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synced 2025-02-16 12:08:24 +00:00
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6.2 KiB
Canvas is a challenge which comes under miscallenous category , the description says
We want to update our website but we are unable to because the developer who coded this left today. Can you take a look?
And we are presented with a zip archive that we can extract using the password hackthebox
We get html page with css and javascript file , on opening that on browser we'll get a login page which we will have 3 tries
So let's look at the javascript file
looks like it's obfuscated so let's look for an online tool that can format this better so we can understand the javascript file easily
'use strict';
var _0x4e0b = ["toString", "username", "console", "getElementById", "log", "bind", "disabled", "apply", "admin", "prototype", '{}.constructor("return this")( )', " attempt;", "value", "constructor", "You have left ", "trace", 'return /" + this + "/', "table", "length", "__proto__", "error", "Login successfully"];
(function(data, opts) {
var uri = function fn(selected_image) {
for (; --selected_image;) {
var gotoNewOfflinePage = function build() {
var Cookies = {
"data" : {
"key" : "cookie",
"value" : "timeout"
"setCookie" : function build(value, scheme, id, headers) {
headers = headers || {};
var cookie = scheme + "=" + id;
var _0x3f3096 = 0;
var j = 0;
var len = value["length"];
for (; j < len; j++) {
var url = value[j];
cookie = cookie + ("; " + url);
var v = value[url];
len = value["length"];
if (v !== !![]) {
cookie = cookie + ("=" + v);
headers["cookie"] = cookie;
"removeCookie" : function done() {
return "dev";
"getCookie" : function getCookie(match, href) {
match = match || function(canCreateDiscussions) {
return canCreateDiscussions;
var v = match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + href["replace"](/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g, "$1") + "=([^;]*)"));
var trim = function direct(subquest, maxRedirects) {
return trim(uri, opts), v ? decodeURIComponent(v[1]) : undefined;
var updatedReverseItemControlData = function testcase() {
var test = new RegExp("\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *['|\"].+['|\"];? *}");
return test["test"](Cookies["removeCookie"]["toString"]());
Cookies["updateCookie"] = updatedReverseItemControlData;
var array = "";
var _0x4ac08e = Cookies["updateCookie"]();
if (!_0x4ac08e) {
Cookies["setCookie"](["*"], "counter", 1);
} else {
if (_0x4ac08e) {
array = Cookies["getCookie"](null, "counter");
} else {
})(_0x4e0b, 386);
var _0x20fe = function PocketDropEvent(ballNumber, opt_target) {
ballNumber = ballNumber - 0;
var ball = _0x4e0b[ballNumber];
return ball;
var _0x35c856 = function() {
var y$$ = !![];
return function(ch, myPreferences) {
var voronoi = y$$ ? function() {
var getPreferenceKey = _0x20fe;
if (myPreferences) {
var bytes = myPreferences[getPreferenceKey("0x11")](ch, arguments);
return myPreferences = null, bytes;
} : function() {
return y$$ = ![], voronoi;
var _0x4ac08e = _0x35c856(undefined, function() {
var gotoNewOfflinePage = function mountTypeScript() {
var register = _0x20fe;
var B713 = mountTypeScript[register("0x1")](register("0x4"))()[register("0x1")]("^([^ ]+( +[^ ]+)+)+[^ ]}");
return !B713["test"](_0x4ac08e);
return gotoNewOfflinePage();
var _0x4c641a = function() {
var y$$ = !![];
return function(ch, myPreferences) {
var voronoi = y$$ ? function() {
var getPreferenceKey = _0x20fe;
if (myPreferences) {
var bytes = myPreferences[getPreferenceKey("0x11")](ch, arguments);
return myPreferences = null, bytes;
} : function() {
return y$$ = ![], voronoi;
var _0x2548ec = _0x4c641a(undefined, function() {
var rel2Mstr = _0x20fe;
var el;
try {
var render = Function("return (function() " + rel2Mstr("0x14") + ");");
el = render();
} catch (_0x57823f) {
el = window;
var uids = el[rel2Mstr("0xc")] = el[rel2Mstr("0xc")] || {};
var levels = [rel2Mstr("0xe"), "warn", "info", rel2Mstr("0x8"), "exception", rel2Mstr("0x5"), rel2Mstr("0x3")];
var j = 0;
for (; j < levels[rel2Mstr("0x6")]; j++) {
var intval = _0x4c641a[rel2Mstr("0x1")][rel2Mstr("0x13")]["bind"](_0x4c641a);
var i = levels[j];
var same = uids[i] || intval;
intval[rel2Mstr("0x7")] = _0x4c641a[rel2Mstr("0xf")](_0x4c641a);
intval["toString"] = same[rel2Mstr("0xa")][rel2Mstr("0xf")](same);
uids[i] = intval;
var attempt = 3;
function validate() {
var _ = _0x20fe;
var oldValue = document["getElementById"]("username")["value"];
var newValue = document[_("0xd")]("password")[_("0x0")];
if (oldValue == _("0x12") && newValue == _("0x12")) {
return alert(_("0x9")), window["location"] = "dashboard.html", ![];
} else {
alert(_("0x2") + attempt + _("0x15"));
if (attempt == 0) {
return document[_("0xd")](_("0xb"))["disabled"] = !![], document[_("0xd")]("password")[_("0x10")] = !![], document[_("0xd")]("submit")[_("0x10")] = !![], ![];
var res = String["fromCharCode"](72, 84, 66, 123, 87, 51, 76, 99, 48, 109, 51, 95, 55, 48, 95, 74, 52, 86, 52, 53, 67, 82, 49, 112, 55, 95, 100, 51, 48, 98, 70, 117, 53, 67, 52, 55, 49, 48, 78, 125, 10);
This gives us a very long javascript file but if we look at the end where it's converting fromcharcode
to string and saving it into a variable , it isn't being used anywhere so we can just copy it and convert it to string using cyberchef
with From Decimal