# name: Disco # author: Fabian Homborg function fish_prompt set -l last_status $status set -l normal (set_color normal) set -l usercolor (set_color $fish_color_user) set -l delim \U25BA # If we don't have unicode use a simpler delimiter string match -qi "*.utf-8" -- $LANG $LC_CTYPE $LC_ALL; or set delim ">" fish_is_root_user; and set delim "#" set -l cwd (set_color $fish_color_cwd) if command -sq cksum # randomized cwd color # We hash the physical PWD and turn that into a color. That means directories (usually) get different colors, # but every directory always gets the same color. It's deterministic. # We use cksum because 1. it's fast, 2. it's in POSIX, so it should be available everywhere. set -l shas (pwd -P | cksum | string split -f1 ' ' | math --base=hex | string sub -s 3 | string pad -c 0 -w 6 | string match -ra ..) set -l col 0x$shas[1..3] # If the (simplified idea of) luminance is below 120 (out of 255), add some more. # (this runs at most twice because we add 60) while test (math 0.2126 x $col[1] + 0.7152 x $col[2] + 0.0722 x $col[3]) -lt 120 set col[1] (math --base=hex "min(255, $col[1] + 60)") set col[2] (math --base=hex "min(255, $col[2] + 60)") set col[3] (math --base=hex "min(255, $col[3] + 60)") end set -l col (string replace 0x '' $col | string pad -c 0 -w 2 | string join "") set cwd (set_color $col) end # Prompt status only if it's not 0 set -l prompt_status test $last_status -ne 0; and set prompt_status (set_color $fish_color_status)"[$last_status]$normal" # Only show host if in SSH or container # Store this in a global variable because it's slow and unchanging if not set -q prompt_host set -g prompt_host "" if set -q SSH_TTY or begin command -sq systemd-detect-virt and systemd-detect-virt -q end set prompt_host $usercolor$USER$normal@(set_color $fish_color_host)$hostname$normal":" end end # Shorten pwd if prompt is too long set -l pwd (prompt_pwd) echo -n -s $prompt_host $cwd $pwd $normal $prompt_status $delim end