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I used SSH to log on the domain controller
We can see that we are a normal domain user on this machine so we need to escalate our privileges and the only way to enumerate AD is to use bloodhound so by using the same loot we got from WS-01 we are going to utilize it
Using the query Find Principals with DCSync Rights
Going into to the documents of jeffersd we find a notice
Here there's a backup account password and we already found that backup
has DCsync rights
DCSync is a late-stage kill chain attack that allows an attacker to simulate the behavior of Domain Controller(DC) in order to retrieve password data via domain replication
By running secretsdump.py we dumped hashes from NTDS.dit
Now we have a bunch of user hashes but the problem how we can we know which user to target as we need to escalate our privileges so running a command net localgroup
to see available groups on AD
We can see there's a group Administrators
So we need to crack MercerH
's hash
To crack the hash we will be using a rules in hashcat
Simply ssh with the current logged in user
ssh MercerH@localhost
And you can see we are now a privleged user
Going back to bloodhound we can see that THROWBACK.LOCAL domain is trusted by CORPORATE.LOCAL