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Android Pentesting-Bypassing Root Detection
For the deomonstartion of bypassing root detection I will be using a vulnerable apk known as insecurebankv2
which is quite showcased in talks and presentations
This is a vulnerable bank application that I found from github (https://github.com/dineshshetty/Android-InsecureBankv2) which has a lot vulnerabilities that you can practice on
Download both the apk and AndroLabServer.zip
I'll be using linux as for testing this application , and I have already installed tools like drozer
, MobSF
, objection
and frida
to analyze the application, to install this app we can use the command adb install InsecureBankv2.apk
And going back to the device we can see that application is installed
Setting up the backend server
It was mentioned on github that in order for this app to work properly we need to run the androlab server , so we need to install the dependencies that the python script needs
I tried installing through but for some reason it didn't worked , so I just manually installed modules when it prompted errors
python pip flask sqlalchemy simplejson web.py
And then run the python file with python app.py
Viewing the application
So now that application's backend server is running let's explore the application
The first screen or the activity for this application is the login screen , so at the start it doesn't matter what we put because the application will ask for us to setup the IP address where the server is running
Change the IP address according to the interface you have for internet connection , in my case I have wifi interface
Credentials are already given for this application on the github page so let's use either one of the user
Now to note that that after getting passed the login activity we'll another activity which will show 3 options , to transfer , view statement or change password also below it will show a text telling that our device rooted
Which is where Root Detection bypass
comes in , a lot of banking applications will try to detect if the device is rooted or not if it is then then application will not run so there are many methods avaiable to bypass root detection
Root Detection bypass
To bypass root detection I will be first showing to bypass it through frida
script although we can try to use modules from EdXposed/Xposed or Magisk (which might not work ) also by decompiling the apk and modifiying the code , building the apk again and then signing the apk with a certificate
Using Frida
Having frida already installed if it's not you can install it with pip3 install frida
, also pip3 intall frida-tools
, if you have MobSF
installed then frida might be already installed
To start frida , transfer the frida android server binary on to the device through adb push
, giving it executable permissions launch it then on the host machine run frida-ps -U
To inject script we either need to know the package name of the apk or the process ID
Using a universal bypass script for root detection we can try to see if we get lucky and save time by not reversing the apk file
This is a universal script for bypassing root detecting it contains all possible checks that are used in applications to detect root
Run the script against the app package name , and after running the command the application will start again with the script loaded and you'll see that it will bypass the check for rooted device
frida -U -f com.android.insecurebankv2 --codeshare dzonerzy/fridantiroot --no-pause
Using Objection
Now I'll try to bypass root detection through objection which is a part of frida and is also to run scripts during runtime
Using the command
objection -g com.android.insecurebankv2 explore
This will lauch the application again , then type android root disable
this will try to disable root detection which most likely would fail , it would show that file existence for Superuser.apk
is being marked as false but it didn't worked
So we have to explicitly make it the function which is checking for superuser.apk and make it return false and in order to do that we need to know name of the screen/activity and the method which is being called
It's pretty clear that a function is called after login so it will be listed in com.android.insecurebankv2.PostLogin
These are two functions , the first one will check for su
binary and second will check the superuser apk , both these functions will be returning a boolean value and as the status is "Device is rooted" it's returning true
, so to make doesSUexist
return flase
we need to run this command
android hooking set return_value com.android.insecurebankv2.PostLogin.doesSUexist false
Using EdXposed RootCloak
I have already shown the way to install EdXposed on the device however it's for version only from 8.0+ and EdXposed has a module called RootCloak
Install module enable it on which the device will ask to reboot enable this module
After rebooting , launch the applicaion and add it in the list
And rootcloak also bypasses root detection
Using EdXposed Unrootbeer
Unrootbeer is an EdXposed module which is specially built for bypassing root detection on applications that are using RootBeer library for detecting root and in this case it will probably fail as this applicaiton isn't using any library to detect root
Manually bypassing root detection
For static analysis I like to use MobSF
which utilizes jadex
to decomple apk which can also make a report of things it has find also we can analyze the source code
Here we need to provide the apk file and it will start analyzing it
Looking into the source code , we can search of strings in files so searching for the string superuser
we can see there's only file that contains it which is PostLogin.java
If we look into our device su
and superuser apk does exists
So to manually patch the apk , we need to decompile apk using apktool
, modify the strings in smali file , recompile with apktool and sign the apk
apktool d -r InsecureBankv2.apk
Where d
is used for decompiling and r
for not decoding resources file
I ran grep
to find the location of PostLogin
Encountering strings "su" , "Superuser" or anyother binary , append "info" or anything to the binary name
After editing the strings ,verify there aren't any more strings
Now to recompile into apk
The recompiled apk will be built in ./dist folder
But before installing this , we need to sing the apk
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore InsecureBankv2.apk alias_name
Install the applicaiton and set the server IP again , and after logging in you will see that text says device is not rooted
So these are some ways to bypass root detection however this was really simple as it was only looking for su binary and superuser application , it could also become more complex if the source code is obfuscated and they are using libraries like RootBeer
which can also be bypassed using the same approach. In the next post I'll try to cover some methods of SSL pinning in this application.
- https://github.com/dineshshetty/Android-InsecureBankv2/releases/tag/2.3.1
- https://www.hebunilhanli.com/wonderland/mobile-security/root-detection-bypass/
- https://codeshare.frida.re/@dzonerzy/fridantiroot/
- https://github.com/jakev/unrootbeer
- https://book.hacktricks.xyz/mobile-apps-pentesting/android-app-pentesting/frida-tutorial/objection-tutorial
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10930331/how-to-sign-an-already-compiled-apk