Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
CherryKitten 2023-10-21 01:48:14 +02:00
commit dff407dd5c
Signed by: sammy
GPG key ID: 0B696A86A853E955
14 changed files with 489 additions and 0 deletions

3 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Ansible Collection - cherrykitten.fediverse
Documentation for the collection.

galaxy.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# The namespace of the collection. This can be a company/brand/organization or product namespace under which all
# content lives. May only contain alphanumeric lowercase characters and underscores. Namespaces cannot start with
# underscores or numbers and cannot contain consecutive underscores
namespace: cherrykitten
# The name of the collection. Has the same character restrictions as 'namespace'
name: fediverse
# The version of the collection. Must be compatible with semantic versioning
version: 1.0.0
# The path to the Markdown (.md) readme file. This path is relative to the root of the collection
# A list of the collection's content authors. Can be just the name or in the format 'Full Name <email> (url)
# @nicks:irc/'
- your name <>
### OPTIONAL but strongly recommended
# A short summary description of the collection
description: your collection description
# Either a single license or a list of licenses for content inside of a collection. Ansible Galaxy currently only
# accepts L(SPDX, licenses. This key is mutually exclusive with 'license_file'
- GPL-2.0-or-later
# The path to the license file for the collection. This path is relative to the root of the collection. This key is
# mutually exclusive with 'license'
license_file: ''
# A list of tags you want to associate with the collection for indexing/searching. A tag name has the same character
# requirements as 'namespace' and 'name'
tags: []
# Collections that this collection requires to be installed for it to be usable. The key of the dict is the
# collection label ''. The value is a version range
# L(specifiers, Multiple version
# range specifiers can be set and are separated by ','
dependencies: {}
# The URL of the originating SCM repository
# The URL to any online docs
# The URL to the homepage of the collection/project
# The URL to the collection issue tracker
# A list of file glob-like patterns used to filter any files or directories that should not be included in the build
# artifact. A pattern is matched from the relative path of the file or directory of the collection directory. This
# uses 'fnmatch' to match the files or directories. Some directories and files like 'galaxy.yml', '*.pyc', '*.retry',
# and '.git' are always filtered. Mutually exclusive with 'manifest'
build_ignore: []
# A dict controlling use of manifest directives used in building the collection artifact. The key 'directives' is a
# list of style
# L(directives, The key
# 'omit_default_directives' is a boolean that controls whether the default directives are used. Mutually exclusive
# with 'build_ignore'
# manifest: null

meta/runtime.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Collections must specify a minimum required ansible version to upload
# to galaxy
# requires_ansible: '>=2.9.10'
# Content that Ansible needs to load from another location or that has
# been deprecated/removed
# plugin_routing:
# action:
# redirected_plugin_name:
# redirect: ns.col.new_location
# deprecated_plugin_name:
# deprecation:
# removal_version: "4.0.0"
# warning_text: |
# See the porting guide on how to update your playbook to
# use ns.col.another_plugin instead.
# removed_plugin_name:
# tombstone:
# removal_version: "2.0.0"
# warning_text: |
# See the porting guide on how to update your playbook to
# use ns.col.another_plugin instead.
# become:
# cache:
# callback:
# cliconf:
# connection:
# doc_fragments:
# filter:
# httpapi:
# inventory:
# lookup:
# module_utils:
# modules:
# netconf:
# shell:
# strategy:
# terminal:
# test:
# vars:
# Python import statements that Ansible needs to load from another location
# import_redirection:
# ansible_collections.ns.col.plugins.module_utils.old_location:
# redirect: ansible_collections.ns.col.plugins.module_utils.new_location
# Groups of actions/modules that take a common set of options
# action_groups:
# group_name:
# - module1
# - module2

