CTF-Writeups/BsidesBOS CTF 2020/Warmup/EzBakeOven/ReadMe.md
2020-09-27 22:12:41 +05:00

832 B

BsidesCTF-EZ Bake Oven

This challenge was part of Warmup and it was difficult . I send like an hour to figure out what to do with it. Anyways

Now we see Magic Cookies is fishy here

But as you can see it's gonna take forever to timeout. So I looked at the dev tools

Thought about modifying the cookie , You can see that it is base64 encoded text by looking at= on the end.

Modify the cookie by changing a date way back so timer ends.

Take the modified cookie's base64 encoded text and replace it with the cookie in the dev tools then refresh the page