ? 1.0 : 2 * x / 100.0);
return Blend(Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, 0), Color.White, 0.4);
public static Color ColorBaseStatTotal(int tot) => ColorBaseStat((int) (Math.Max(0, tot - 175) / 3f));
public static Color Blend(Color color, Color backColor, double amount)
byte r = (byte)((color.R * amount) + (backColor.R * (1 - amount)));
byte g = (byte)((color.G * amount) + (backColor.G * (1 - amount)));
byte b = (byte)((color.B * amount) + (backColor.B * (1 - amount)));
return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
@ -3,285 +3,262 @@ using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing
namespace PKHeX.Drawing;
/// <summary>
/// Image Layering/Blending Utility
/// </summary>
public static class ImageUtil
/// <summary>
/// Image Layering/Blending Utility
/// </summary>
public static class ImageUtil
public static Bitmap LayerImage(Image baseLayer, Image overLayer, int x, int y, double transparency)
public static Bitmap LayerImage(Image baseLayer, Image overLayer, int x, int y, double transparency)
overLayer = ChangeOpacity(overLayer, transparency);
return LayerImage(baseLayer, overLayer, x, y);
public static Bitmap LayerImage(Image baseLayer, Image overLayer, int x, int y)
Bitmap img = new(baseLayer);
using Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(img);
gr.DrawImage(overLayer, x, y, overLayer.Width, overLayer.Height);
return img;
public static Bitmap ChangeOpacity(Image img, double trans)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
SetAllTransparencyTo(data, trans);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap ChangeAllColorTo(Image img, Color c)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
ChangeAllColorTo(data, c);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap ChangeTransparentTo(Image img, Color c, byte trans, int start = 0)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
SetAllTransparencyTo(data, c, trans, start);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap WritePixels(Image img, Color c, int start, int end)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
ChangeAllTo(data, c, start, end);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap ToGrayscale(Image img)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
private static void GetBitmapData(Bitmap bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data)
bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
ptr = bmpData.Scan0;
data = new byte[bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 4];
public static Bitmap GetBitmap(byte[] data, int width, int height, PixelFormat format = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, format);
var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, format);
var ptr = bmpData.Scan0;
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static byte[] GetPixelData(Bitmap bitmap)
var argbData = new byte[bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4];
var bd = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
Marshal.Copy(bd.Scan0, argbData, 0, bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4);
return argbData;
public static void SetAllUsedPixelsOpaque(byte[] data)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
overLayer = ChangeOpacity(overLayer, transparency);
return LayerImage(baseLayer, overLayer, x, y);
if (data[i + 3] != 0)
data[i + 3] = 0xFF;
public static void RemovePixels(byte[] pixels, byte[] original)
for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i += 4)
if (original[i + 3] == 0)
pixels[i + 0] = 0;
pixels[i + 1] = 0;
pixels[i + 2] = 0;
pixels[i + 3] = 0;
private static void SetAllTransparencyTo(byte[] data, double trans)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
data[i + 3] = (byte)(data[i + 3] * trans);
public static void SetAllTransparencyTo(byte[] data, Color c, byte trans, int start)
byte R = c.R;
byte G = c.G;
byte B = c.B;
for (int i = start; i < data.Length; i += 4)
if (data[i + 3] != 0)
data[i + 0] = B;
data[i + 1] = G;
data[i + 2] = R;
data[i + 3] = trans;
public static void ChangeAllTo(byte[] data, Color c, int start, int end)
byte R = c.R;
byte G = c.G;
byte B = c.B;
byte A = c.A;
for (int i = start; i < end; i += 4)
data[i + 3] = A;
data[i + 2] = R;
data[i + 1] = G;
data[i + 0] = B;
public static void ChangeAllColorTo(byte[] data, Color c)
byte R = c.R;
byte G = c.G;
byte B = c.B;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
if (data[i + 3] == 0)
data[i + 0] = B;
data[i + 1] = G;
data[i + 2] = R;
private static void SetAllColorToGrayScale(byte[] data)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
if (data[i + 3] == 0)
byte greyS = (byte)(((0.3 * data[i + 2]) + (0.59 * data[i + 1]) + (0.11 * data[i + 0])) / 3);
data[i + 0] = greyS;
data[i + 1] = greyS;
data[i + 2] = greyS;
public static void GlowEdges(byte[] data, byte blue, byte green, byte red, int width, int reach = 3, double amount = 0.0777)
PollutePixels(data, width, reach, amount);
CleanPollutedPixels(data, blue, green, red);
private static void PollutePixels(byte[] data, int width, int reach, double amount)
int stride = width * 4;