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Collections Plugins Directory
This directory can be used to ship various plugins inside an Ansible collection. Each plugin is placed in a folder that
is named after the type of plugin it is in. It can also include the `module_utils` and `modules` directory that
would contain module utils and modules respectively.
Here is an example directory of the majority of plugins currently supported by Ansible:
└── plugins
├── action
├── become
├── cache
├── callback
├── cliconf
├── connection
├── filter
├── httpapi
├── inventory
├── lookup
├── module_utils
├── modules
├── netconf
├── shell
├── strategy
├── terminal
├── test
└── vars
A full list of plugin types can be found at [Working With Plugins](

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Role Name
A brief description of the role goes here.
Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
Role Variables
A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.
A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
Author Information
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# defaults file for gotosocial
gotosocial_user: gotosocial
gotosocial_group: gotosocial
gotosocial_base_dir: /opt/gotosocial
# gotosocial_hostname:
gotosocial_version: "0.12.0-rc2"
gotosocial_release_url: |${{ gotosocial_version }}/gotosocial_${{ gotosocial_version }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
gotosocial_letsencrypt_enabled: false
# gotosocial_letsencrypt_email: # required if letsencrypt is enabled

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# handlers file for gotosocial
- name: Restart gotosocial
name: gotosocial.service
state: restarted

