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# ArchiveBox UI
## Page: Getting Started
### What do you want to capture?
- Save some URLs now -> [Add page]
- Paste some URLs to archive now
- Upload a file containing URLs (bookmarks.html export, RSS.xml feed, markdown file, word doc, PDF, etc.)
- Pull in URLs to archive from a remote location (e.g. RSS feed URL, remote TXT file, JSON file, etc.)
- Import URLs from a browser -> [Import page]
- Desktop: Get the ArchiveBox Chrome/Firefox extension
- Mobile: Get the ArchiveBox iOS App / Android App
- Upload a bookmarks.html export file
- Upload a browser_history.sqlite3 export file
- Import URLs from a 3rd party bookmarking service -> [Sync page]
- Pocket
- Pinboard
- Instapaper
- Wallabag
- Zapier, N8N, IFTTT, etc.
- Upload a bookmarks.html export, bookmarks.json, RSS, etc. file
- Archive URLs on a schedule -> [Schedule page]
- Archive an entire website -> [Crawl page]
- What starting URL/domain?
- How deep?
- Follow links to external domains?
- Follow links to parent URLs?
- Maximum number of pages to save?
- Maximum number of requests/minute?
- Crawl for URLs with a search engine and save automatically
- Some URLs on a schedule
- Save an entire website (e.g. `https://example.com`)
- Save results matching a search query (e.g. "site:example.com")
- Save a social media feed (e.g. `https://x.com/user/1234567890`)
### Crawls App
- Archive an entire website -> [Crawl page]
- What are the seed URLs?
- How many hops to follow?
- Follow links to external domains?
- Follow links to parent URLs?
- Maximum number of pages to save?
- Maximum number of requests/minute?
### Scheduler App
- Archive URLs on a schedule -> [Schedule page]
- What URL(s)?
- How often?
- Do you want to discard old snapshots after x amount of time?
- Any filter rules?
- Want to be notified when changes are detected -> redirect[Alerts app/create new alert(crawl=self)]
* Choose Schedule check for new URLs: Schedule.objects.get(pk=xyz)
- 1 minute
- 5 minutes
- 1 hour
- 1 day
* Choose Destination Crawl to archive URLs using : Crawl.objects.get(pk=xyz)
- Tags
- Persona
- Created By ID
- Config
- Filters
- URL patterns to include
- URL patterns to exclude
- ONLY_NEW= Ignore URLs if already saved once / save URL each time it appears / only save is last save > x time ago
### Sources App (For managing sources that ArchiveBox pulls URLs in from)
- Add a new source to pull URLs in from (WIZARD)
- Choose URI:
- [x] Web UI
- [x] CLI
- Local filesystem path (directory to monitor for new files containing URLs)
- Remote URL (RSS/JSON/XML feed)
- Chrome browser profile sync (login using gmail to pull bookmarks/history)
- Pocket, Pinboard, Instapaper, Wallabag, etc.
- Zapier, N8N, IFTTT, etc.
- Local server filesystem path (directory to monitor for new files containing URLs)
- Google drive (directory to monitor for new files containing URLs)
- Remote server FTP/SFTP/SCP path (directory to monitor for new files containing URLs)
- AWS/S3/B2/GCP bucket (directory to monitor for new files containing URLs)
- XBrowserSync (login to pull bookmarks)
- Choose extractor
- auto
- Pocket
- etc.
- Specify extra Config, e.g.
- credentials
- extractor tuning options (e.g. verify_ssl, cookies, etc.)
- Provide credentials for the source
- API Key
- Username / Password
- OAuth
### Alerts App
- Create a new alert, choose condition
- Get notified when a site goes down (<x% success ratio for Snapshots)
- Get notified when a site changes visually more than x% (screenshot diff)
- Get notified when a site's text content changes more than x% (text diff)
- Get notified when a keyword appears
- Get notified when a keyword dissapears
- When an AI prompt returns some result
- Choose alert threshold:
- any condition is met
- all conditions are met
- condition is met for x% of URLs
- condition is met for x% of time
- Choose how to notify: (List[AlertDestination])
- maximum alert frequency
- destination type: email / Slack / Webhook / Google Sheet / logfile
- destination info:
- email address(es)
- Slack channel
- Webhook URL
- Choose scope:
- Choose ArchiveResult scope (extractors): (a query that returns ArchiveResult.objects QuerySet)
- All extractors
- Only screenshots
- Only readability / mercury text
- Only video
- Only html
- Only headers
- Choose Snapshot scope (URL): (a query that returns Snapshot.objects QuerySet)
- All domains
- Specific domain
- All domains in a tag
- All domains in a tag category
- All URLs matching a certain regex pattern
- Choose crawl scope: (a query that returns Crawl.objects QuerySet)
- All crawls
- Specific crawls
- crawls by a certain user
- crawls using a certain persona
class AlertDestination(models.Model):
destination_type: [email, slack, webhook, google_sheet, local logfile, b2/s3/gcp bucket, etc.]
alert_template: JINJA2 json/text template that gets populated with alert contents |