# Shiva Shiva is like Kali Linux, but based on NixOS Currently Work in Progress ## Usage ### NixOS Module Add Shiva to your flake inputs and import the NixOS Module ``` inputs.shiva.url = "git+https://git.cherrykitten.dev/sammy/shiva"; # Or use the GitHub Mirror inputs.shiva-github.url = "github://cherrykitten/shiva"; outputs = inputs @{ shiva, ...}: { nixosConfigurations = { your-host = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ shiva.nixosModules.shiva ./your/host/config ]; }; } } ``` Then enable it in your configuration: ``` shiva.enable = true; # You can optionally enable GUI-based apps shiva.gui-tools = true; # And disable specific package sets you might not want shiva.modules.passwords.enable = false; ``` ### In a VM Run `nixos-rebuild build-vm --flake .#iso-{graphical/minimal}` to build the virtual machine, then `result/bin/run-Shiva-vm` to launch it. ### As a live image Build an ISO image using `nix build .#nixosConfigurations.iso-{graphical/minimal}.config.system.build.isoImage` and use your favorite method for writing it to a USB and booting it.