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
author: your name
description: your role description
company: your company (optional)
# If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
# next line and provide a value
# issue_tracker_url:
# Choose a valid license ID from - some suggested licenses:
# - BSD-3-Clause (default)
# - MIT
# - GPL-2.0-or-later
# - GPL-3.0-only
# - Apache-2.0
# - CC-BY-4.0
license: license (GPL-2.0-or-later, MIT, etc)
min_ansible_version: 2.1
# If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
# min_ansible_container_version:
# Provide a list of supported platforms, and for each platform a list of versions.
# If you don't wish to enumerate all versions for a particular platform, use 'all'.
# To view available platforms and versions (or releases), visit:
# platforms:
# - name: Fedora
# versions:
# - all
# - 25
# - name: SomePlatform
# versions:
# - all
# - 1.0
# - 7
# - 99.99
galaxy_tags: []
# List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
# and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
# remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
# NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
# Maximum 20 tags per role.
dependencies: []
# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
# if you add dependencies to this list.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# tasks file for gotosocial
- name: Create gotosocial user
name: "{{ gotosocial_user }}"
group: "{{ gotosocial_group }}"
system: true
state: present
- name: Create gotosocial directories
path: "{{ item }}"
owner: "{{ gotosocial_user }}"
group: "{{ gotosocial_group }}"
mode: "0750"
state: directory
- "{{ gotosocial_base_dir }}"
- "{{ gotosocial_base_dir }}/storage"
- "{{ gotosocial_base_dir }}/storage/certs"
- name: Download gotosocial binary
url: ${{ gotosocial_release_url }}
dest: "{{ gotosocial_base_dir }}/"
owner: "{{ gotosocial_user }}"
group: "{{ gotosocial_group }}"
force: false
mode: "0750"
register: gotosocial_tarball
- name: Unpack gotosocial binary
src: "{{ gotosocial_tarball['dest'] }}"
dest: "{{ gotosocial_base_dir }}/"
remote_src: true
owner: "{{ gotosocial_user }}"
group: "{{ gotosocial_group }}"
mode: "0750"
keep_newer: true
notify: Restart gotosocial
- name: Template gotosocial configuration
src: config.yaml.j2
dest: "{{ gotosocial_base_dir }}/config.yml"
owner: "{{ gotosocial_user }}"
group: "{{ gotosocial_group }}"
mode: "0750"
- name: Template gotosocial systemd service
src: gotosocial.service.j2
dest: /etc/systemd/system/gotosocial.service
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0640"
- name: Enable and start gotosocial systemd service
name: gotosocial.service
state: started
enabled: true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# This file is managed by Ansible #
log-level: "${{ gotosocial_log_level | default('info') }}"
log-db-queries: false
log-client-ip: true
log-timestamp-format: "02/01/2006 15:04:05.000"
application-name: "gotosocial"
landing-page-user: "${{ gotosocial_landing_page_user | default(omit) }}"
host: "${{ gotosocial_hostname }}"
account-domain: "${{ gotosocial_account_domain | default(omit) }}"
protocol: "https"
bind-address: "${{ gotosocial_bind_address | default('') }}"
port: ${{ gotosocial_https_port | default(8080) }}
trusted-proxies: ${{ gotosocial_trusted_proxies | default(['', '::1']) }}
db-type: "sqlite"
db-address: "gotosocial.db"
db-sqlite-journal-mode: "WAL"
db-sqlite-synchronous: "NORMAL"
db-sqlite-cache-size: "8MiB"
db-sqlite-busy-timeout: "30m"
memory-target: "100MiB"
web-asset-base-dir: "./web/assets/"
instance-federation-mode: "blocklist"
instance-expose-peers: false
instance-expose-suspended: false
instance-expose-suspended-web: false
instance-expose-public-timeline: false
instance-deliver-to-shared-inboxes: true
instance-inject-mastodon-version: false
# Config pertaining to creation and maintenance of accounts on the server, as well as defaults for new accounts.
accounts-registration-open: ${{ gotosocial_registration_open | default(false) }}
accounts-approval-required: ${{ gotosocial_account_approvel | default(true) }}
accounts-reason-required: true
accounts-allow-custom-css: false
accounts-custom-css-length: 10000
media-image-max-size: 10485760
media-video-max-size: 41943040
media-description-min-chars: 0
media-description-max-chars: 500
media-remote-cache-days: 7
media-emoji-local-max-size: 51200
media-emoji-remote-max-size: 102400
storage-backend: "local"
storage-local-base-path: "/gotosocial/storage"
storage-s3-endpoint: ""
storage-s3-proxy: false
storage-s3-use-ssl: true
storage-s3-access-key: ""
storage-s3-secret-key: ""
storage-s3-bucket: ""
statuses-max-chars: 5000
statuses-cw-max-chars: 100
statuses-poll-max-options: 6
statuses-poll-option-max-chars: 50
statuses-media-max-files: 6
letsencrypt-enabled: ${{ gotosocial_letsencrypt_enabled }}
letsencrypt-port: ${{ gotosocial_http_port | default(80) }}
letsencrypt-cert-dir: "${{ gotosocial_base_dir }}/storage/certs"
letsencrypt-email-address: "${{ gotosocial_letsencrypt_email }}"
oidc-enabled: false
oidc-idp-name: ""
oidc-skip-verification: false
oidc-issuer: ""
oidc-client-id: ""
oidc-client-secret: ""
- "openid"
- "email"
- "profile"
- "groups"
oidc-link-existing: false
oidc-admin-groups: []
smtp-host: ""
smtp-port: 0
smtp-username: ""
smtp-password: ""
smtp-from: ""
smtp-disclose-recipients: false
syslog-enabled: false
syslog-protocol: "udp"
syslog-address: "localhost:514"
request-id-header: "X-Request-Id"
tracing-enabled: false
tracing-transport: "grpc"
tracing-endpoint: ""
tracing-insecure-transport: false
timeout: "10s"
allow-ips: []
block-ips: []
tls-insecure-skip-verify: false
advanced-cookies-samesite: "lax"
advanced-rate-limit-requests: 300
advanced-rate-limit-exceptions: []
advanced-throttling-multiplier: 8
advanced-throttling-retry-after: "30s"
advanced-sender-multiplier: 2
advanced-csp-extra-uris: []

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# This Unit is managed by Ansible #
Description=GoToSocial Server
User=${{ gotosocial_user }}
Group=${{ gotosocial_group }}
ExecStart=${{ gotosocial_base_path }}/gotosocial --config-path config.yaml server start
WorkingDirectory=${{ gotosocial_base_path }}

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: root
- gotosocial

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# vars file for gotosocial