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Portswigger File Upload - Lab 2
Web shell upload via Content-Type restriction bypass
We have user name and password through which we can login
This user has option to update his email and to upload avatar , so let's try to upload a php file which will read the contents of /home/carlos/secret
So our php file will look like this
<?php echo file_get_contents('/home/carlos/secret'); ?>
But on uploading this , it will show an error that only jpeg and png file are allowed
Using burp suite
we can capture the request while uploading the file and sent it to repeater
to make changes in Contet-Type
header by setting it to image/jpeg
Now by going to any post and looking at the source to see from where our avatar is being loaded we can follow that to execute the php file we uploaded
And this will execute the php code to read contents from secret
file , submit this and you'll complete this lab