module.exports = { abseil: "rappel", accountancy: "accounting", advert: "advertisement", "agony column": "advice column", answerphone: "answering machine", "anti-clockwise": "counterclockwise", "approved school": "juvie", artic: "semi", "athletics meeting": "track meet", aubergine: "eggplant", autocue: "teleprompter", "bank holiday": "public holiday", barmy: "balmy", biccie: "cookie", bicky: "cookie", bikky: "cookie", biro: "ballpoint pen", "bits and bobs": "odds and ends", "black pudding": "blood sausage", bloke: "guy", blower: "telephone", boffin: "an expert", "bog roll": "roll of toilet paper", "bog-standard": "garden-variety", "boiled sweet": "hard candy", "bone-idle": "lazy", brekkie: "breakfast", brekky: "breakfast", breve: "double whole note", brolly: "umbrella", "building society": "savings and loan association", "bum bag": "fanny pack", bunce: "a windfall", "bureau de change": "currency exchange", burgle: "burglarize", "by-election": "special election", cafetière: "French press", cafetiere: "French press", caff: "café", cagoule: "windbreaker", candidature: "candidacy", "candy floss": "cotton candy", "car boot sale": "swap meet", "car boot": "trunk", "car hire": "car rental", "car park": "parking lot", carer: "caregiver", carriageway: "lane", "cash machine": "ATM", cashpoint: "ATM", "central reservation": "median strip", chancer: "opportunist", "chat up": "flirt", "chatted up": "flirted", cheeky: "impertinent", "child-minder": "babysitter", chinwag: "chat", chippy: "fish-and-chip shop", "chip shop": "fish-and-chip shop", chuffed: "pleased", chunder: "vomit", "clapped out": "clapped out", cleg: "horse fly", clingfilm: "plastic wrap", "cling-film": "plastic wrap", "cling film": "plastic wrap", cobblers: "shoe repairers", conservatoire: "conservatory", "cotton bud": "cotton swab", "cotton wool": "cotton ball", counterfoil: "stub", counterpane: "bedspread", courgette: "zucchini", crisps: "potato chips", cuppa: "cup of tea", "current account": "checking account", daft: "silly", dogsbody: "grunt", dosh: "dough", "double first": "undergraduate degree", draper: "dry goods", draughts: "checkers", "drawing pin": "thumbtack", "drink-driving": "drunk driving", "driving licence": "driver's license", "dual carriageway": "divided highway", dustbin: "trash can", dustman: "garbage man", "dustbin man": "garbage man", dustcart: "garbage truck", earthed: "grounded", elastoplast: "bandage", "electric fire": "space heater", "engaged tone": "busy signal", "estate agent": "real estate agent", "estate car": "station wagon", "extension lead": "extension cord", "fancy a": "would you like a", "fairy cake": "cupcake", "fairy lights": "Christmas lights", "fire brigade": "fire department", "flight lieutenant": "captain", flypast: "flyby", footie: "soccer", freephone: "toll-free number", funfair: "carnival", gaol: "jail", gherkin: "pickle", "group captain": "colonel", "guard's van": "caboose", guv: "governor", "heath robinson device": "rube goldberg device", "high street": "main street", "hire purchase": "installment plan", "hold-all": "duffel bag", holidaymaker: "vacationer", hols: "holidays", "hot up": "heating up", "ice lolly": "popsicle", "identity parade": "police lineup", "inverted commas": "quotation marks", invigilator: "proctor", ironmongery: "hardware store", "jacket potato": "baked potato", jemmy: "jimmy", jerrybuilt: "jerry-rigged", "jerry-built": "jerry-rigged", "jumble sale": "rummage sale", "jump leads": "jumper cables", "kirby grip": "bobby pin", "kitchen roll": "paper towels", "knacker's yard": "junkyard", ladybird: "ladybug", launderette: "laundromat", lav: "toilet", learnt: "learned", loo: "bathroom", lorry: "truck", loudhailer: "megaphone", maths: "math", "mole grips": "vise-grips", motorway: "freeway", muppet: "an incompetent or foolish person", nark: "narc", nappy: "daiper", "nosy parker": "nosy", "nosey parker": "nosy", "number plate": "license plate", oap: "senior citizen", "off-licence": "liquor store", offie: "liquor store", "off-the-peg": "off-the-rack", "oughtn't": "shouldn't", overleaf: "reverse", owt: "anything", pants: "underwear", "panda car": "police car", "paper round": "paper route", paracetamol: "Tylenol", pernickety: "persnickety", petrol: "gasoline", petrolhead: "gearhead", "phone box": "payphone", "pillar box": "mailbox", "pillar-box red": "fire engine red", plasterboard: "drywall", plectrum: "guitar pick", "postal order": "money order", "poste restante": "general delivery", postie: "postman", "pound shop": "dollar store", pram: "stroller", perambulator: "stroller", prang: "fender bender", prat: "idiot", "press-up": "push-up", "press-ups": "push-ups", "pritt-stick": "glue stick", "provisional licence": "learner's permit", "provisional driving licence": "learner's permit", pub: "bar", publican: "landlord", "punch-up": "a fistfight", pushchair: "stroller", "quieten down": "quiet down", rashers: "bacon", recce: "recon", "reel of cotton": "spool of thread", sarky: "snarky", sarnie: "sandwich", sarny: "sandwich", sannie: "sandwich", "sat nav": "GPS", "self-raising flour": "self-rising flour", "selling-out shop": "liquor store", sellotape: "Scotch tape", "shan't": "won't", "shopping trolley": "shopping cart", skint: "broke", "skirting board": "baseboard", slaphead: "bald man", "sleeping partner": "silent partner", "sleeping policeman": "speed bump", slippy: "slippery", slowcoach: "slowpoke", "smart dress": "formal attire", snog: "kiss", spawny: "lucky", spiffing: "spiffy", "spot of tea": "cup of tea", squaddie: "grunt", squidgy: "squishy", stockist: "dealer", "sun cream": "sunscreen", "suspender belt": "garter belt", "swimming costume": "swimsuit", ta: "thank you", takeaway: "takeout", tannoy: "public address system", "tea towel": "dish towel", "telephone kiosk": "phone booth", telly: "television", "ticket tout": "scalper", "tipp-ex": "Wite-Out", "tipping down": "raining hard", trainers: "sneakers", "transport cafe": "truckstop", trousers: "pants", truncheon: "nightstick", "turf accountant": "bookie", "turn-indicator": "turn signal", "turn-ups": "cuffs", twee: "cutesy", uni: "college", upmarket: "upscale", veg: "vegetables", "wage packet": "paycheck", "washing-up liquid": "dish soap", wc: "bathroom", windscreen: "windshield", "wing mirrors": "side mirrors", "y-fronts": "briefs", "zebra crossing": "crosswalk", };