const Person = function(firstAndLast) { // Only change code below this line // Complete the method below and implement the others similarly const props = { _firstName: firstAndLast.split(" ").splice(0, 1).join(), _lastName: firstAndLast.replace(/(\w+\s)(\w+$)/, "$2"), _fullName: firstAndLast, }; const getFullName = () => props._fullName; const getFirstName = () => props._firstName; const getLastName = () => props._lastName; const setFullName = (full) => props._fullName = full; const setFirstName = (first) => props._firstName = first; const setLastName = (last) => props._lastName = last; this.getFullName = function() { return getFullName(); }; this.getFirstName = function() { return getFirstName(); } this.getLastName = function() { return getLastName(); } this.setFullName = function(firstAndLast) { setFullName(firstAndLast); setFirstName(firstAndLast.split(" ").splice(0, 1).join()); setLastName(firstAndLast.replace(/(\w+\s)(\w+$)/, "$2")); }; this.setFirstName = function(first){ setFirstName((first)); setFullName(first + " " + getLastName()) }; this.setLastName = function(last){ setLastName(last); setFullName(getFirstName() + " " + last) } }; const bob = new Person('Bob Ross');