int height = data.Length / stride;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
// only pollute outwards if the current pixel isn't transparent
if (data[i + 3] == 0)
int x = (i % stride) / 4;
int y = (i / stride);
Pollute(x, y);
public static Bitmap LayerImage(Image baseLayer, Image overLayer, int x, int y)
void Pollute(int x, int y)
Bitmap img = new(baseLayer);
using Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(img);
gr.DrawImage(overLayer, x, y, overLayer.Width, overLayer.Height);
return img;
public static Bitmap ChangeOpacity(Image img, double trans)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
SetAllTransparencyTo(data, trans);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap ChangeAllColorTo(Image img, Color c)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
ChangeAllColorTo(data, c);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap ChangeTransparentTo(Image img, Color c, byte trans, int start = 0)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
SetAllTransparencyTo(data, c, trans, start);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap WritePixels(Image img, Color c, int start, int end)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
ChangeAllTo(data, c, start, end);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static Bitmap ToGrayscale(Image img)
var bmp = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
GetBitmapData(bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
private static void GetBitmapData(Bitmap bmp, out BitmapData bmpData, out IntPtr ptr, out byte[] data)
bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
ptr = bmpData.Scan0;
data = new byte[bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 4];
public static Bitmap GetBitmap(byte[] data, int width, int height, PixelFormat format = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, format);
var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, format);
var ptr = bmpData.Scan0;
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
return bmp;
public static byte[] GetPixelData(Bitmap bitmap)
var argbData = new byte[bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4];
var bd = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
Marshal.Copy(bd.Scan0, argbData, 0, bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4);
return argbData;
public static void SetAllUsedPixelsOpaque(byte[] data)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
int left = Math.Max(0, x - reach);
int right = Math.Min(width - 1, x + reach);
int top = Math.Max(0, y - reach);
int bottom = Math.Min(height - 1, y + reach);
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++)
if (data[i + 3] != 0)
data[i + 3] = 0xFF;
public static void RemovePixels(byte[] pixels, byte[] original)
for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i += 4)
if (original[i + 3] == 0)
pixels[i + 0] = 0;
pixels[i + 1] = 0;
pixels[i + 2] = 0;
pixels[i + 3] = 0;
private static void SetAllTransparencyTo(byte[] data, double trans)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
data[i + 3] = (byte)(data[i + 3] * trans);
public static void SetAllTransparencyTo(byte[] data, Color c, byte trans, int start)
byte R = c.R;
byte G = c.G;
byte B = c.B;
for (int i = start; i < data.Length; i += 4)
if (data[i + 3] != 0)
data[i + 0] = B;
data[i + 1] = G;
data[i + 2] = R;
data[i + 3] = trans;
public static void ChangeAllTo(byte[] data, Color c, int start, int end)
byte R = c.R;
byte G = c.G;
byte B = c.B;
byte A = c.A;
for (int i = start; i < end; i += 4)
data[i + 3] = A;
data[i + 2] = R;
data[i + 1] = G;
data[i + 0] = B;
public static void ChangeAllColorTo(byte[] data, Color c)
byte R = c.R;
byte G = c.G;
byte B = c.B;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
if (data[i + 3] == 0)
data[i + 0] = B;
data[i + 1] = G;
data[i + 2] = R;
private static void SetAllColorToGrayScale(byte[] data)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
if (data[i + 3] == 0)
byte greyS = (byte)(((0.3 * data[i + 2]) + (0.59 * data[i + 1]) + (0.11 * data[i + 0])) / 3);
data[i + 0] = greyS;
data[i + 1] = greyS;
data[i + 2] = greyS;
public static void GlowEdges(byte[] data, byte blue, byte green, byte red, int width, int reach = 3, double amount = 0.0777)
PollutePixels(data, width, reach, amount);
CleanPollutedPixels(data, blue, green, red);
private static void PollutePixels(byte[] data, int width, int reach, double amount)
int stride = width * 4;
int height = data.Length / stride;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
// only pollute outwards if the current pixel isn't transparent
if (data[i + 3] == 0)
int x = (i % stride) / 4;
int y = (i / stride);
Pollute(x, y);
void Pollute(int x, int y)
int left = Math.Max(0, x - reach);
int right = Math.Min(width - 1, x + reach);
int top = Math.Max(0, y - reach);
int bottom = Math.Min(height - 1, y + reach);
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++)
for (int j = top; j <= bottom; j++)
for (int j = top; j <= bottom; j++)
// update one of the color bits
// it is expected that a transparent pixel RGBA value is 0.
