+++ title = "archie-zola" description = "A zola theme based on Hugo archie." template = "theme.html" date = 2022-06-15T01:35:37-07:00 [extra] created = 2022-06-15T01:35:37-07:00 updated = 2022-06-15T01:35:37-07:00 repository = "https://github.com/XXXMrG/archie-zola.git" homepage = "https://github.com/XXXMrG/archie-zola" minimum_version = "0.14.0" license = "MIT" demo = "https://archie-zola.vercel.app/" [extra.author] name = "Keith" homepage = "https://github.com/XXXMrG" +++ # archie-zola A zola theme forked from [https://github.com/athul/archie](https://github.com/athul/archie) ## Demo The Main branch source code hosted on [https://archie-zola.vercel.app](https://archie-zola.vercel.app) ### ScreenShot ![screenshot-light](https://archie-zola.vercel.app/screenshot/screenshot-light.png) ![screenshot-dark](https://archie-zola.vercel.app/screenshot/screenshot-dark.png) ## Installation First download this theme to your themes directory: ```bash cd themes git clone https://github.com/XXXMrG/archie-zola.git ``` or add as a git submodule: ```bash git submodule add https://github.com/XXXMrG/archie-zola.git themes/archie-zola ``` and then enable it in your config.toml: ```toml theme = "archie-zola" ``` ## Feature * Pagination * Tags * Auto Dark Mode(based on system theme) * Dark/Light Mode toggle * Google Analytics Script in the planning stageļ¼š - [ ] Custom CSS & JS - [ ] Twitter Cards & Youtube video ## Config ### Theme config Cause Zola limited custom config must under the `extra` field, so there are some different with the origin theme: Demo website config.toml: ```toml # control dark mode: auto | dark | toggle mode = "toggle" # subtitle will show under the title in index page subtitle = "A zola theme forked from [archie](https://github.com/athul/archie)" # if set true, will use external CDN resource to load font and js file useCDN = false favicon = "/icon/favicon.png" # show in the footer copyright = "keith" # config your Google Analysis ID ga = "XXXX-XXXXX" # config menu path [[extra.menu]] name = "Home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[extra.menu]] name = "All posts" url = "/posts" weight = 2 [[extra.menu]] name = "About" url = "/about" weight = 3 [[extra.menu]] name = "Tags" url = "/tags" weight = 4 # config social icon info in the footer [[extra.social]] icon = "github" name = "GitHub" url = "https://github.com/XXXMrG/archie-zola" [[extra.social]] icon = "twitter" name = "Twitter" url = "https://github.com/your-name/" [[extra.social]] icon = "gitlab" name = "GitLab" url = "https://gitlab.com/your-name/" ``` ### Content config **In content/posts/_index.md. I use Zola config: transparent = true to implement the pagination** In Zola, you can use config in the _index.md to control pagination and sort post list: ```toml paginate_by = 3 sort_by = "date" ``` ## Extension Follow this [doc](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/themes/extending-a-theme/) to extend theme. ## Contributing Thank you very much for considering contributing to this project! We appreciate any form of contribution: * New issues (feature requests, bug reports, questions, ideas, ...) * Pull requests (documentation improvements, code improvements, new features, ...)