Add Arithmetic formatter

This commit is contained in:
CherryKitten 2022-11-25 21:59:31 +01:00
parent 1150f89cb0
commit 8728366e8f
Signed by: sammy
GPG key ID: 0B696A86A853E955
10 changed files with 321 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
language = "python3"
run = "python"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Arithmetic Formatter
This is the boilerplate for the Arithmetic Formatter project. Instructions for building your project can be found at

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import re
def arithmetic_arranger(problems, solve=False):
line1 = ""
line2 = ""
line3 = ""
line4 = ""
if len(problems) > 5:
return "Error: Too many problems."
for problem in problems:
op ='\\s[+-]\\s', problem)
if op is None:
return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
op =
problem = problem.split(op)
a, b = problem[0].strip(), problem[1].strip()
if not a.isdigit() or not b.isdigit(): return "Error: Numbers must only contain digits."
if len(a) > 4 or len(b) > 4: return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."
if len(line1) > 0:
line1 = line1 + 4 * " "
line2 = line2 + 4 * " "
line3 = line3 + 4 * " "
pad = len(a) + 2 if len(a) > len(b) else len(b) + 2
line1 = line1 + a.rjust(pad, " ")
line2 = line2 + op + (pad - 1 - len(b)) * " " + b
line3 = line3 + pad * "-"
if solve is True:
if len(line4) > 0:
line4 = line4 + 4 * " "
if op == "+":
x = int(a) + int(b)
line4 = line4 + str(x).rjust(pad, " ")
x = int(a) - int(b)
line4 = line4 + str(x).rjust(pad, " ")
arranged_problems = line1 + '\n' + line2 + '\n' + line3
if len(line4) > 0: arranged_problems = arranged_problems + '\n' + line4
return arranged_problems

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# This entrypoint file to be used in development. Start by reading
from pytest import main
from arithmetic_arranger import arithmetic_arranger
print(arithmetic_arranger(["32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + 49"], True))
# Run unit tests automatically

View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
name = "atomicwrites"
version = "1.4.1"
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description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
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description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"
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iniconfig = "*"
packaging = "*"
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toml = "*"
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version = "0.10.2"
description = "Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language"
category = "main"
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pyparsing = [
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5026bae9a10eeaefb61dab2f09052b9f4307d44aee4eda64b309723d8d206bbc"},
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.9.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2b020ecf7d21b687f219b71ecad3631f644a47f01403fa1d1036b0c6416d70fb"},
pytest = [
{file = "pytest-6.2.5-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7310f8d27bc79ced999e760ca304d69f6ba6c6649c0b60fb0e04a4a77cacc134"},
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toml = [
{file = "toml-0.10.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:806143ae5bfb6a3c6e736a764057db0e6a0e05e338b5630894a5f779cabb4f9b"},
{file = "toml-0.10.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b3bda1d108d5dd99f4a20d24d9c348e91c4db7ab1b749200bded2f839ccbe68f"},

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name = "fcc-arithmetic-formatter"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
python = "^3.8"
pytest = "^6.2.4"
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{ pkgs }: {
deps = [
env = {
PYTHON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = pkgs.lib.makeLibraryPath [
# Needed for pandas / numpy
# Needed for pygame
# Needed for matplotlib
PYTHONBIN = "${pkgs.python38Full}/bin/python3.8";
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import pytest
from arithmetic_arranger import arithmetic_arranger
test_cases = [
[['3801 - 2', '123 + 49']],
' 3801 123\n'
'- 2 + 49\n'
'------ -----',
'Expected different output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with ["3801 - 2", "123 + 49"]',
[['1 + 2', '1 - 9380']],
' 1 1\n'
'+ 2 - 9380\n'
'--- ------',
'Expected different output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with ["1 + 2", "1 - 9380"]',
[['3 + 855', '3801 - 2', '45 + 43', '123 + 49']],
' 3 3801 45 123\n'
'+ 855 - 2 + 43 + 49\n'
'----- ------ ---- -----',
'Expected different output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with ["3 + 855", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + 49"]',
[['11 + 4', '3801 - 2999', '1 + 2', '123 + 49', '1 - 9380']],
' 11 3801 1 123 1\n'
'+ 4 - 2999 + 2 + 49 - 9380\n'
'---- ------ --- ----- ------',
'Expected different output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with ["11 + 4", "3801 - 2999", "1 + 2", "123 + 49", "1 - 9380"]',
[['44 + 815', '909 - 2', '45 + 43', '123 + 49',
'888 + 40', '653 + 87']],
'Error: Too many problems.',
'Expected calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with more than five problems to return "Error: Too many problems."',
[['3 / 855', '3801 - 2', '45 + 43', '123 + 49']],
"Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.",
'''Expected calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with a problem that uses the "/" operator to return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."''',
[['24 + 85215', '3801 - 2', '45 + 43', '123 + 49']],
'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.',
'Expected calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with a problem that has a number over 4 digits long to return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."',
[['98 + 3g5', '3801 - 2', '45 + 43', '123 + 49']],
'Error: Numbers must only contain digits.',
'Expected calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with a problem that contains a letter character in the number to return "Error: Numbers must only contain digits."',
[['3 + 855', '988 + 40'], True],
' 3 988\n'
'+ 855 + 40\n'
'----- -----\n'
' 858 1028',
'Expected solutions to be correctly displayed in output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with ["3 + 855", "988 + 40"] and a second argument of `True`.',
[['32 - 698', '1 - 3801', '45 + 43', '123 + 49', '988 + 40'], True],
' 32 1 45 123 988\n'
'- 698 - 3801 + 43 + 49 + 40\n'
'----- ------ ---- ----- -----\n'
' -666 -3800 88 172 1028',
'Expected solutions to be correctly displayed in output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with five arithmetic problems and a second argument of `True`.',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arguments,expected_output,fail_message', test_cases)
def test_template(arguments, expected_output, fail_message):
actual = arithmetic_arranger(*arguments)
assert actual == expected_output, fail_message