CTF-Writeups/Winja CTF 2022/AD Category.md
2022-09-09 17:47:43 +05:00

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This challenge is related to Active Directory in which we are given these files, admins.txt , hosts and nmap.txt

admins.txt contains a list of usernames

nmap.txt contains result of nmap of the domain controller

and hosts contains the IP and domain name of the target

Now to start solving this, we have a list of usernames of the domain, need to verfiy which users are valid on the domain for that we can use kerbrute

We can try performing AS-REP roasting using `GetNPUsers` from `impacket` in which the user `shreya` doesn't have pre-authentication set so without providing a valid password for the user we can request for his TGT
GetNPUsers.py vindicators.space/ -usersfile ./admins.txt -request

To crack this we can use hashcat with mode `18200

hashcat -a 0 -m 18200 ./hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force 

This will crack the hash with password $anturce77RioGr@ndePR

Now having the credentials we can login through WinRM which is running on port 5985 using `evil-winrm`
evil-winrm -i -u 'shreya' -p ''

After logging in we can get the flag for this challenge


This challenge is continuation from the first one, we have a valid set of credential, we can try using kerberoasting, if there's a SPN tied to an account we can request for TGS and later crack it

GetUserSPNs.py vindicators.space/shreya -request

Runing hashcat to crack this hash

Now logging with mirage user

evil-winrm -i -u 'mirage' -p '!@#New_Life87!@#'

DAB-389 b

This challenge is the last part of AD category where we need to find the third flag through the user mirage

From the description the number 389 is referrenced as LDAP which is the port number for that service, we need to enumerate LDAP, there's a tool called ldapdomaindump

ldapdomaindump -u 'mirage' -p '!@#New_Life87!@#' ldap://
This will generate some html files for users, groups and computers in the domain, going through the `domain_users.html` file we'll get the first part of the flag

The second part will be found from domain_computers.html

And the third one from domain_groups.html

We can get the flag through grep as well by using regular expression

Which makes the final flag


There were good challenges and a lot of categories including web3, cloud and source code review which I haven't done before, due to me doing "real world assesments" I wasn't able to touch the rest of the challenges