var c = 4 * (i + (j * width));
data[c + 0] += (byte)(amount * (0xFF - data[c + 0]));
// update one of the color bits
// it is expected that a transparent pixel RGBA value is 0.
var c = 4 * (i + (j * width));
data[c + 0] += (byte)(amount * (0xFF - data[c + 0]));
private static void CleanPollutedPixels(byte[] data, byte blue, byte green, byte red)
private static void CleanPollutedPixels(byte[] data, byte blue, byte green, byte red)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4)
// only clean if the current pixel isn't transparent
if (data[i + 3] != 0)
// only clean if the current pixel isn't transparent
if (data[i + 3] != 0)
// grab the transparency from the donor byte
var transparency = data[i + 0];
if (transparency == 0)
// grab the transparency from the donor byte
var transparency = data[i + 0];
if (transparency == 0)
data[i + 0] = blue;
data[i + 1] = green;
data[i + 2] = red;
data[i + 3] = transparency;
public static Color ColorBaseStat(int v)
const float maxval = 180; // shift the green cap down
float x = 100f * v / maxval;
if (x > 100)
x = 100;
double red = 255f * (x > 50 ? 1 - (2 * (x - 50) / 100.0) : 1.0);
double green = 255f * (x > 50 ? 1.0 : 2 * x / 100.0);
return Blend(Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, 0), Color.White, 0.4);
public static Color ColorBaseStatTotal(int tot) => ColorBaseStat((int) (Math.Max(0, tot - 175) / 3f));
public static Color Blend(Color color, Color backColor, double amount)
byte r = (byte)((color.R * amount) + (backColor.R * (1 - amount)));
byte g = (byte)((color.G * amount) + (backColor.G * (1 - amount)));
byte b = (byte)((color.B * amount) + (backColor.B * (1 - amount)));
return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
data[i + 0] = blue;
data[i + 1] = green;
data[i + 2] = red;
data[i + 3] = transparency;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@ -368,11 +368,11 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls
for (int i = 0; i < stats.Count; i++)
MT_Base[i].Text = stats[i].ToString("000");
MT_Base[i].BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(stats[i]);
MT_Base[i].BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(stats[i]);
var bst = pi.Stats.Sum();
TB_BST.Text = bst.ToString("000");
TB_BST.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStatTotal(bst);
TB_BST.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStatTotal(bst);
public void UpdateRandomIVs(object sender, EventArgs e)
@ -114,6 +114,6 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls
return cache[frameIndex] = frame;
private Color GetFrameColor(double elapsedFraction) => ImageUtil.Blend(GlowToColor, GlowFromColor, elapsedFraction);
private Color GetFrameColor(double elapsedFraction) => ColorUtil.Blend(GlowToColor, GlowFromColor, elapsedFraction);
@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ namespace PKHeX.WinForms
row.Cells[r++].Value = SpriteUtil.GetSprite(s, f, 0, 0, 0, false, false, SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r++].Value = species[index];
row.Cells[r++].Value = GetIsNative(p, s);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStatTotal(p.BST);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStatTotal(p.BST);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.BST.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.CatchRate.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r++].Value = TypeSpriteUtil.GetTypeSprite(p.Type1, SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.Type1 == p.Type2 ? SpriteUtil.Spriter.Transparent : TypeSpriteUtil.GetTypeSprite(p.Type2, SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.HP);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.HP);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.HP.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.ATK);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.ATK);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.ATK.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.DEF);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.DEF);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.DEF.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPA);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPA);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPA.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPD);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPD);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPD.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPE);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ColorUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPE);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPE.ToString("000");
var abils = p.Abilities;
row.Cells[r++].Value = GetAbility(abils, 0);
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