2021-09-05 02:18:30 +05:00

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We are given an zip archive with the description

During an assessment of a unix system the HTB team found a suspicious directory. They looked at everything within but couldn't find any files with malicious inten

The zip archive can be extracted using the password hackthebox

Here we can see a lot folders and some of these folders contain an empty file and some don't , we can use find command to see which folders contains file

If we try to use cat command on these files we will get nothing

As every file is emtpy

I started to note the file names in every directory and though if it's something to do with convert from hexdump format

1 23 9 3 7 32 4 12 10 33 25 31 11 30 22 34 36 14 24 2 19 27 26 8 20 28 21 29 17 16 13 6 15 18 35 5

But it failed also the order wasn't correct so I used tree command to try it again

Now I got the different order so I note the files again in the order but it didn't worked either

6 22 30 34 16 36 23 4 13 26 5 14 19 2 27 10 12 8 11 25 31 33 32 3 7 24 1 20 28 9 35 15 17 21 29 18

I then noted down the order of folder names from the file name it had like S folder contains file 1 so it should come first in order , I did this with the rest of folder names


This is the string that we have now , on trying to decode with other format I got base64 to be working with this correctly

Still the flag was wrong because Ç which should be _
