This repository includes my NixOS and Home-manager configurations. The repo is organized as follows: ``` . ├── flake.lock ├── flake.nix ├── hosts # NixOS-configurations │   ├── bengal # Host-specific │   │   ├── default.nix │   │   └── hardware-configuration.nix │   ├── common # General, imported by all hosts │   │   ├── default.nix │   │   ├── graphical.nix │   │   ├── security.nix │   │   ├── users.nix │   │   ├── virtualization.nix │   │   └── yubikey.nix ├── misc # just some stuff ├── modules # Home-manager and NixOS modules that follow upstream standards, currently empty lol │   ├── home │   └── nixos └── users # Home-Manager configurations ├── common # General, imported by all ├── sammy.nix # User-specific, but not Host-specific └── sammy@chansey.nix User- and Host-specific ```