+++ title = "resume" description = "A resume theme" template = "theme.html" date = 2024-04-02T04:09:32+10:00 [extra] created = 2024-04-02T04:09:32+10:00 updated = 2024-04-02T04:09:32+10:00 repository = "https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume.git" homepage = "https://github.com/alongwy/zola-resume" minimum_version = "0.11.0" license = "MIT" demo = "https://resume.alongwy.top" [extra.author] name = "Feng Yunlong" homepage = "https://www.alongwy.top" +++ # Zola Resume [Chinese Version](README.CN.md) Redesigned form [hugo resume](https://github.com/eddiewebb/hugo-resume). ## Features + This is basically a single-page website with auto-scrolling based on left-hand nav. + Dedicated project/publications pages allow more detail. + Includes a client-side search at '/search'. + Includes an `/admin` endpoint that can allow authorized users to use a WYSIWYG editor and commit files back to markdown, but with a Wordpress/CMS like experience. ## Quick Start ```bash git clone git@github.com:alongwy/zola-resume.git cd zola-resume zola serve # open ``` ## Installation Just earlier we showed you how to run the theme directly. Now we start to install the theme in an existing site step by step. ### Step 1: Create a new zola site ```bash zola init mysite ``` ### Step 2: Install zola-resume Download this theme to your themes directory: ```bash cd mysite/themes git clone git@github.com:alongwy/zola-resume.git ``` Or install as a submodule: ```bash cd mysite git init # if your project is a git repository already, ignore this command git submodule add git@github.com:alongwy/zola-resume.git themes/zola-resume ``` ### Step 3: Configuration Enable the theme in your config.toml in the site derectory: ```toml theme = "zola-resume" ``` Or copy the config.toml.example from the theme directory to your project's root directory: ```bash cp themes/zola-resume/config.toml.example config.toml ``` #### For CMS ```bash cp themes/zola-resume/static/admin/config.yml static/admin/config.yml ``` and change those ```yaml # static/admin/config.yml backend: name: github repo: USERNAME/REPO branch: BRANCH cms_label_prefix: netlify-cms/ site_domain: DOMAIN.netlify.com ``` ### Step 4: Add new content You can copy the content from the theme directory to your project: ``` cp -r themes/zola-resume/data . cp -r themes/zola-resume/content . ``` You can modify or add new posts in the content/blog, content/projects or other content directories as needed. ### Step 5: Run the project Just run zola serve in the root path of the project: ``` zola serve ``` This will start the Zola development web server accessible by default at Saved changes will live reload in the browser. ## Examples ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alongwy/zola-resume/master/screenshot.png) See [along's site](https://resume.alongwy.top) for a live example. ## Setup & Use This theme uses a combination of custom sections and some data files to drive content. ### Summary Edit the main `contents/_index.md with a brief bio/summary` ### Data files Data files are used for simple content presented on the homepage. - [data/certifications.json](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/blob/main/data/certifications.json) - [data/social.json](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/blob/main/data/social.json) - [data/skills.json](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/blob/main/data/skills.json) - [data/experience.json](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/blob/main/data/experience.json) - [data/education.json](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/blob/main/data/education.json) ### Projects/Opensource The difference indicates your role as originator or colaborator. ### Publications Similar to projects, create them under `publications`. Include any papers, speaking engagements, articles, etc. ### Blog / Posts Similar to posts, create them under `blog`. Include any thoughts, musiings, etc. **This template does not support a `posts` folder** ### Template params Almost All personal information outside the above details is captured by extra in [`config.toml`](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/blob/main/config.toml), or can be edited in the "Settings" collection if using CMS. ## CMS Editor with Netlify CMS **Does not require deployment to Netlify!** [Netlify CMS](https://www.netlifycms.org/) is an open source project that enables CMS like experience for static site generation tools like Hugo. This theme includes a fully working integration and guide in [static/admin](https://github.com/AlongWY/zola-resume/tree/main/static/admin) ## Credits This project ports the Hugo Resume theme by Feng Yunlong to support zola.