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Manual Build and Install

  • Install the virtual audio device Background Music Device.driver to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL.

    sudo xcodebuild -project BGMDriver/BGMDriver.xcodeproj \
                    -target "PublicUtility" \
                    RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER=0 \
                    clean build
    sudo xcodebuild -project BGMDriver/BGMDriver.xcodeproj \
                    -target "Background Music Device" \
                    RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER=0 \
                    DSTROOT="/" \
                    clean install
  • Install the XPC helper.

    sudo xcodebuild -project BGMApp/BGMApp.xcodeproj \
                    -target BGMXPCHelper \
                    RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER=0 \
                    DSTROOT="/" \
                    INSTALL_PATH="$(BGMApp/BGMXPCHelper/" \
                    clean install
  • Install Background to /Applications (or wherever).

    sudo xcodebuild -project BGMApp/BGMApp.xcodeproj \
                    -target "Background Music" \
                    RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER=0 \
                    DSTROOT="/" \
                    clean install
  • Restart coreaudiod:
    (Audio will stop working until the next step, so you might want to pause any running audio apps.)

    sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/

    or, if that fails

    sudo killall coreaudiod
  • Run Background